The Fascinating Benefits of RAW MILK Dairy

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Is pasteurized dairy really the best way to go? Check out these incredible benefits of raw milk dairy.



0:00 Introduction: The best food for infants
0:50 Raw milk vs. pasteurized milk
4:12 Potential raw milk benefits
4:30 Where to find raw milk
5:33 Check out my video on kefir!

Breast milk is one of the best things for an infant's health. So, why is animal milk so unhealthy?

Pasteurized milk has been heated to kill beneficial enzymes and microbes. However, raw milk contains unique proteins, friendly microbes, fatty acids, and lactase-producing bacteria.

Lactase is an enzyme that helps break down lactose. People who have difficulties digesting milk can typically drink raw milk without any problems. Personally, I don't consume raw milk—I consume fermented raw milk products, like cheese and kefir.

Raw milk gives you a better absorption of calcium and fat-soluble vitamins. It also has proteins that can help support your immune system. Raw milk even has an anti-stiffness factor that may benefit people with arthritis and inflammation.

It's also important to get your milk from A2 cows. There are a lot of problems associated with A1 milk, so it’s best to buy dairy products that contain A2 milk.

Other benefits of raw milk include potentially helping with conditions such as:
• Ulcers
• GI problems
• Gout
• Gum disease
• Allergies
• Asthma

If given the choice between pasteurized milk and raw milk, you may want to check out raw milk.

Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio:
Dr. Berg, age 57, is a chiropractor who specializes in Healthy Ketosis & Intermittent Fasting. He is the author of the best-selling book The Healthy Keto Plan, and is the Director of Dr. Berg Nutritionals. He no longer practices, but focuses on health education through social media.

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Dr. Eric Berg received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1988. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Berg is a licensed chiropractor in Virginia, California, and Louisiana, but he no longer practices chiropractic in any state and does not see patients so he can focus on educating people as a full time activity, yet he maintains an active license. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, and prescription or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Berg and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

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Thanks for watching! I hope this helps increase your awareness of the benefits of raw milk dairy. I’ll see you in the next video.
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I have a story that needs to be told.
I am 76 today, but when I was still a teen I used to work in a little health food store in Los Angeles. One of our best sellers was raw milk, produced by Alta Dena Dairy in California, a small family dairy farm that sold an entire array of raw milk products. Raw milk is so superior to pasteurized milk that I can't even count the ways. In fact, even though I am lactose intolerant, raw milk still contains the natural enzymes that enable you to effectively digest the product without a single problem, and is indeed one of the most perfect foods in existence. But once they started boiling it at high heat to kill all of the bacteria from Big Dairy's over milked and stressed-out cows, all of these healthy nutrients are killed. That's why raw milk from healthy, happy cows is the ideal solution.
Alta Dena was so successful in selling their clearly superior products, that the American Dairy Council tried to make them join their association and start pasteurizing their perfectly healthy milk. from perfectly healthy cows, but they refused. So the ADC decided to "arrange a way" to FORCE them to join, while totally destroying their only source of competition at the same time. They simply they had some salmonella bacteria placed into a few quarts of their milk, then have a dairy inspector "coincidentally" test a few bottles of their product, now infected with the germs that they themselves had planted. When they found salmonella in it, the government removed ALL of the Alta Dena Products from every shelf and every store, just to "teach them a lesson." Then Alta Dena successfully beat them in court, proving that their products were entirely safe, so the ADC just waited a few months then re-infected a few more bottles of their products, purposely wiping out their entire inventory. By then Alta Dena was too broke from constant lawsuits to fight back, then HAD to boil their product, destroying all of its health benefits and bankrupting the entire company. This is how Big Food works to eliminate all competition, leaving only their unhealthy, often toxic products, along with Monsanto's GMO farming practices. It's criminal.


Pasteurization was never intended for the dairy industry. They simply adopted it for one reason - to increase the shelf life of the product. I suffered for over 25 years with a digestive issue, that completely resolved itself within two weeks of drinking raw milk.


Grew up on whole raw milk in Poland before moving to states. Use to drink it warm as in minutes after being milked. It was the best thing ever.


