3 TINY Habits That CURED My Laziness

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Idk why but it's so nice to hear you talk about these issues you have. I haven't watched your videos for a while, and in my head you were painted in kind of a perfect light. I havent been doing much to do with music either lately, but this just reminded me that we all struggle and we can all get distracted. Thank you so much for this one.


I find it useful to have “procrastination projects”. Productive and fun things to do while you are putting off something else. I usually have multiple levels of them so when I get tired of something, often near the end, I can make progress on something good. I leave the unfinished project in plain sight so I remember to get back to it. It’s been effective, but it also is crucial to not make any single project too large. My attention span is maybe a month, so anything longer than that needs to be divided up


Your message is especially powerful coming from someone who seems to achieve perfection on a regular basis. Along with the perfection you choose to share the imperfections and that makes it so real and infinitely more motivating. The actual methods used are less important than the message that procrastination and loss of focus are universal to the human condition and that even elite performers like yourself struggle. Thank you Nahre Sol.


I love the pie chart one, really helps you visualize how you spend your day in a way that digital calendars don't give me.


If you'd like a Pie Chart that syncs with your calendar on your phone, there is one called Sectograph. It's fantastic!


Thank you for being honest, open and vulnerable. Seeing & hearing an authentic voice is such a refreshing change when compared with all the plasticine smiles that are ubiquitous across social media platforms. Way to go!!!


Thanks for showing your vulnerability. That segment from 5 years ago really gives me hope about my own path. It helps me picture myself successfully overcoming procrastination. The idea that we sometimes procrastinate our own health and the ones we love touches me so much more than the ordinary productivity hacks that flood the internet. And thanks for sharing your tips. I'm so hyped to try them! :D Okay, now it's time to unprocrastinate some beautiful music creation.


Hi Nahre! I find your energy very soothing and motivating😊

The habits you described weren't what I expected at all! But it reminded me of myself and my daughter, we're both ADHD & on the spectrum, my neurodivergent traits are manageable most of the time, I use a virtual calendar for scheduling, and a physical notebook when working on compositions.

I know that coffee, depending on the time of day, helps me gain focus & be more productive - I drink a black coffee at noon after lunch to not fall asleep, and if I need to be extra productive, I drink another black coffee at 4pm, so that in 30 minutes I'm super focused.

I can have moments of total procrastination, especially when a task becomes overwhelming, so I try to section the task into several small parts that are doable. And I also have spurs of hyperactivity, when I do something, then start to wander off and do unrelated things... I either let it go, or actively stop to distract myself, it depends.

My daughter is nearing 5, and she needs a daily planner like you! It's not a circle, but it's a whiteboard with stickers representing tasks of the day. It is the most important tool in her everyday life, it reassures her, and gives her structure on which she can lean on. She also has a colored timer, but is less used.

Anyway, loving your content, always happy to be encouraged by your videos 😊


This is why I always stop what I am doing and watch your videos. I always appreciate you being you -- being real in a way we all relate to. Thank you for the tips. Just ordered the timer!


I’ve been practicing more with a metronome lately and I love the little progresses I’m seeing in my playing/hand coordination


Thanks for this video Nahre!! For me, I think 3 habits that have really helped are journaling, taking cold showers in the morning (and then hot at night, since I still enjoy that), and actually writing a poem everyday. Cold showers just help me because it gives me an extra boost of energy I can’t get otherwise since I don’t drink coffee. Journaling helps me with reflecting on things, especially trauma or unsettling feelings. And then, writing poems every day just helps me be creative in some way, regardless of if I’m too tired to make something. I just do it on my notes app because it’s so simple and easy! The poems aren’t always great either, but that’s not necessarily the goal for me. Hope you find this interesting!!


I really admire you for posting this, and I know it can be hard to be vulnerable about not always having been productive and organized. For most of us, this organization is something that has to be learned and it's great to have role-models. I'm definitely going to try the pie charts! The other two are already a super integral part of my life.


This is such an underrated topic ! 

How to stay motivated, so essential, and I figured out through the years it always come from 2 things :

-little habits/tricks like this ones
-bigger plan/project in your head

thanks for the video, please keep doing this kind of content 🙂


Thank you for sharing! Your struggles and little victories here sound so familiar and it's a nice tiny spark of inspiration to hear of your success!


The thumbnail is amazing. Great tips; you really put care into the details (color-coding, stickers, neatness) and I really think that helps commit to what you need to do :)


Always good stuff Nahre. I'm guilty of some of these too. Structure has always been hard for me except when I can make it fun. Thanks for sharing things so personal as it makes you wonderfully human. Best.


Thank you for this video, Nahre. Interesting idea to frame the last two tools as companions! I've learned a lot from your creativity and thoughtfulness. Thank you :)


That physical things you emphasis actually feel so right. Everytime i set timer, alarm or metronome in phone it look so not interactive or interesting as much when we interact with physical item that bring functional benefit to our work. Thank you so much.


I’m obsessed with you Nehre. Your videos are so good


Wonderful. Thank you so much for sharing and opening up about the more realistic life of a musician. I truly adore your work and your channel. Keep up the good work. I’m a huge fan❤
