13 TYPES of Roblox Doors PLAYERS.. Which One Are You?

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13 TYPES of Roblox Doors PLAYERS.. Which One Are You? Roblox Doors does have many types of players in the game, but which one are you out of the many? Let us know in the comments below!

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WHICH TYPE of player ARE YOU? (Better not be the noob!) 👀


you missed one: the overexplainer, he explains all the monsters as you progress when they appear, even though most people know already, can be super distracting in rooms like room 50 because it can be tempting to reply


Having a looter is FAR better then a speed runner, just be sure to warn them if they lights flicker so they can hide, speedrunners on the other side will dash through rooms making everyone also have to run, usually their too far ahead for others to see the lights flicker in the room they just entered and get all their teamates killed


The soloer: players that tend to only play alone, they're also really good at the game since they can beat the game without the need of others to help.
They also don't like chaos or playing with other as he don't want to deal with toxicity.
(Keep in mind that solo is easier than 4 peoples, more player=more chaos)

I'm that type of guy + pro + looter


There's one you missed. The noobs that think they know everything are so annoying. I once met a guy who kept explaining every entity like I didn't know any of them, but hadn't even gotten to the 2nd seek chase

Edit: I forgot to add this, but I had told him multiple times that I had already beat the game, and knew the entities, yet he ignored me everytime.


tbh the troll leaving is more of an advantage because they won’t hog closets
less people means more getting past rush and ambush


Mainly, I am the Pro and the Looter. I know a lot about the game and I have a great understanding of all the entities. However, if I am alone, I tend to check every single drawer in hope of finding a lighter or a flashlight.
Also, there is one you missed, and it's one that I would partially be on as well: The Easily Scared.


Here’s some I made up

The non-rebounder: has a difficult time with ambush and hates the entity for always dying to it after their 2nd seek chase

The arachnophobic: you hate Timothy and/or fear him at being in your drawers

The double edged sword: you have trouble in the seek chase due to the left or right choice on where the blue door is, causing you to waste time

The curious: you try to find rare entities such as warped jack, shadow, or window

The glitched: you abuse glitches that help you and your team progress

The anxious room of darkness: you mainly hate dark rooms only because you know screech lurks there, or can’t find your surroundings.

The troll v2: you hog closets right before people get in so you get the betrayal badge, or you spam vitamins to make people die to glitch entity

The lost book: you can’t find the 8th and final book in room 50 so you have to guess the final digit

So yeah


You forgot the challengers: Do more and harder challenges like no sound challenge or no hide challenge but are also sometimes speed runners who are also challengers. (And also sometimes have youtube channels sharing their challenges and sometimes their speed run challenges.) Otherwise, congratulations for having had so much information and knowing so many players.


I'm a mix of a looter and a pro. I know all the monsters and how to survive them and i'm constantly opening drawers. Whenever i'm playing by myself, I always challenge myself to open EVERY SINGLE drawer (unless in a dark room). I was once in a server with this guy who said "If any of you die, spectate me". I replied with "Why?". He said "because it's rude to leave the game when you die." He ended up dying in the first seek chase and left the game... threw that rule right out the window


Now, if you ask me, hiders can really be in TRUE danger since it doesnt prevent Seek or Screech from interfering with them, not to mention also Hide. I'm usually being looters. I loot (almost) every single drawer i see, especially big ones in desks because they're always containing useful handy items, like Lighter, Lockpick, Vitamins, or even the Key to the door (if locked). But i'm sometimes just being an Achievement Hunter in hunger for badges, like Meet Jack and Error.


I could win almost every time, but I leave when everyone else does because then it's boring. No action in the chat.
Also you missed one: The non-chatters
These people never respond to ANYTHING happening in chat and are usually pretty bad at the game and die early.
They never tell anyone about where the keys are or what the code is. They just won't talk.


I'm a combination of a speedrunner, looter, and a achievement hunter


There is also the the one guy who leaves everyone behind. Like if you have to go into the cellar he will just start running when the door is open and sometimes he will spawn in rush cause he’s so far ahead and then rush kills everyone. He also doesn’t usually make it past door 30 where u have to run.


I'm the person who waits for others and helps out from time to time (and also the one who get's caught by figure a lot).


you forgot the rusher, the one who always leave there team mates


I think I never encountered a rager, on that aspect, doors community is really peacefull


btw the betrayal one I got out of panic when I thought I was initinally safe from rush, but realized in the nick of time that I wasn't safe and accidentally stole a closet right before rush got another player. I felt bad, but at least I got the achievement.


the trolls always mess with the rooms where you have to change the paintings to places too progress further

I'm the lazy one in some rounds and someimes the looter


The Lazy player also usually activates Rush or Ambush and kills everyone that didn't see the lights flicker.
