Does Calvinism Hinder The Gospel?

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Jordan talks with JP Heldman about the potential, negative influence Calvinism can have on people.


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It is amazing how Calvinist believe we cannot cooperate with God in our salvation, but others must cooperate with God in bringing us to salvation 😮


Nearly every person I know who walked away from Christianity or completely rejects it either came out of Calvinism or was only ever exposed to a Calvinist version of Christianity or the Calvinist god. I went to a well-know Reformed school for years and it so negatively impacted me that I became a satanist for many more years until Christ brought me into the Orthodox Church. So yea, Calvinism destroys the Gospel and drives away otherwise repentant hearts from Christ.


I remember when I was a Calvinist, I was careful not to tell people that God loved them.


The entire Bible makes no sense if people do not have free will. Throughout the Bible God treats people as though they are able to respond to him and blesses or curses them according to their choices. Adam and Eve must have had free will and a real choice in the garden. If not, then God is the author of sin by not preventing them from sinning against him. Their descendants also have free will. The Church needs to stop worshipping "St. Calvin" (who burned heretics, baptized unbelieving infants, and tried to set up a Theocratic State in Switzerland) and return to worshipping God as revealed in the scriptures
who offers salvation to "whosoever" will believe in Jesus Christ.


Any unbiblical idea promoted as Godly hinders the Gospel.


The Calvinist idea of the sovereign god of determinism:
1. God is the arson and the fireman.
2. God brings the storm and Jesus rebukes it
3. God has Peter rebuke Jesus and then calls Peter Satan
4. God gives us the Ten Commandments and then brings to pass we break them all.
5. God says be Holy and then brings to pass our unholiness.
6. Jesus says repent or perish to all and then only gives repentance to a few chosen.
7. God says believe the Gospel to all and then only grants faith to his chosen few.
8. God is very busy cleaning up the messes he makes and then to man he gives the blame.
9. Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil that God brought to pass ( London Baptist Confession)
10. Some will say I don’t understand Calvinism well maybe not but neither do they.

I not trying to be mean, I don’t want to be mean, but these are some thoughts I have and I hope it will make you think. Is this the God of the Bible?
Don’t get mad, God brought these thoughts to pass
In the Love of Jesus


God's love is not some human pampering love, because we humans are just so cute and cuddly. God IS love. God's love encompasses ALL of His attributes: mercy, compassion, jealousy, wrath etc... all administered in a righteous harmonious balance.


If your evangelism is lacking then that is a PERSONAL problem... not a Calvinism problem.


It's not a hinderance to the Gospel. It's another Gospel all together. It's all just made up to support infant baptism. just Wikipedia the Council of Carthage where Augustinian Original Sin was propped up along with Infant baptism at law. That's the whole basis for Calvinism.

If a baby can be saved through baptism, than salvation proceeds salvation. That's the basis for Augustinian and Calvinistic predestination and regeneration precededing fatih. Every single baptist needs to reject Calvinism outright as Catholicism.


Synergists have the same problem. In the synergist system, God foreknows who will reject Him, therefore there are people who will never come to Christ. So, how can the synergist go up to people and say, God loves


It depends on your idea of "hindering " the gospel. The short answer is NO it doesn't hinder the gospel. But you could say that it does hinder the gospel if by that you mean it hinders it the same way that saying "Jesus is the only saviour of sinners" does.


you're elect..."
Calvinism, the philosophy is simply not a genuine Christ like love for the unsaved.
Don't get that wrong;
I know Calvinists who have that genuine love for the unsaved.
The issue, is the philosophy.
You could even say, if you're consistent with your Calvinism, then the Calvinist who truly loves the unsaved is more loving than God if that person is a reprobate.

Consistent Calvin collapses under it's own inconsistency.


There is ultimately no reason to preach the Gospel to either an Elect person or a Reprobate, if Calvinism is honest and consistent with itself.

The Elect person will be saved no matter how lazy you are about preaching the Gospel. If no one ever follows the Great Commission, God's Grace is so irresistible in Calvinism that it won't matter. They will be saved regardless of preaching.

The Reprobate in Calvinism cannot be saved no matter how well you preach to them. Sharing the Gospel with them is akin to sending a "Get-Well" card to a rotting corpse.

It's like being a life-guard at a pool where half the swimmers are already drowned, and the other half will never even get in the water.

