10 MISTAKES Only Roblox Doors NOOBS MAKE!

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10 MISTAKES only Roblox Doors NOOBS MAKE! These are BIG MISTAKES that many players can make, including some PROs as well in Roblox Doors. Think you know the game? Well you better know these 10 tips and tricks for Roblox Doors!

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For people that can't beat the figure, stay crouched the whole time is the main tip, I would recommend not to look in drawers while doing him because then he will know where you are and come after you. When he comes near you, find a flower or a spot where it's off the carpet path, also if you go upstairs and go to your left go inside the space of the bookshelves for a crooked couch you can hide behind, I would recommend keeping your distance! If you want to risk getting him stuck, to for it but good f luck! Listen for sparkling sounds, follow it to get one of the books for the code, if you can't understand the note on the desk, it's saying the order of the shapes numbers, that's a huge but for you!


Honestly, I always get myself anxious whenever the lights flicker, but it's a Seek chase instead of a Rush or Ambush. Still a mistake I keep making to this day. I also just jump the closet when I see Figure coming towards me and it gets me killed a lot.


Some things new in the update
1. You can no longer do the figure skip, since the hitbox increase
2. Looting now is actually a good thing to do since you can get things such as the crucifix, more good items and the skull key, granting inf regen, very useful for the greenhouse.
3. Lockpicks are best to save till door 100 so you can lockpick the breaker room door and skip an entire sequence with 1 and rift the rest


Tip 1: You can actually prevent using lighter in dark rooms. When you find a dark room, just light the lighter to see how big the room is. If the room is big and there are many doors, use the lighters when you get lost. If the room is small, just stick to the walls until you find the door.

Another thing, if the room is small but dupe is behind one door, use the lighter to see the door number before entering.

Tip 2: While running through seek 2.0 (the one that comes after door 50), NEVER check the drawers. Seek is faster after door 50 and you will most likely die.

Tip 3: Always save up your coins. If you are easily damaged, dont buy many things at the start. When you save the coins, go to jeffs shop after door 50 and buy the skull key. Open the skull door in the infirmary room and take the healing herb and give it to your friends if they are playing with you. Trust me, it helps a lot.

Tip 4: If the lights flicker, dont hide immediately. (If you know what sound rush makes when he comes) When you hear the sound of rush coming and its a bit loud, then hide. Rush takes some time to come into the door you are in. If you hide immediately, the entity in the closet will most likely kick uou out for hiding too long and will lower your health.


The Halt method he says is extremely wrong, and he probably wasn’t told how speedrunners actually do it. The way Halt works is that Halt sees your position. When it decides when it wants to attack, it sees your position and walks to it. The thing is, Halt cannot move past that position. Basically, just move a little back when Halt appears in front of you.



Pro tips:
The classic 'missing' 8th book in Door 50 probably screws many games over because it cannot be found somehow and is always the last number you need. The tip here is to guess the last number instead, you don't need the 8th book to get past the Library's lock. Just be careful when figure goes up the stairs.


My list of things noobs do (hotel update)
1. Try to collect lots of gold because it will have a use later on in door 52.
2. Please preserve the candle until door 90-98, and don’t use it as a light source.
3. I figured out that you don’t actually have to remain crouched, when Figure is on the second floor, you can stand up and run faster. Just remember to crouch again when Figure returns.
4. I actually know how to spot screech before they make the psst sound, remember what I said about the candle.
5. Use the candle to check if any entities are coming.
6. After reading tip no.1 your first instinct might be to check every drawer, right? Wrong. You can find gold on top of the desks now.
7. Continuing from no.6 you can still loot drawers if you want. Just don’t loot too much, because… 🕷️
8. Yep, you can lose health from Timothy. And you will find a bandage instead of an item.
9. You cannot do the Door 100 skip now. Its now the hardest door in the game.


0:39 The thing is that lighters last very little, clearly not made to be used constantly. So you might aswell try to get a flashlight. It gives a tiny bit less visibility, but you have way more range, AND it lasts 5x longer AND its rechargable AND it doesnt go away when it runs out.


There's one very useful tip that was not mentioned here.

As he said, you only hear the "psst" a few seconds after screech appears, however, the moment screech spawns, there's a quiet static noise. This is a much safer cue than listening for the "psst" because you have much more time to react.


