These Changes Fix Smash Ultimate's Classic Mode

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I dive into the world of Smash mods once again to bring some improvements to Ultimate's Classic Modes!

Title Theme - 3D Hot Rally
Title - Nintendo Badge Arcade
Step - The Plain - Super Smash Bros. Brawl Subspace Emissary
Dearly Beloved (Swing Ver.) - Kingdom Hearts: Melody of Memory
Main Theme (Pokemon Red and Blue) - Super Smash Bros. Melee
One-Winged Angel - Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children

These Changes Fix Smash Ultimate's Classic Mode


#SmashBrosUltimate #Mods #ClassicMode #Aaronitmar
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What changes to classic mode would you guys like to see?


Love that Byleth's route is just them attacking children.


In Rosalina's route, Starfy is the only Assist Trophy that shows up. So yeah, it's possible in theory, then again I don't know a lot about modding. Good video btw!


I think an interesting change could be made to Sonic’s, in which there are 6 stages in Sonic 1 (Green Hill, Marble, Spring Yard, Labyrinth, Starlight and Scrap Brain), and of course 6 fights before the final one in Classic mode, so each arena could reference each stage, with Green Hill being obviously easiest to add. Not sure what the fights themselves could be, but maybe him fighting robotic characters in each stage, with animal characters working as partners, as a nod to him saving animals. I also think it could end with a giant Roy Koopa, as a nice reference to Eggman. Just a quick head canon there


Imagine if they had Pikachu in his wizard hat as Sora’s partner in classic mode to represent Mickey Mouse


I really think you should have put galleom into Rob's classic route since gallium is a brawl boss


The unfortunate flaw with a lot of these route ideas is that DLC fighters are used as opponents, which you may notice no routes use at all. Only base game fighters are used as opponents in Classic Mode.


I really like the idea of Sephiroth’s final battle being against the four main party members


My idea for Sora would have not only a Duck Hunt ally, but an additional hero from any given series teamed up against their respective villains. Mario joins the party against Bowser, Link joins against Ganondorf, etc.

This would mimic the structure of Sora, Donald, and Goofy traveling to different worlds, joining with their protagonists, and beating up their villains with them. Maybe you could have a heartless horde in one of the battles, with various shadow-skinned characters.


I like Byleth's route, especially for the final boss part, because it also references how you can recruit students from other houses to join you to fight in the war, which in this case means you beat them up so they can join you fighting two giant hands


My biggest issue with smash ultimate’s classic mode is how short each route is and the lack of some variety could be an issue for some as it’s the same route each time with one character with no variation (and I mean if you choose the same character then it’s the same route)

Plus lack of mini game variety is also a big issue as it’s the same running one each time


I personally would like to see Joker’s classic mode to be more in line with the story of Vanilla Persona 5 rather then reference P3, 4 and 5 all at once. Yes, I know the Incineroar fight is meant to reference Shido. If I were doing the Classic Mode route, I’d also have Joker have allies to fight against giant versions of regular fighters.

Below is how I would’ve done things. The six initial fights reference six of the seven palaces, while I moved the Incineroar fight to be at the end. Here’s how I would have it play out: *Also… Vanilla P5 Spoilers*

- *Fight 1:* Based on the Castle of Lust, the allies would be Pikachu Libre, Black Alt Captain Falcon and Red Alt Zero Suit Samus *(referencing Morgana, Ryuji and Ann)* against a giant red male Wii Fit Trainer to reference Kamoshida on Castle Siege.
- *Fight 2:* Based on the Museum of Vanity, the ally would be Black Alt Chrom to reference Yusuke and the fight is against a giant gold King Dedede to reference Madarame on Suzaku Castle.
- *Fight 3:* Based on the Bank of Gluttony, the ally would be Black Alt Shiek to reference Makoto and the fight is against two enemies this time: A normal sized green Wario to reference Kaneshiro and a giant metal gray Kirby to reference the giant piggy bank vault thing on Dracula’s Castle.
- *Fight 4:* Based on the Pyramid of Wrath, the ally would be an Orange Inkling to reference Futaba and the fight is against a giant Bayonetta to reference Cognitive Wakaba on Mushroomy Kingdom’s battlefield variant. I would also have the Willy Capsule assist here to reference Futaba’s Persona, Necronomicon.
- *Fight 5:* Based on the Spaceport of Greed, the ally would be a pink Villager to reference Haru and the fight is a horde battle against a various tiny ROBs and the final fighter is a normal sized Black Alt Samus to reference Okumura on Omega Midgar.
- *Fight 6:* Based on the Casino of Envy, the ally would be a Joker in his Crow Alt as an obvious reference to Akechi and the fight is against a giant brown Alt Dark Samus with a Killing Edge equipped to reference Shadow Sae on Omega Fourside.
- *Fight 7 and Final Fight:* Based on the Cruiser of Pride and it’s against the aforementioned Incineroar referencing Shido. However, before that you would have to fight the Crow alt Joker referencing Akechi’s boss fight and then the Incineroar spawns. There are two allies and they reference Personas, the turquoise Fierce Deity Link referencing Yoshitsune can stay but I would also include a blue Peach to reference Alice. Both of these Personas reference the Personas Joker used against Shido in the anime adaption. The stage itself would be Final Destination.

