Samus Gets A New Moveset! (Smash Ultimate)

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This is the best Metroid Mod I've Seen For Super Smash Bros Ultimate!



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As I always say, alternative title;
What if Samus was a DLC Character.


To me, this is the only reasonable direction Smash can go in.
I feel like the next smash needs to have a smaller roster, but every character needs revamped big time, if not entirely.

DK (and I’m a DK main) is still out here rocking his slightly made up n64 moveset when there’s a huge selection of games to pull from – and he’s absolutely not the only one who needs work. They almost all do. Especially the legacy roster.


Now we need Dark Samus with this moveset echoed, with every blast attack poisoning the opponent, Phazon Spikes as her Down Special, and a Phazon Shotgun Blast as her Nair.


Brooo it woulda been the cherry on top if the new final smash was the Hyper Beam seen at the end of Dread


Favorite Metroid game is between Dread and Prime 2. After playing Dread, I felt it was better than Prime 2, but now that a couple years have passed, I'm left wondering which I actually prefer. Not helping my decision is that they play completely differently from one another.

I'm hoping they release a Prime 2 remaster sometime.


Edit: For reference, the games I've played are:
The entire Prime trilogy
Samus Returns

Will probably be playing Fusion in the near future


Honestly i think this would be a great semi-clone character for Samus. Like how Dr.Mario, Pichu, and Falco are semi-clones of Mario, Pikachu, and Fox. Sure that'll mean there would be a 3rd or 4th Samus character in the Metroid Series. But hey more variety as well. I think this is awesome for Samus (Dread)


Listen if a buddy of mine comes over we just wanna have a casual fun time and he chooses Samus and starts rolling around in a ball and hitting me with bombs for five minutes straight I have one less friend


Imagine if every character was granted their accurate movesets from their respective series, I personally feel like it would somewhat improve the meta.


The modded down throw seems to be inspired by Samus' execution cutscenes, when dealing with X-parasite warriors!


Metroid dread is an amazing game nad makes you feel weak which i love, this moveset is so much better than the boring one she has currently


Really hope Smash 6 redesign's Samus's moveset to be more like Dread


I just Wish that one day, There will be an official Smash game where Every Fighter has their Accurate Movesets or overall get this kind of Treatment or What they did with Joker. Making every character feel really fun to play as and stuff. The modding community stay living


I’m just impressed how well animated it is. It’s not stiff or awkward at all. It straight up looks official


Is it wrong if I kinda wish this mod kept some of her original physical attacks like F-tilt, Up-tilt and down special? I like them because it shows that she’s not just her arm cannon and is a highly trained soldier in a lot of aspects. Another reason is having so many counter animations just feels samey (also the animations here don’t feel very impactful but that’s just the mod). I also like the original up throw better but that’s just pure preference, they’re both very cool looking imo.

Also about neutral special: I thought we were trying to make Samus cooler, not lamer. Down special is fine though, I like that rework, if that was in the next smash that could probably be made into something nicer to use and play against.

Sorry to be all hater-y, I really do like a lot of the things added, it’s just as a Metroid fan first I just think Samus is really cool and want that to show in Smash which is why I’m hesitant on making her too mechanically like her games because that risks betraying the vibe and personality of Samus to emulate a game style that just doesn’t fit smash or FGs in general.


Honestly I think the only way they can continue making new Smash games after Ultimate is to essentially reboot everything and give all of the Nintendo characters thoroughly updated movesets.


Samus if she was released today as dlc


One of the only things I'm waiting for the next Smash, better moves adaptation from the newest games like idk, maybe they can delete Luigi's cyclone to put a flash light that can freeze the enemy like Mewtwo's down B, Cappy for Mario moves, TotK Link and Ganondorf, and obviously this new Samus, It's awesome.


Flash shift looks broken as both an escape and approach tool. Low key same level as spindash. Also with her "dash melee" moves, it'd be sick if, when you clanked with them, they leave the opponent stunned for a second to reflect Dread even more.


These are my absolute favorite types of videos. Custom moves will always have a place in my heart


there's a lot of neat ideas here, but altogether i think it kinda goes to make her too complicated in favor of referencing as much stuff from Dread as possible. Things like down b being morph ball or neutral b being free aim i like. But then things like the dash booster being a run mechanic or her having 4 different kinds of projectiles off of neutral b i think go a bit too far and start to lose sight of the general idea that these characters are supposed to be easy to pick up and play and figure out for most players. having an additional mechanic tied to dashing or having to press different buttons to fire different projectiles aren't as intuitive nor quick to understand as ideas like holding the button to get a stronger attack, or adjusting the stick for a different angle. I think it would be overall better if shine spark was her up b and while flash shift is a neat idea for her side b, i think its still a better idea to leave it as missles to keep charge shot and missles as separate moves and give her more options for zoning which is the archetype she's supposed to fall under.