How To Start Working Out As A Complete Beginner AFTER 50!

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You don’t have to be intimidated as a beginner or someone just getting back into working out after a long time. If you don’t know where to start, that is okay. There are a bunch of videos and even one on one coaching that you can utilize to help you get started working out, or get back into it. That is why I am going to show you how to start working out as a complete beginner after 50.

Trust me, you are not the only one that is just starting out or getting back into it after a long time. Part of starting to workout is getting past the psychological part that you can’t do it, or that you are embarrassed. Starting comes with pushing yourself out of your comfort zone. If you are over the age of 50, it is not too late to start working out. You are not going to be a BEGINNER for long!

It might sound a little weird, but if you are a do not need to join a gym right away. Something you also want to avoid is being too eager and pushing yourself too hard right away. That can lead to failure because you get too sore or injured, making you want to quit right away. Pace yourself and don’t rush into it too fast. You also want to make sure that you are getting a plan that is specific to you and your goals. Now,let’s get started with the tips on how to start working out as a complete beginner after 50.

Tip #1: YOU HAVE TO START MOVING. The more you do this and prioritize it, the easier it will become. If you are exercising for the first time in a long time, a good start point is WALKING. It is easier on your body, and you don’t need any equipment. Again, pace yourself..don’t walk too much right away. You can start with 30 minutes a day, 3-4 times a week. You are going to start seeing a huge difference this makes, especially if you are just starting out. You can also mow your lawn, park your car farther away from the store or your office, and even take the stairs.

Tip #2: GET A WORKOUT PLAN SPECIFIC TO YOU UTILIZING RESISTANCE TRAINING. Find a program that you can follow that is specific to the goal you are trying to achieve. Pick a plan that is right for you, and just start it! There are also lots of videos on our Youtube channel that you can use to get started, along with workout programs that you can try to help you start your fitness journey.

Tip #3: NUTRITION. Focusing on your nutrition will help you lose fat. Your food is also a source of energy, and if you start eating the right foods, you will start feeling better within days. Avoid the processed foods, and go for more nutrient dense foods, and you will start feeling a lot better mentally and physically.

Tip #4: JOIN OUR FACEBOOK GROUP. It is called ANABOLIC TRIBE. It is a great place and community, especially for beginners, to get motivation to start working out and being held accountable. We are all in this together, so you are not going to go through this alone. Whether it is starting this with someone in the same spot as you, or having someone help you along the way, we all have the goal of being in the best shape of our life.

Alright guys, that wraps up this video on how to start working out as a complete beginner after 50. Make sure to check out our social media and subscribe to our channel for more videos on how to get back in shape and build muscle as a man over 50.
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Are you wanting to start working out after 50? Awesome! Check out this video and follow these tips. Comment below and let me know what you think!


51 and I've lost 70lbs this year paying attention to what I drink, eat and walking everyday. Now I'm starting to do more.


My first video I watch to restart my journey after 10 years. I’m 51 now… I will start again ❤


For me it’s because I’ve become too comfortable. “A body at rest tends to stay at rest.” This sums me up, there’s nothing like my couch! 😂


What a great video! I started this way 3 years ago and challenged myself to an 11 min program doing basic exercises telling myself if i can't commit to 11 min a day then there is no hope. That led to resistance training guidance from Mark and Garry for my own training program that continues to evolve. It all got turbo charged when I started getting real feedback on my Fitbit allowing me to lose significant weight. That feedback is critical to keep me motivated.


This is well calibrated. Starting behind the eight ball is where many of us are hiding.


I am 50 yrs old... I want to begin changing my life health and transform my body to the best it can be.. I just don't know how to do this the right way...I am truly asking for help..I need to do this now at 50 for me and the people who are important to me to be the best for them and me..🙂🙏


Thank you Mark I am a cancer survivor in remission I been wanting to start exercising again too! though chemo messed up my metabolism and tired as heck from work I have not given up yet! but your right! I have no excuses not to start somewhere at 52 years old and can do it! I been looking at your body weight training and healthy eating programs as a good start for myself !


Some good advice here. Simply put, you don't have to start hard. YOU JUST HAVE TO START.

The great thing now is that YouTube has a bazillion workouts. Start with things like Body Project cardio and using Live Anabolic to start lifting small weights. Make it a habit (I work out 6 days a week). Then once you establish a baseline, start exploring your options and migrate towards something that you tend to at least not hate. For me, that's weights 2-3 times a week, a Peloton (I love it but it's not for everyone), kickboxing, walking and a bit of rowing.


Thank you Mark for this uplifting and encouraging message.


Be careful guys I walked for 2 years then started weight lifting and injured my shoulder after 3 months it took 7 months before I could workout upper body again so be careful


Great tips Mark! I bought a fitness watch, Garmin Vivoactive 3, and track my steps, stairs, etc. It's a great motivator. I do online weekly step challenges. Yoga has taken me out of my comfort zone. I may need to start wearing a First Alert in class.😄


Great video - many guys over 40 'give up' after trying over and over to become healthier - but they become disappointed after their failures and lack of success. Guys have to be 'Patient' with their progress and DON'T try to do too much too soon or you will get sore/injured and want to stop. Gotta go SLOW and build everything up over time. Agree 100%! 👍


What a great video, probably the best info ive personally seen for the over 50s, thank you sir


Thanks mark. Im 60 but have really bad adrenal fatigue. I did high intensity heavy workouts up until 2 years ago so I have to force myself to do lower intensity workouts to improve my health. Really need help. Started seeing a naturapathic doctor about 5 months ago n taking adrenal supps. to rest them. Look forward to my fitness journey with you n garry.


Thank you Mark. Grateful for your motivation and great content.


I'm a girl, 53. But I love the way you explain things. This makes sense


Thanks Mark I really needed this right now !!


Everything your saying about beginners, yeah I'm there. Thanks for the video.


What is name of the pre work out that you sell?
