3 Reasons Why You're Not Losing FAT!

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Building Your Meal Plan!
Learn how to calculate your daily protein, carb & fat needs to reach your goals

(0:34)- Reason 1- Diet
(0:44)- IIFYM- If It Fits Your Macros
(1:20)- Why IIFYM doesn't always work.
(5:07)- Stop Eating Empty Calorie Foods / Don't Starve Yourself!
(8:47)- Reason 2: Not Doing the Right Type Of Training!
(11:45)- Reason 3: Relying on supplements to do the work for you.


Many are lead to believe that just by eating healthier foods and going to the gym a few times a week, that this is enough to make a change in our lives. Well, they would be right, but if you find yourself making SLOW progress, I have listed a few reasons below that may be slowing you down.


IIFYM –If It Fits Your Macros
There are many diet techniques out there and choosing the right one can be difficult, especially if you are new to fitness. At the end of the day it comes down to ensuring you are eating enough calories, protein, carbs and fat to keep as much muscle as possible while losing weight.

But you need to make sure you are eating the right foods. Just because two foods have the same macronutrient content (protein, carbs, fat) doesn’t mean they are as equally as good for you.

There is a method of eating known as “If It Fits Your Macros” or “IIFYM” which goes along the lines that you can eat whatever you want as long as you are filling your macros for the day. I would urge you to NOT utilize this method for your everyday dieting needs.

For the sake of an easy example, let’s take to different dinner plates and theoretically assume they have the same exact macronutrients. One dinner consists of a lean cut of fish and a sweet potato while the other consists of a greasy hamburger and pop-tarts.

Now, although from the outside looking in these two dinners may have the same exact amounts of protein, carbs, and fat and your body can’t distinguish where the macronutrients are coming from; for example the carbs from a pop-tart compared to the carbs from a sweet potato, the issue lies in “what else” comes with eating these foods.

Meal 1
Greasy Burger:
Unwanted Fat
Not a lean cut of meat
Simple carbs from bun

Artificial flavoring
Food preservatives

Meal 2
Lean Cut Of Fish:
Healthy fat
High protein / low fat
Omega 3 fatty acids

Sweet Potato:

As you can see, when we break down these meals there is a very clear difference in food quality and it is easy to see why choosing the right foods can make a difference.

Why IIFYM didn’t work for me.
Before I started IIFYM I was extremely lean and wanting to put on more muscle. When trying to gain muscle, you need to eat in a calorie surplus. Typically, when trying to gain muscle you need to be eating 250-500 calories over your BMR a day. In about 2 months I went from 172lbs to 182lbs. I was happy to be gaining weight but noticed my abs were definitely not as well defined and I was holding a lot more body fat in and around my lower back. I was eating pretty much anything that filled my macros for the day, went out to eat a lot more, and was eating basically up until I went to bed. I didn’t have a set schedule for when to consume carbs and protein either.

It has been proven that meal timing doesn’t make a difference because you can’t change the thermic effect of food. However, I have learned with my body that if I eat the majority of my food throughout the morning and afternoon, I don’t feel bloated when I go to sleep and I wake up feeling much leaner. Everyone is different and it will be your personal preference when it comes to when you eat your meals.

I decided enough was enough, tossed IIFYM to the curb, and I was going to make LEAN GAINS my way. I began to adjust my meal plan to consist of only healthy / natural food choices such as fruits, vegetables, Greek yogurt, eggs, nuts, and lean cuts of meat. I then filled in the gaps with my BSN supplement stack. I also decide to eat the majority of my food, especially carbs, in the morning to midafternoon and focused on mainly protein for the rest of the day.

Since adjusting my eating I dropped back down to 173lbs. However, my bodyfat % is much lower now.


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Thats why I love Scott, because even though the man has to earn a living and  represents a brand he sticks to the truth and tells you how it is.. 
Thanks Boss your the man.. 

