The Shocking TRUTH about Eggs and Heart Disease

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The Shocking TRUTH about Eggs and Heart Disease
In this video, we'll dispel myths, explain science, and reveal the reality regarding eggs and heart disease.
🤔 Doctors and scientists are now contesting the conventional wisdom that saturated fats and dietary cholesterol are the main contributors to heart disease.

As oxidation of cholesterol particles can result in cellular damage, inflammation, and illnesses like atherosclerosis, it is crucial to take into account the quality of cholesterol as well as its amounts.
In overweight patients, eating three eggs a day enhanced cholesterol quality by raising levels of HDL ("good") cholesterol.

👀 Choline, which is essential for the production of cell membranes, the development of the embryonic brain, and the prevention of a number of diseases, is abundant in eggs. Additionally, they have a low glycemic index, which is good for diabetes and heart health, antioxidants that support eye health, and they include.

Compared to eggs from caged chickens, eggs from pasture-raised and free-range hens are richer in omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin D, vitamin E, and other vital minerals.

When preparing eggs, use oil-free cooking techniques like poaching or boiling. Alternately, pick oils that can sustain high heat without degrading or releasing harmful byproducts, such as coconut oil.

Eggs are considered a "complete food" because they provide a wide range of nutrients, including high-quality protein, good fats, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins A, D, E, K, and B, and minerals like iron, zinc, and selenium.
#egss #after50
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I Started Keto at 50yrs Old...I'll be 55.5 in July....Eggs Have played a HUGE role in my Diet...As of today..I eat 10 Eggs a day...and have for over a year.. . Feel Fantastic..


Thanks so much for sharing.
How many egg in a day?


I believe and understand eggs to be good for you not in excess.