Eating Raw Meat: HEALTHY? DEADLY? Or Just BORING??

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What are the BENEFITS of eatiing ONLY Raw Meat? Today, Dr Shawn Baker discusses all the pros and cons of this diet.

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In my experience nothing comes close to raw meat in terms of digestion, mood and energy! Without sauces or dips then sure it isn't as exciting but everything else in life is better and I truly mean everything. I still enjoy cooked food here and there but it's hard to step down from this new established baseline. It truly feels like this is what my body was designed to consume. Eat to live!


Used to love sushi & sashimi, but nothing beats a well seared, medium rare steak!


I have nothing against the video but... did you center the camera with your nose?


The meat closest to the bone of my T bone was blue rare. I decided to eat it anyway and it was absolutely awesome.


Raw meat makes me feel high. I'm not joking.


For 3 + years i used to take to work raw ground beef with butter, sour cream and salt along with two hard boiled eggs... NEVER ONCE did i ever get sick or feel ill with eating this cheap ground beef i purchased at the grocery store, .. I still eat raw cheap ground beef to this day with never a problem.


I started carnivore 2 years ago. I always enjoy super rare beef, after a while, I noticed that my beef was becoming more and more rare . Almost one year ago, i tried raw meat and I loved it. I can do cooked if I go to a restaurant or so, besides that, I prefer raw. It is easier to digest and I react much less than cooked meat. Must to be fresh, frozen meat tastes like nothing. I do cow, moose and dear. I eat organs from time to time. Especially during my period. I notice that I need less meat when I eat raw. And I grow more muscles as well, even not training at all.


Shawn has done a lot of good work but is still brainwashed with this whole bacteria fear and you need to cook. Been eating raw meat for 6 years and no probs. Only ever got sick from cooked food.


Raw meat is more easy to diggest when you are fully adapted.
Your body recognice that as real food, It doesnt cause inflamation, and free radicals as cooked.
when you are fully adapted, It help to replace your body very fast and healed by the way.
You start to eat less, you dont need so much, to feel full.
At that moment, when you eat what you need, you feel euphoria, but even if not, i eat to get energy to live my life, to enjoy food carbs are better .
I enjoy Sex, Talk, walk, working out very intense, to enjoy eating my gramdmother used to do It at the end of her Life .
You can be infected if you dont have a really acid stomache, or if you have leaky gut.
Eating only meat, your stomache Will be good enough yo kill parasites, but you also have yo avoid stress and over trainning.
For sibo as leaky gut is the same.
Raw eggs is good to regenerate that .
The skin is the mirror of the intestine.
Baker looks like he has a leaky gut and a bad stomache acidity.
He is Focus only in perfomance, not in real health or longevity.
Even working out with a full stomache is crazzy, there is no animal Which hunt that way .
When you are working out in a fasted state, your body protects itself vía sirtuins and autophagy, and later repair and grow until certain point .
I have been eating one meal every other day for almost 4 year, working out every day pretty intense for 3 hours or more. Now just ground beef (protein) , eggs ( vitamin) and fat from visceral fat from cows. Only one suplemento, isotonic mineral water . Almost all carnivores are falling apart given to that . A lack of mineral from natural sources . Salt is just poison, or another elements like butter and raw milk that is going yo generate a lot of mental issues.
3-4 weeks, even three months is not enough time to hace an opinion about raw food or anything.
That, s the problem with this comunity. People speak a lot and lye a lot too.
A lot of miracles are just Photoshop.
I am in my 50. I feel better than ever before . Now i know how is to feel Young at any age. At 20 I felt Old .
But not all is about eating, breathing in a correct way is pretty important, without enough O2 in your bloodstream you are not going to oxide fat propperly.
Without oxygen, even eating just meat, you are going to be fermenting glucose via gluconeogenesis .
Buteyco is a pretty good technique to avoid that, also being exposure to extreme cold, is going to increase brown fat to increase mitocondrias to generate energy through fat, getting ride of a lot of toxins parasites, cancer and senescence cells. There is no miracle diets, just another business .


Try eating 12 eggs raw. It's easy to eat all 12 in one sitting. Now try to eat 12 boiled eggs. You'll probably need two sittings to eat them all.


I eat steak only and have been eating it raw for the past 2 months. Less dishes, quick and delicious. Rib Eye, Strip loin, Sirloin. !00% grassfed. grassed finished, Salt, Water, 3 years carnivore. I eat it cold right out of the fridge.


Most Alaskan natives traditionally ate a lot of raw frozen meat and fish, which they typically dipped in seal oil (the ketchup of the circumpolar region). I love eating raw frozen white fish, caribou and salmon. I prefer to eat liver raw as well. I take it out of the freezer about a half hour before I am ready to eat, which makes it easier to slice. I cut it thin, add salt and consume. One off topic comment, I have been enjoying the new production quality to the videos, but this one made me slightly nauseous -- too much background movement for my taste. Keep up the great work and keep 'em coming.


He forgot to mention convenience...truly healthy fast food!


Carpaccio is one of my favorites, I love waygu carpaccio 😛

I’ll eat raw meat when I visit family in Ethiopia too


Grew up eating Kibbeh Nayeh, it’s a raw meat Lebanese dish and it was always one of my favourites.


I eat raw beef every day. No recipes, just hunks of brisket. Have for years. I’m alive.


I eat a lot of raw meat, and a lot of steaks that are seared on the outside and still completely raw in the middle. I eat raw meat mainly because I enjoy it; the meat is juicier and more tender when it's not cooked. I also find that raw meat seems to make me feel best—but that's subjective and I don't think that necessarily means others should do it. I will say that after four and a half years as a carnivore, eating some raw meat almost daily, it's never made me sick, as far as I can tell.


Love raw meat personally been eating it for about 2 years now. I will have some cooked meat here and there though.


Even as a child I loved raw hamburger - our mom used to tell us we would get ill if we continued eating it. I rarely eat ground beef, as in hamburger, but I eat a lot of chuck and cheaper cuts of beef and though I do prepare it to cook for my husband and myself, I will always take some of it to eat raw - maybe it's crazy but I love it and I crave it!


I've been eating raw ground beef since I was six. My mom would get it to make beef tartar and we would eat the meat on the way home. I eat raw ground sirloin for lunch now. You never know what's in fast food hamburgers these days and I hate taking it off the bun and trying to eat it with pickles and onions on it, especially at work. And of course the condiments are full of sugar and sodium. So, I get fuller just eating it raw, about a half pound. And it tastes best and is softest the day I buy it. It tastes ok the next day, but it's only really good the first two days. If I have left over, I make it into a hamburger at home.