God Bless you and your family. 


he still had a 6 pack when he was too fat lol goddamnit


His before pic is what I want my after pic to look like fml...


Reason # 4: lack of quality sleep. Sleep is essential for fat loss.


Im actually a big fan of HIIT for building muscle and losing fat at the same time as it spikes growth hormone levels way higher than slow steady cardio and also increases your BMR! Great tips Scott, always enjoying your videos!


Been a gym rat for over 30 yrs and, I can't help but be very impressed by young guys like you that have realistic/effective practical know how on obtaining fitness goals! An old dog learning new tricks! TY and keep up the good work!


Love comin back to trhese kinds of vids in ordr to keep myself on track. It also reassures me that Im doing stuff right (or wrong). Haven't done HIIT in a while (been doing steady state for a couple months to try and reach my running goal)


"Your body's number one goal is to not die." ...why I thought this was funny, I don't know. Haha


3 reasons why you're not losing fat... honestly, I'd say the Digiorno pizza ad right before the video may actually be the first reason...


I like his before picture a lot actually.


Thanks so much for this video  Scott...this is definitely something I needed to hear and learn from to reach my goals!


1. You are not at a caloric deficit.
2. You are not at a caloric deficit.
3. You are not at a caloric deficit.


The 3 reasons that are 99% of all cases.

1. You aren't dieting seriously. Too many cheat meals and shortcuts. (Drink only water and drink enough) Also cut the junk food out of your diet for good measure.
2. Not enough exercise or activity, if you do some cardio but go straight from the gym to a desk then you will not maximize your fat loss. Walk around and stay active.
3. Not tracking your calories, just assuming you aren't eating too much is the quickest way to stall your results. Always assume you are eating more than you actually are if you don't know the exact numbers of a meal.

You WILL loose weight if you do the above. I really think about 70% of all failed diets go wrong at the first point i mentioned. If you want serious results you need to take dieting seriously.


"3 reasons why you're not losing FAT!"
Oooh, better find out! *click*
*Instant pizza commercial*


Wow! Thanks Scott!
You've convinced me. Ive heard about counting your macros for years, but always despised the idea. But watching your video, I think that it's now necessary.
I lost weight from 256 to 201, joined the military, got out of bootcamp at about 175, and finally got down to 165 shortly after... which is very close to where I wanted to be since im 5'10". But since then I've only sustained and more recently, I've gain more fat. I haven't really been working out consistently because being in the military, you can't really keep a set schedule. (My shifts and sleep schedule change sporadically .) So I've gotten back up to 180... and I've decided to change. Between you and Whitney Simmons, I am so hype to get started again. Not so hype about counting, lol. But, like I said... it's probably a necessary step now. Thanks again!


Too many people focus on their nutrition more than their training, keep it simple eat healthy meals don't pig out and even more importantly workout HARD all day, every day don't just lift weights do tones of cardio; run, swim, bike, fight. Sleep is important too but many people think just 'cause they feel tired it means they need more sleep WRONG you have to really push yourself and your body will adapt. If you eat a decent amount of calories for your body weight and workout hard enough and sleep just enough then you will be in the best shape of your life. Its all about finding that balance don't get to comfortable and don't get to uncomfortable.


I figured I new about this topic, but you make it pretty clear and simple, this is a good explanation. That photo comparison drives it home what it means to eat clean and how it impacts you. Gratz on your change ! This has inspired me to get real about my food too! Thanks Scott!


Scott is one of the few people who tells you the truth to your face with no bullshit. There is no magic pill to looking good. Good food coupled with hard work and a whole lot of time will get you there.


Great advice. I’ve been doing if it fits your calories. I eat healthy for the most part but find a way to fit in a measured out amount of ice cream if I want it. I lost 13 pounds last month but hit a plateau this past week and didn’t lose anything. Going to add in HIIT cardio 3-4 days a week, continue to workout, stay active and make better choices with food.


Scott, This is by far the most helpful presentation among all the trainers out there. Awesome. Truly awesome.
