Going to the Gym For the First Time

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The gym community is (usually) pretty nice. People know how hard and challenging turning your physique around can be, so they're happy to help anybody willing to do so.


Don't be afraid to ask advice from fellow gym members, some of them may be willing to help you out with proper form


i started 2 weeks ago, didn't know what to do the first time, really stressed. I asked a group of people how a type of machine works for squats and they told me to join them cauz they had just started their session. They demolished my legs but....now i'm part of them, i'm so blessed and it motivates me even more, and all i want every day it's to go back to the gym to learn more, improve and have a great time with them =)


my first time I went to a gym, I was so anxious and awkward, I decided to only workout after my evening shifts at work, at 1am, so that I can be alone in the 24h gym. It took me months to gain enough confidence to go mid day. It was absolutely for no reason though. You dont need to feel bad for anything. NO ONE cares about what you do or what you look like, and i mean that in the best possible way. And if you're not sure about something, almost everyone is super kind and helpful. I promise that the buff dude lifting 200kg is one of the most down to earth helpful dude in your gym :)


I always say to people don't overstay your first visits. Don't think that you have to do long 90 minute sessions when you first start. You can start small 30 min sessions because in the long term it is the consistency that matters. You can build up session length later as going to the gym becomes more consistent.


Been in the gym for 13 years no smoking no drinking proud of myself


As a gym veteran my advices are: You will feel uncomfortable from going to the gym maximum 1 month after your first day but trust me later on you will love the fact that you didn't give up. Focus on proper form not on kgs on the machine or on the barbell. Proper form> more kgs. Before buying supplements focus on your nutritions. Very important stay hydrated! Your muscle cells are mostly glucose and water so eat healthy carbs like rice potatoes and drink as much water as possible my best advice is 35 ml per kg. The protein is very important too but be careful with the fats they are essential in a healthy meal if you don't overconsume them.


Now I still consider myself moderately new to the gym. I’ve been going for about 7 or 8 months now, but there’s nothing I like seeing more than beginners at the gym. It makes me so happy to know that people are taking their first steps towards gaining a new and healthier lifestyle. Most people feel the exact same way as I do. Yes there will always be some people that aren’t as nice but don’t let that discourage you. Everyone wants to see you in the gym just as much as you want to be in the gym!


Today`s gonna be my first day, pretty nervous...but I feel a lot better after this video, AND PLEASE, DONT STOP MOTIVATING US!💪


I started going to the gym at the start of this year and the only reason I did not go sooner was that I was scared of what people thought of me or if they were judging me. soon I saw that no one cared about what I was doing. if you are scared to because of this the feeling will go very quickly. I am now going every other day.


I remember when I was a new member, I didnt know how to do a certain workout properly, I had to ask someone and I was embarrassed when I asking but they showed me and gave me some tips. I met alot of awesome people and it was motivating.


This video came perfectly on time. I'm currently a senior in high school and I'm taking weight training for my last semester. I've been doing home workouts since I was 14, but this is much different so I'd say I'm still a noobie. Thanks for the advice picturefit and wish me luck everyone 🤞🏾


If you coming to the gym please be consistent and keep going and make it a habit don’t make excuses also if you can go earlier it helps you avoid the crowd and allows you to do any type split set like ppl


My first time going to the gym was amazing. I felt right at home a few minutes in but only because I trained with a friend and we both had trainers that showed us everything and honestly that was one of the best things ive done in my life


Going to the gym the first time is like starting a new job. The first day you're just learning the layout and where everything is. I don't go in with the mindset that I'm gonna do a full workout. Anytime I've switched gyms I always do the same thing, the first time I walk in I go straight to the treadmill. This gives you time where can just look around and get a mental picture of the layout. Then I'll pick a piece of equipment that I'm familiar with and go to that so I can get a different view of the layout, then maybe I'll walk to the bathroom, then maybe to the dumbell rack, the whole time just building a picture in my mind of where all the equipment is. The purpose for me on the first day isn't to do a workout, but just to familiarize myself with the new place, then the next time I go I'll be able to have a better plan of what I'm going to do.


Started working out during 2016 until now and I never had a bad experience to other gym bros, they are one of the most amazing/helpful people I know. Just remember have confidence and at the same time allow yourself to learn new things!!


One thing that I think the video missed is to remind people that the gym is not only for the looks. I first started the gym to have a healthier life and fix my knee. 1y later and I'm still going on strong, went for a healthy lifestyle and stayed for all the benefits it brought me (trust me, the mindset changes not only your body but your life as a whole, for the better).
If you're a beginner, keep it up! The best step is always the one that gets you out of the couch


Yo guys! First day today, I have been training at a little home gym for a couple of months now and am now feeling ready( in terms of exercise selection/ form) to go! Luckily a friend of mine is already a member and we’ll go together! Cheers


Tomorrow's gonna be my first day, I finally feel confident enough to go to the gym. I've been fighting social anxiety for quite a long time now and I'm proud with what I've achieved so far, I'm nervous but positive it'll be great.


My number 1 best advice for someone going to the gym who is afraid, go in the morning. In the morning is when all the older people are there, and the people who take the gym seriously. If you go after work at 5 to 8pm is when you'll see the "bros" the instagram girls, etc and for those few hours it's a madhouse.

Also if you see an adult who is clearly an advanced lifter, don't look at them and be intimidated. Odds are they are the nicest guy in the gym and would help you with any questions you have.
