The Truth About Raw Organic Milk vs Store-Bought

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Barbara O'Neill dives into the truth about raw organic milk vs store-bought options. Learn the main differences and benefits of each choice.

#LivingSpringsRetreat #barbaraoneill #DNAandDiseases #milk #health #organic #reels

This content is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to provide medical advice or to take the place of such advice or treatment from a personal physician. All readers/viewers of this content are advised to consult their doctors or qualified health professionals regarding specific health questions. Neither Barbara O'Neill nor the publisher of this content takes responsibility for possible health consequences of any person or persons reading or following the information in this educational content. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program. #short
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I am dairy intolerant as well—didn’t really know till I changed to almond, oat or other non dairy mills. I had milk from a real cow once in India for the morning chai. There were no ill effects.


This video needs editing. It sounds like Barbara is saying "Take antibiotics and you will get well" This i s not what she means. Quite the opposite!


Watch the full video on our YouTube channel, titled:
"DNA & The True Cause of Disease Part 2"


My aunt and uncle had a farm. Dairy cows back in the 60s. We always had raw milk,


Intolerant people should not eat what they are intolerant to. As a basically 100% Scandinavian I seem to be genetically able to have all sorts of organic dairy without any issues, but even in Scandinavia it's illegal to buy and sell raw dairy. I think it messes up Scandinavian peoples health to be told that dairy in general is bad for "most of us", when it often do not acctually include Us genetically, and at the same time we're being denied access to what we acctually evolved to drink in its raw form, something that has been historically important for our survival and climate.


same story here, but when i was adult enaugh i was able to choose and get rid of any deseas by stoping gluten and dairy products. Before i was thick and get flue every two weeks even in summer time. All lymphonodes were always in flamed and painful to even breth


Not sure what her point is here because she doesn't recommend drinking milk, raw or store bought. I know an infant who almost died from drinking raw cows milk.


I couldn't have either, even though I love youghurt or cheese on pizza, it gives tick muscus and eventually sinutitis that I struggled with for years until I gave up all dairy. Before that I only thought it was the lactose giving stomach trouble, but when quitting all of ut I got much better from those things.


YESSS!! Thank you. this explains 25 years of sinusitus... dairy is a nightmare.


How stupid is this…. The same as comparing breast milk from a bottled milk … isn’t it obvious?!


So what's your point Barbara? Are you saying that humans should not drink cooked milk because farmers & their families who consume raw milk also consume cooked milk, like in cream sauces, cheese, & baked goods & they seem to be looking shiny & bright.


The etymology for the word caesin is glue.


Oh Barbara, I hated that cherry medicine. Yuck! 🤭


Is it ok for non paterised but filtered organic raw milk ?


So how do you get raw milk where can you buy it and should I be drinking raw milk after 50 years old and I haven't been able to drink milk or any kind of dairy milk because it just doesn't work with me now?


Wow! I did not know this! I knew raw milk was good but now I feel even better about it!


I had ear nose & throat problems also...had b12shots & penicillin 😮


This video is nonsensical. Of course a baby cow can't just drink processed milk, a ton of the nutrients and (good for a cow) bacteria has been removed in order to make it safer and healthier for human consumption. A baby cow needs that stuff. Just as baby humans need human milk. But how does that have anything to do either what humans drink? It's certainly true that many humans can't digest milk properly (because as we get older our bodies produce less of the lactase enzyme that we have a lot of as babies). But she's not talking about that in the video. She's sating some nonsense about infections and antibiotics that has nothing to do with milk. Raw milk isn't super risky to drink, technically neither is raw beef, but we cook meat and pasturize milk because we consider the risk too high and we have the technology to reduce the risk - which is a good thing! You know how many people used to die of food born pathogens? Yes, in some cases we make food slightly less nutritious by doing this, but slightly less effective food is still healthier than food that has a 1% chance to kill you every time you eat it.


No. Misinformed.
Colostrum is the milk from a newly calved cow for her calf. It is pink. It's the first milk to be produced by the cow straight after calving.
It contains all the necessary bacterial strains needed by the calf to kick start it's digestive system .
So even raw milk from a cow a month after calving does not have the correct balance for the newborn calf.
Its not correct to compare feeding a new baby calf processed milk or raw milk, when only colostrum will do for that new born calf.


I gave my toddler milkshakes made from raw milk, cacao and honey when she was in the stage where they're not eating much. My daughter still loves milkshake now 😁