Jack: stop looting drawers
Also jack: dont buy lighters when you can be them from drawers



keep track of door numbers, use candles to help u, in rooms a crufiex (ik thats that not u spell it) and candles dont work/help, RUN in the door when opened in library, in library when figure comes and ur in the closet(thats what i call it) do the minigame to survive, dont stare at screech really quick you have to wait until he leaves, save ur useful items when u reach door 100 (u do it by going to this room and it will show this light and u will have to put in a item of choose, figure will roar when he detects movement.


rooms comes by door 60-65 u need the skeletion key and 2 lockpicks, there are 3 entities i know, A-60 comes ofc at the 60th room there is a chance it will spawn early (has happened to me) A-60 is just like rush hop in a locker and ur safe, rooms do not have lights but when u hear like stomping i think, hop in a locker, keep track of the rooms that have lockers u may need to run in them, the exits that u will see lead to the normal game it doesnt mean u finishes rooms, rooms have 1000 rooms, A-200 is just like ambush he comes around many times, there is no hide in rooms so u can stay in there as long as u want, when A-90 comes u will need to let go if u move A-90 will take away 90-95 percent of ur health.

tip:for A90 let go of everything, u will need practice bc ur basically trained to turn around

tell me if i missed anything <3


Tip: if you don't have a lockpick for a dark locked room and don't know where the key is. Wait for the guiding light, but you may have to deal with Screech.


For tip 5: Here is a fun fact, if you do the breaker mini-game flawlessly combined with a figure skip, you can actually leave the breaker room and get halfway up the elevator by the time figure realizes you started the breaker game and starts banging on the door. The door finally breaks when you're basically already in the elevator.


Tip for Halt: Halt will only spawn when there is too much light flickering. So if you see the lights flicker a VERY lot of times, don't worry, it's not Rush or Ambush. The room after or that room is just Halt. So don't hide.

Edit: 1 didn't even know that you guys would even like once! Thanks!
Edit 2: I'm totally not crying because I got more than 15 likes...
Edit 3 : Merry Christmas guys! I got a Nintendo Switch for Christmas. And thank for 25 likes!


A neat trick for halt is to use the speed pills right after he forces you to go back.
This will let you gain speed so that way you can get to the door faster and will save you some time.


For number 6, I find it more likely for the game to spawn vitamins in the large containers that spawn in rooms such as the office (the one with the glass windows) when you have lower health. While it's not fully optimal, it can help.


Once you collect enough books, figure changes his route. This should be learned carefully. There are plenty of hiding spots around the new route he will take. The new route also intercepts the code lock, and if he is upstairs on his new route, do the code lock FAST.


Tips: when in a dark room, screech actually makes a slight static sound before the PSST, but it’s hard to hear,

When doing the figure heartbeat mini game, you only have to do the first 2 heartbeats and then you can leave the cabinet, as figure will be stuck in the closet position for a few seconds. Only use this for emergencies as it doesn’t have a guaranteed success rate.

Ambush actually doesn’t have a hitbox, if he sees you, you die. So if you get ambush and have the opportunity to hide behind a closet, or or out of sight take it.

Rush hitbox gets bigger by each room you come through, after door 50, hiding in corners will probably not work, but vents still do.


I gotta say coins will help you get knobs even though it is not efficient, but it will help you a little bit through your run. so I will stick to the greed way checking all the drawers.


Here’s a tip for Figure, Screech, Rush and Seek.

Figure, as already known, has a path finding script. It breaks its path finding when hearing players and changes to a lock-on-players script. Once caught or lost, Figure will reset to its path finding again. There are spots that its path does not take which is the door at the entrance, bookcases next to the entrance, right of the exit door and the very right side when going up the stairs. If you learn these blind spots, you can get past Figure whilst barely or completely skipping all the hiding you have to do. It’s recommended to only hide when your current situation is in SERIOUS danger (like if Figure heard you). Another tip is that Figure has a radius around him that actually is able to hear you walking. The length of that radius is unknown to me but is definitely around a medium or short distance. So if Figure seems to be far, that’s your time to search for as many books as you can for a brief period of time.

There are some common problems of finding Screech. It will only appear behind, below and above. Do not tilt your view completely upwards or downwards. Only slightly check above and below to see where the tentacles are. But if you can’t do that then I suggest looking up first then looking down as Screech mostly appears above for me.

It’s probably already commonly known but Rush, although sounding close, if your past like 2 rooms were short or your current room is large then hide as you normally would. Or you could take the risk and open the next door whilst Rush is heading towards you. If you have time, you can hide in the next room. If not then just hide in the current room after opening the door. This tip is extremely risky though so just be careful. This can help with getting rid of eyes in the next room quickly, checking what the next room may be and also sometimes disabling what might be another appearance of another entity or Rush again.

Seek is pretty simple. You can easily become way more ahead of him by sticking to walls or barriers to quickly get around their edges and arriving to the doors faster. Also know that there is actually a lot of space in the small crawl spaces you crouch through. So you can press crouch early to quickly crawl through and not bump into anything or waste time.

Edit: I completely forgot that this comment existed

Also for Ambush, pretty much just do the same thing for Rush.
