3 major red flags to watch out for in women

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My wife doesn't hang out with guy friends anymore because we are married and i don't hang out with female friends anymore neither because it's about respect for our marriage. Most of her friends are females and most of my friends are males. We try to hang with more married couples instead of single couples.


Another one if she’s always on social media


The third one.

Raising her voice and yelling at me, GOT ME.


You are spot on with these. Tattoos are another red flag


If she yells at you there has to be a reason for it, people argue all the time in relationships, what would be good is to sort it out and be healthy about it. Not just demand that she stops yelling at you and immediately leave her if she does it again when you could be equally in the wrong.


He's right ! add, if she does not work and simply expects you to work and earn money


#4 Disrespects, lies to and talks back or yells at her parents. I ran into this with my ex. VERY disrespectful household towards the parents. Screamed at them over the phone or in person. Brother did the same. Parents never did a thing. Guess what? She willl do the same to you.

#5 Lies a lot and is good at it. I noticed this in my ex wheh she would lie all the time to her parents and came up with the lies QUICK. I questioned her about it and she said she had been lying to her parents for years to go out with boys. If she will lie to them and does it easy then she will do the same to you. And i found out many times she lied to me after we broke up and was cheating on me with her ex. And continues to lie to make herself the victim.


Def the partying, and she doesnt want to invite you 😂


As someone thats old enough to remember. Red flags are just green flags PUAs looked for in the late 90s, early 2000s, of women they can sleep with on the first date that would never expect a call the next day.


Exactly what I did to my ex, when she showed her real face. Thanks man, your videos are great 👍


The third one got me, 😢Damn I been a simp, she disrespect me by cheating and lying about it, she calls me names, she talks to me like she's talking to a child, and i walk away l, then call her after 3 days of no contact, meaning, I've been giving her power all along.😢😢Sorry guys.just hurts when you hear the truth this way.


I was with you until that last one. It depends how often she yells. If it’s like all the time, then yeah okay, you should dump her. But like, people yell sometimes, it’s part of life. In an argument, sometimes voices are raised. It’s unpleasant but it doesn’t always mean that something abusive is happening.


The third one I kinda disagree. It depends on why she raises her voice. If you say something that hurtful first then I must say, she has every right to be angry. Just calm yourself and your partner give a few minutes or hour and then come back and talk again. If she cant even communicate with you then leave if she can then asked her why she feels the needs to raise or yell? maybe you can see the reason


Preach! I'd like to add 4. Not supporting your successes. 5. Not enough communication. You're my girl but I can't get a response for 24 to 48 hours? Bye!


I think number 1 is contextual. Some people are just social, but if she doesn't have any girl friends, then it's probably because she's only looking for attention...


Long nails, fake lashes, smokes are red flags for me.


All of those bad behaviors and traits that would be a dealbreaker stem from an even deeper issue, which is the lack of relationship with father. Or just a terrible relationship with the father. So that is the number one red flag in a woman that you would be looking to settle down with. Everything else you spoke of is a direct result of bad relationship with father.


The guy "friends situation" is getting so old. Why do women need these dudes?


what? a girl having guy friends is a red flag? jeez then he must be that insecure. just because a woman has guy friends doesn't mean she'll cheat on him with them


I'm a woman. My dad and I don't have communication because he prefers his friends over his children. Im sorry, but how would I love him under these circumstances? He doesn't remember my birthday or age 😂. This doesn't make me a bad person. My point is there are validated reasons for a person not to love their dad. I have healed and I have created healthy relationships with men.