Raw Milk Literally saved me from a Severe Sugar and Junk food addiction that was going to end my Life and Destroyed my Health.
Since drinking Raw Milk, i have not touched one single Sugar food or Junk food.
I’m getting healthier by the Day


I just started ordering Raw milk, raw butter, cottage cheese, cheese and all my meat from an Amish Farm in Pennsylvania. They are away from city pollution and is called Dutch Meadow Farms. I’m so in love with this milk. It tastes way better than all that processed dairy.
Thank you Dr Berg for sharing this with your followers !!! They will be so happy if they make the switch or just go back to dairy, like I did.
Tricia -


I grew up on a farm and we always had fresh milk straight from cow to table. My gut problems started within about 5 years of leaving my childhood home and buying milk from supermarkets.


Living in a third world country Bangladesh, pasteurized milk is so expensive that people only mostly buy raw milk. Didn’t know it was a blessing in disguise.


I haven't been able to drink milk my whole life without gas and the runs. Moved to Pennsylvania in 2005. Where I was living there were numerous organic heirloom farms and dairies. You could buy unpasteurized milk there. It was amazing, for the first time in my life I could drink milk with zero digestive issues. Wonderful.


NY state doesn’t allow sale of raw milk. I was in Montreal 20 years ago and visited one of my brother’s college friends whose parents had a dairy farm. For breakfast lunch and dinner we were graced with the raw milk cold out of the fridge . Never felt healthier since then. Witnessed the milking of the cows and felt warm in the barn in 0degree weather. The barn was toastie with the heat generated from the beautiful giving cows. Miss those days.


Canada government has banned raw milk. But go get your cigarettes and lottery tickets


Raw milk is one of the best things that ever happened to me. After years of struggling with Lyme disease, Candida, and chronic bursitis, I’m resurrected. Nature’s perfect food.


My husband was raised on a Jersey dairy farm in Washington. Raw milk was illegal but they “bootlegged” some to the local farmers and my family participated. A local university ask to do a project on the dangers of raw milk. They took a gallon of the raw jersey milk and injected it with Listeria and then took a pasteurized gallon of milk and did the same. Well they had a surprise. The Listeria in the raw milk was unrecoverable while the pasteurized milk had MASSIVE CFUs ( colony forming units). The theory was the natural bacteria in the raw milk suppressed the growth of the Listeria ( pathogen) while the pasteurized milk served as a growth media to enhance growth.

The problem with pasteurization is the bacteria are LYSED i.e. “ exploded” . This releases numerous proteins into the milk. I believe some people can be sensitize to these proteins. Also since pasteurization, the colony counts allowed in milk has risen because they felt they would be killed so why worry? When I was working on my husbands farm the allowance was much lower and they worked hard in cleanliness. I doubt many modern dairies would grant tours of their facilities.


I had chronic mastitis while breast feeding all 5 of my children. On the last 2 when I couldn't nurse any more I went to raw milk. Those two children did fantastic. Never sick, no ear aches, no antibiotics.
We all drank raw milk for years and made our own cheese and yogurt.


Raw milk kefir changed my life! My entire family (6 of us) stoped taking all of our medications after drinking it every day. It’s been 3 years. We pay $17/gallon here in So Cal but it’s the best thing for our family so it’s absolutely worth it!


I just switched to a local farms raw milk and I love it! My stomach doesn’t hurt after drinking it. And I was also able to breastfeed my son for a year and a half, and let him wean on his own. But I was so proud of myself for giving him all those benefits!!


Dr. Berg I drank milk from a buffalo in pakistan freshly squeezed from the teat into a glass direct. It was fed a pure chopped grass diet or something like that in a lonely village. It was warm and sweet and the best drink I tasted in my life.


Love that you are dispelling the fears and myths! People are really not aware of the amazing benefits.


Following years of Chronic Lyme and co-infections my immune system was wrecked, I tried raw milk and have not looked back in 5 years, it's rebuilt me! I'm very lucky to live near to a farm which sells raw Jersey milk, I make yoghurt, cream and butter from it.


I never have really liked milk all that much, but always noted the difference between the 2% from the grocery store and the fresh milk from my granddad’s Jersey cow. He had kept at least one milk cow while he raised a family and milked every day for a lot of years, strained and bottled it, and put it in the fridge - all for personal use. He bought out a closing dairy’s inventory of the classic glass milk bottles and a (for him) lifetime stash of paper milk bottle caps. The cream that rose to the top of the bottles was delicious. His cow lasted 32 years before the milk dried up. He was in his mid to late 70s by then and and didn’t feel like getting another. I remember occasional comments about drinking non pasteurized milk, but no one ever got sick from his milk.


My uncle is a dairy farmer so I grew up drinking it on my summer holidays when I visited, the creaminess of fresh milk is very satisfying.