In essence, Calvinism takes "The Great Commission" and turns it into "The Great Big Waste of Time."

As for the rebuttal that "God uses means, " it makes zero difference.

Since God's Grace is apparently irresistible, and since He apparently decrees all that comes to pass...

...well, that just means that if you are lazy in preaching the Gospel, God decreed your laziness from eternity past and will save the Elect people using other foreordained means.

There's no war around it. Calvinism teaches that The Great Commission is actually "The Great Omission."


Another topic that is completely non sense. In 33 yrs of full time ministry, I have shared my pulpit to many preachers from my denomination and outside preachers. Some of them were calvinists and arminians. They preach the gospel the same way. Hard to tell what their 5 points of calvinism or arminianism is unless you ask them in a Q & A type of meetings.

Do dead sinners even care about comprehensive minute points of your soterioligy to get saved? God can use anyone including millions of laymen who had no theology other than John 3:16, Rom 3:23, Rom 10:9-10. In summary God sent His Son to die for your sins. All have sinned. But if you believe in your heart and confess w your mouth Jesus is Lord, you will be saved.

True there are arrogant calvinists because they find this channel full of anti calvinist zealots. Just the title of this video reflect first class ignorance inviting hostile reactions... We are all humans.

What if total inability is true and semi pelagianism wrong? Then the anti calvinist zealots who leraned calvinism from other zealots instead of Reformed scholars, theologians will have been guilty of branding Reformed theology of doctrines of devil, accursed people and deluded, perhaps even blasphemy against God.

No, Calvinism is not a hindrance to the gospel. How do you explain all those people whom I (just and instrumen) led to the Lord in 33 yrs who are still active serving after many years, who are born again whose lives have been transformed by Spirit. Life transformation, deliverance from addiction, sinful bondages are the greatest evidences of their salvation, not calvinism nor arminianism.


At about minute 12:00, you guys discuss the Pauline retort "Who are you oh man". Of course Calvinists understand why men feel that God's sovereign choice is unfair. Fallen man BEGINS with the premise that gods should serve men and that gods serve the purpose of setting up rules that allow them to compare themselves favorably to other men, e.g. I am better and more righteous than others because of my works. So, when it turns out that God has established His Law NOT so that you can COMPARE yourself to other men but so that He can DEMONSTRATE how far below ALL OF US are below His standard for image bearers, men think this is unfair. What? You mean there is nothing I can do to show that I am better than these other people? Nothing I can do to demonstrate my own righteousness as COMPARED to others? It must all be given to me as a gift? Fallen man doesn't like that. It provides no room for self-justification. It provides no room for pride.

Meanwhile, Paul makes clear that ALL IS OF GRACE and based on God's sovereign choice. Those that have received that grace understand that God is their maker and say with Paul:

1 Corinthians 15:10: But by the grace of God I am what I am, and his grace toward me was not in vain. On the contrary, I worked harder than any of them, though it was not I, but the grace of God that is with me.


Hey I just ran into one of your shorts and couldn’t help but notice that you shred down Calvinism to just the 5 points of TULIP. That is not what the reformed faith is. In fact, if you read the Calvin’s Geneva confessions there isn’t even a mention of election. This error and misunderstanding comes from the German scholarship of dogma and reducing Calvin’s main points into purely “TULIP”. What needs to be understood fundamentally is first that God is sovereign and merciful and loving. It is by His grace we are saved through faith. In other words, we are justified by faith alone. In Christ alone! That is the center of it all, and therefore TULIP can also be known as the doctrines of Grace. The main point of focus it seems from watching your videos and reading your comments is not TULIP or calvinism or the reformed faith, but we would ultimately have to start with the discussion of original sin (aka we are born sinners). This is not a “Calvinist” doctrine but stems back to Augustine vs Pelagius.


Synergists make me chuckle. 🙂 I am curious. Does God still love people in hell, or does God stop loving them when they go there?


It is very disturbing watching both of you argue that your position is better because it is more palatable to Atheists and Mormons. I absolutely agree that it is. That is the whole point. The true God is not loved by fallen men. He is not "attractive" to fallen men. He is hated by them. They love the fact that you are trying to give to them a god that is palatable to them. A god that still gives them their freedom.


No Calvinist can honestly share the Gospel, or they would be a liar, according to their philosophy.


The gospel is a hinderance to humanity.
