“Daughters of Narcissistic Mothers Disown Themselves”— LISA ROMANO

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#narcissisticmother #daughtersofnarcissisticmothers #adultchildrenofalcoholics If you are the adult daughter of a narcissistic mother, you must break free of your mother's toxic karma. As a daughter, you have grown up craving her love, but you may never have gained her love due to her narcissism, alcoholism, or immaturity. As a result, feeling abandoned and unworthy has left you emotionally wounded.

If you are the adult child of an alcoholic or narcissist and a mother yourself, you must awaken from living below the veil of consciousness. You must take up the call to heal your life to save your children from repeating your mother's karma, which she, by default, passed along to you.

Despite being raised by narcissistic, alcoholic, and even codependent mothers, we can awaken and heal our lives. We can break the karmic spell and step into our highest spiritual power! We can manage duality and live above the veil of consciousness.

When we break the spell of karma, we help heal the world and push consciousness forward!

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Lisa A. Romano is a Certified Life Coach and bestselling author who specializes in helping adult children from toxic homes heal the abandonment wounds responsible for codependent, narcissistic relationship dynamics. In 2020 she was voted the #1 most Influential Person of the Year by Digital Journal and one of the Top Ten Inspirational Women of 2021.  In 2022, she was voted one of the Top 30 Female Entrepreneurs To Look Out For by Entrepreneurs Herald.

Her books Codependency Manifesto and Codependent Now What? It's Not You -- It's Your Programming have been voted two of the best books on codependency. In February of 2021, she was voted one of the Top Mental Health Experts to watch by Yahoo Finance. In March of 2021, USA Today voted her book Codependent Now What, one of the top 20 must-reads for anyone looking to upgrade their personal and professional lives. Her podcast Breakdown to Breakthrough is a consistent top 100 broadcast on mental health issues. Actors from the hit movie WAVES credited Lisa during an LA Times interview for helping them prepare for their roles as children of narcissistic parents spiraling out of control due to toxic family relationships. Her work reaches millions of viewers monthly via her YouTube channel with nearly 600K subscribers. Her flagship program, The 12 Week Breakthrough Coaching Program, has helped thousands of wounded adult children awaken their consciousness. Her passion for helping other wounded adult children stems from her codependency recovery journey. Lisa's understanding of generational trauma helped her recognize familial dysfunction as a form of subconscious programming passed to future generations. Her desire to spare her three children from the faulty subconscious programs that ruled her life gave her the courage to end her toxic marriage and face her low self-worth, abandonment issues, and codependency traits head-on.

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Yes, I absolutely needed sent here. It's like you know me and your talking to me about my life. My abandonment issues destroy every relationship in my life.


After a lifetime of my mom telling me how terrible my father was, I am now realizing she is the main contributor of my traumas.


I have to say, when I was a child, I remember looking at my mom and thinking something wasn't right with the way she treated me. I was awake at a young age, but I felt the guilt and blamed myself for everything. I tried to succeed just so my mom would be proud of me. It was never enough. At 43, one day I just had enough, and I just stopped. I haven't seen my mom and dad in 7 years. I miss them terrible, but I don't suffer everyday anymore. I know she will never work with me, so I gave up. I raised a son who is now 17 and I changed everything for him and he's a senior in high school, kind, loving, respectful, and has wonderful self esteem. I succeeded because I was self aware at such a young age. I thank God everyday for that wisdom so young. Good luck all narcissistic daughters. I'm very sad I will never get a sorry but I'm working through not regretting my choice and lack of her love.


my mom was a narcissist but i gave it right back to her. she was critical, nasty condescending and Jealous. Everytime she said something hurtful I just gave it back to her and mimicked her. I know she was jealous of me because years ago I was a newspaper reporter and actually had a job in my hometown and my relatives and friends were acknowledge me to her and she blew a gasket. So everytime I saw her I wore my press cards. When she said I was showing off I said "right back at you" when she gave me the silent treatment I did it to her. This is not easy but she stopped and she doesn't bother with that much and honestly it is difficult but I stood my ground and made my own life. I don't care if your mother is 50 90 or 190 they will never change. She said when I was born she told me she didn't want me so I told her I didn''t want her and stuck to my guns. When you are a punching bag learn to punch back.


I had a relationship with a man that later I realized was just like my mom.


It has been remarkably freeing to have had no contact with my mother since June. No drama, no manipulation, no guilt, shame, blame, insults, tearful outbursts, “poor me” martyr stories, no more gaslighting. Life has been peaceful, predictable and reflective of what I want to experience each day.

My mother’s life choices and struggles with the need to manipulate and control others reflect her unhealed self. I released her with love.


My mother is a massive narc. Haven’t spoken to her in over 2 years and my blood pressure has come down.


This is my mother. She is jealous and envious of me. As an adult she still tries to hold me back, lies on me, makes fun of me and tries to bring me down.


Thank you so much. She stole my life. I've been fighting the same battles for 59 years, with complex ptsd. My father was worse because he saw, he knew, and did nothing.


I’m 64. Still overcoming the trauma this caused me in my childhood. It’s taken me years to realize I deserve respect and love. I no longer tolerate these people I avoid them.


I did not have children by choice, and now at 42 I'm finally at peace living by myself and have given up on relationships, after so many disappointments. I'm choosing to save myself at last.


I feel like I lost my mom even though she is still here :/


I had to break free from the pattern of my narcissistic parent because I started to attract narcissistic MEN. It doesn't get better until you start to self-reflect, awaken and put yourself first and only if need be.


I think both of my parents are narcissists....it's insane. Like a complete reality shift. This is SO hard! 😢


Life as a scapegoat has been hell on earth. Sometimes I wondered why I was even here. I was stuck in the matrix too long.


Her hate and resentment wasn’t enough till the entire family was against me. Unreal


thought I was the only female whose mother showed jealousy, I couldnt believe I was reading it correctly, just knowing its a possibility I was correct makes me feel so much less burdened


This is where I am now. I’m no longer scared, my daughters should not carry the curse. When you know better, do better. 😍


Went no contact with my mom - over 15 yesrs ago. Even after telling people what my parents put me through. Amazing how many family members said to forgive her - NO


I saved my mothers life when I was three.
She passed out and was bleeding out from a bad abortion.
I ran to the neighbors an they got her help.
I am an only child.
She abused me physically and mentally till my father died and
I went no contact with her. I was 57.
I was the best thing I ever did !
Heal yourself and your children by leaving the narcissist as soon as
you can !
