Utility worker pepper sprays dogs

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A pet owner is upset after a utility worker pepper sprayed his dogs through a fence.
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I hate how society and the mainstream media automatically sides with the dogs, every single time.


Well my neighbours have four dogs, all very aggressive. I am an older woman living alone. I don't feel safe but the owners simply do not take it seriously. I have bought pepper spray and I will absolutely use it if I have to.


I'm an HVAC tech and I have one rule: Put your dog away. I don't care if he's "a big sweetie", I don't care that "oh, he's all bark and no bite". Put your dog away. If you don't, I'll take my tools and leave. Then you can sit in your 95 degree house until you decide to put your dog away.


Control your dogs. When people walk down the street/sidewalk, dogs find a way to get loose and chase people. It's happened to me recently. Owners have no idea that they do. So, now I carry a pepper spray with me everywhere I go. It's either the dog or me. And well, I don't trust dogs any longer. Until You(in general) get chased by a dog, you'll understand where WE/I am coming from. I don't want to hurt any animal, but my Safety comes first.


We don't get to hear the utility worker's side of the story-- only the corporate response.


Everyone says their dogs are fine and never bite, until they bite. I don't care how many times you say it. I don't trust your dog or you. Put it away.


As an amazon delivery contractor, I can tell you that I and many others carry sprays and weapons because we don’t know what can happen on the road and as a contractor Amazon will not have our back in an attack so we do whatever needs to be done to keep ourselves safe if we ever feel threatened. Doesn’t matter if your dog is the sweetest or not, if it’s running towards me while barking then I am assuming the worst will happen.


What about the worker’s safety? Why didn’t they even bring up his safety? Those dogs can be VERY AGGRESSIVE AND KILL PEOPLE. Bear spray doesn’t kill, dogs do


Many dogs can actually jump that fence no problem. How is he to know what your dogs are capable of? However, it would be nice to get a warning of what day these people are coming over so you can make sure to have your pets inside. They just waltz up into your yard.


Only reason I'm watching this video is because I was recently bitten by a dog. I knock doors for a living, and a significant number of pet owners do not have control over their pets. It's dangerous for the dogs too. I've seen dogs dart out of the house and run into oncoming traffic. Recently a Stafford Bull Terrier got loose and bit me twice. The lady barely even tried to stop it. Puts me in a real awkward position too. I didn't even fully defend myself because I'm not trying to attack the dog in front of its owner. I wish I had kicked it in its face. Damn dog deserved it. The dog owners just don't care. They know the dog isn't going to bite them and they don't give a shit if the dog bites you. I probably should have taken this lady to court. I had to go to the ER. I don't blame this utility worker at all.


dogs can and do jump fences. dogs are beasts. some pepper spray in their eyes is not going to hurt them anymore than it would hurt a human. it cases like this it's the only thing that will force them to back off and shut up long enough for someone to get their job done and leave.


Perspective: would you rather your dogs get peppersprayed to avoid an injury? Or would you rather your dogs jump the fence, injure the worker, and you get sued?


The dogs are fine. Was just out on a morning walk and had two little pitty mixes chase me like 5 houses from their yard. Couple houses over had 5 St. Bernards and a really flimsy fence. Those things were terrifying, they looked like polar bears. I don't want to hurt anybody's dogs but pepper spray appears to do no lasting damage and the utility worker has a job to do.


Few weeks ago when i was walking my small kids in the public park here in Ontario Canada, a big poodle started running at my kid. It was unleashed on the playground! I peppersprayed it and then the owner ran up to me he looked so pissed as if he was going to punch me. He swore at me in front of my kids and his kids, blamed me for being inhumane. His old fart dad yelled at me too. Those dog owners are awful. They are risking others peoples kids safety. A few months prior to that the same poodle charged my toddler at the same playground but i got in between. It gets to the point i dont feel safe for my kids safety anymore. Terrorists!!! And animal control in here are pretty much useless, they said they needed the address of the guy to fine him or talk to him, who knows what they're doing but i see plenty of people walking their dogs off leash.


Your dogs safety? Since when does pepper spray cause damage?


I mean the guy was in the wrong, but the female anchor starts the story out "This is a VERY disturbing story."... then ends with "I couldn't imagine". LOL It's a couple of dogs getting pepper sprayed lady, not a baby getting curb-stomped... now THAT would be a disturbing story.


wake up people have you seen the height of the fence? have you seen the type of dog he has? of the type who jumps 3 times the Olympic height if it gets annoyed?


Ohhhh a dog was uncomfortable. Film at eleven.


So you were at work and this big dog was outside alone all day? That fence is barely 4'. She prob was scared. Scared people respond badly. You see the mailbox is right next to the open air gate. Secure your pets properly, people. She's good. I wouldn't leave your mail at all.


people in my neighborhood have dogs that somehow get loose. i just got my pepper spray cuz im tired of these mofos being on the loose. i need to protect myself in case one of em want to cross that line