*How would you change things? Feel free to let me know*


I love the change to the end of Sephiroth's route. I feel like the boss rush idea just screams "I'm OP and I know it."


Not a bad selection. For me I would change Lucina's classic mode to include smashers that traveled through time (Link and young link) and kept Byleth's route the same.
I totally agree with Greninja's route on having Piranha plant be with Ivysaur.
While I thought of something else for ROB, your idea worked great (the only change I'd make is make ganondorf the sole final boss)
Your idea for Sora is great.
As for the pokemon trainer, I went with the squad strike matchup with non-fighting characters. (But your plan works too)
For Sephiroth I would only have Cloud as the final opponent.
Really good job overall!


*Minor spoilers for Fire Emblem Three Houses*

I love the Byleth one, however the final boss could have Rathalos as a stand in for the final boss in Crimson Flower and Silver Snow with the Apex of the World playing in the background. Aside from that, it’s pretty accurate since it could also represent Byleth aggressively recruiting students from other houses.

Edit: Also why is Marth the only Fire Emblem character to fight Rathalos? It’s practically a meme that the final boss on almost every Fire Emblem game is a dragon.


I've had a similar idea for Pokémon trainer, but limited it to the Pokémon league instead of randomly stopping by each gym that can be adapted.

Fight 1: a horde of pokémon on the great cave offensive, referencing Victory Road. Has the appropriate music to help make it more obvious.
Fight 2: Zero Suit Samus and the Ice climbers to reference Lorelei and her ice types.
Fight 3: Ryu and Lucario to reference Bruno and his fighting types.
Fight 4: There's no old lady on the roster, so I chose Zelda using her white-haired alt, along with Kirby using his black alt to reference Agatha and her Ghost Types (specifically Gastly)
Fight 5: Marth and ridley to reference Lance and his Dragon Types.
Fight 6: opposite gender Pokémon trainer to serve as the champion.
and then the boss stays the same, mewtwo followed by Master Hand, referencing the battle which is unlocked after the league.

Also, since I have a vendetta against uneven fights in classic modes, Pikachu will be your ally for the whole route. I guess fight 6 can also add a Pichu to properly mirror your team.


Some tweaks I could see:
-instead of bowser jr. and young link, have Byleth fight all of Bowser's kids as a horde.
-Since he's a subspace boss, maybe use Galleom for ROB's final battle?

-Have PKMN trainer's subspace focus on the elite four, with fights based around each member and the journey there. Those would be:
1. A battle in a cave stage with a horde of miis, for Victory Road. Give them more animal-themed costumes.
2. A battle on pokemon stadium 2's ice transformation, against ice climbers and greninja. Referencing Lorelei.
3. Boxing ring, against little mac and Ryu. Put in grey k. Rool too to reference Bruno's onix.
4. Luigi's Mansion, against dark samus, simon and bayonetta, for Agatha. Not a lot of "ghostly" characters in smash, but I did what I could.
5. Same Dragon idea from the video, maybe minus the Dragonborn
6. To reference the champion fight, Battle an opposing pokemon trainer, alongside falco, zelda and k.rool to reference his pidgeot, alakazam and rhydon respectively. This can be on main pokemon stadium.
7. Final Boss is still mewtwo, as you can only access mewtwo once you become champion


Well, in the case of Bowser Jr., it makes even more sense when you remember one of his lines in Mario + Rabbids says that he finished most of his homework.


Another way you could approach a Pokemon route would be to pair each enemy pokemon with a similar non-Pokemon fighter, as if they're its trainer. Like, Ken with Incineroar, Ryu with Lucario, Sheik with Greninja, Ness/Snake with Mewtwo, etc.


I had a different way of fixing Byleth's classic route that still works with a similar theme
Instead of fighting against all Fire Emblem characters, you fight alongside all Fire Emblem characters.

...I must admit to not having the opponents thought out all that well, but you can mostly just reference their classic routes. dragons for Marth, knights using their black alt for Ike, a few swordsmen for roy, etc. This doesn't work too well with Chrom and Lucina though...
