8 Things You Should Never Tell Your Partner

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Honesty and communication are important in relationships, but not everything needs to be shared. If you think it might hurt your partner, it’s sometimes better not to say it. Hurtful words, especially in arguments, can cause long-term damage.  Here are 8 things you should never tell your partner.

That They’re Overreacting.

Has anybody ever calmed down after being told they’re overreacting in an argument? You should never say this to your partner because it sounds like you’re minimizing their feelings. Instead, listen to why they feel that way, even if you think you’re in the right.

That Your Ex is Better.

You don’t need to hide the fact you’ve had previous relationships but comparing your current partner to your ex isn’t going to help anyone. Psych Central warns that comparing your relationship can make things worse, bringing up resentment.

That You Hate Their Family.

Trouble with in-laws is a tale as old as time, but you need to be careful how you deal with it. Telling your partner you hate their family will offend them and make them defensive. It could also sound like you’re giving them an ultimatum, which will only widen the rift.

That They’re Stupid.

Sometimes, our partners do things that baffle us, but calling someone you love ‘stupid’ is unacceptable. If you want to rectify a situation, making a personal attack by insulting their intelligence will only make them angry at you. They likely won’t forget your disrespect quickly, either.

That They Shouldn’t Be Angry

Nobody likes fighting with their partner, but you won’t end a fight by telling them they shouldn’t be angry. You can’t control another person’s emotions, especially if they feel you’ve done something wrong. So, the best thing to do is listen to what they’re saying and approach things rationally.

That They’re a Liar.

Miscommunications happen frequently in relationships, but it’s not productive to accuse your partner of lying. They may have misinterpreted or misheard something, so it’s best to give them the benefit of the doubt before jumping to conclusions. If you still think they’re lying, try to have a constructive conversation.

That They’re Fat.

Calling anybody fat is unnecessary and cruel, but especially your partner. Verywell Mind warns that attacking your partner for something you consider a flaw is malicious, especially if you try to disguise it as teasing. If you have concerns over your partner’s weight gain, approach it delicately and never use the word ‘fat’.

That They’re Wrong.

People often say that when you argue with your partner, it’s not you versus them; it’s the two of you versus the problem. That’s why you shouldn’t tell your partner that they’re wrong in a fight. You should both listen to what the other has to say and figure out what the real problem is.
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