Mailman arrested for pepper-spraying dog

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Mailman arrested for pepper-spraying dog
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I'm a mailman and there are hundreds of dog owners just liked this idiot. The dog will always be protective of his home and that flimsy fence he had on his porch for a rottweiler?! Come on man ! I would of felt threaten too. It's irresponsible dog owners like him that give dogs a bad rep. Lock up your dog in the backyard !!! He might not want his mail but his neighbors do !!!


That mailman had every right to protect himself if he felt threatened. Cops shoot dogs all the time and never get in trouble but when a mailman pepper sprays a dog, They are arrested? I will never understand America... 


I wouldn't trust that fence to protect me from a rabbit. Also "We don't need our mail" the mailman has NO CHOICE he HAS to deliver the mail. Also I hate the owners who always say he won't bite anyone, no he won't bite you as you're in his pack, and he won't bite anyone while you're around because you're in charge. In this situation there's no way to know.


I hope this mailman was cleared of all charges and the arrest removed from his record.


It is ALWAYS the dog owner's responsibility to deal with their dog on each and EVERY issue, whether it be a mailman's fears and concerns, or constant barking...disturbing the neighborhood. Your dog affects everything. The dog is an extension of you. Other people are not beholden to putting up with any aspects of your dog...period.


Guarantee that guy didn't have that fence closed and the dog was loose. I deliver for a living and if the dog is out (which it shouldn't be in the first place) and it's showing aggression toward me, you best believe I'll mace it. I love dogs, but when the owner knows their dog is aggressive and they still leave it unleashed, they deserve it. I'm not saying this dude didn't have his dog contained, but if not, he and the dog got what they deserved.


My dog would never bite anyone. -Every dog owner.

All three dog bites I received in my fifteen years of carrying mail were by dogs that would never bite anyone. Why isn't his mailbox on the curb???


Are you freaking kidding me?In what world does is a baby gate suitable as a outdoor containment of a big dog like a rottweiler?Plus he has displays more irresponsibilty by not having an actual fence or a leash on his dog!


I guess the mailman should use a gun next time to protect him self from this wild dogs


What shitty journalism. You never got the postman's side of the story and just gave his family a 5 second mention at the end of the segment. It's pretty apparent that you have quite a bias on this story WAVY. Shame on you.


I've been bitten while riding my bike and it's terrifying.  Now I don't ride without it.  I was bitten by a GOLDEN LAB (a most docile breed).  The owners were beside themselves: "it's just not like her".  And I would agree from having passed their house literally hundreds of times prior.  But dogs are dogs and sometimes, something sets off their instinct to chase & attack.
Now, when a dog leaves it's yard and comes after me, I'm spraying without hesitation.  It's a cone/mist spray, so it's gonna have to be point blank in order to get it.  I've had to use it, it took several seconds of swirling behind me to get a Great Dane to break off.
My right to ride by unmolested trumps owners' desire for their dogs to run free.  Leash or pen them and this can't happen.  Pepper spray produces the most humane and effective result possible.
That's just my story.


If a dog menaces a person in any way (barking, growling, etc.) that person has the right to defend themselves period. Pepper spray is a valid non lethal option. Without having both sides of this story, it is hard to judge. But, I would take the mail mans side without more info. The whole emotional scarring thing is so laughable. It's a dog guy!


"If you're scared, I don't need my mail, it's not that important." Government documents would say otherwise.


As a carrier in MA -
Second- We have to deliver the Mail to EVERY home..unless its unsafe
Third- Spraying a dog is something I would hate to do but have done in the past if a dog is Un- leashed and advancing...OR if its getting too close and is obviously not cool. Also look up "The best part of my day" - my own video showing what a good dog can be.  
I love animals..but if I even think I will be bitten or attacked...I have the choice to not deliver..and if that dog is not tied or caged, OR fenced...and its advancing....I WILL spray it. 


Well, I hope they arrest owners whose dogs attack and chase you.


New mail lady here. Dogs are a problem. In fact, the entire postal service is a dinosaur needing to go extinct. All paper correspondence can be electronically sent from now on. We do not need driver's licenses or passports, it can all be done using blockchain. Regarding packages, we can turn the postal offices into package facilities where you have x amount of days to come get your package or it gets sent back. You can be notified of a package through informed delivery. This would save lives. IN fact a mail lady was mauled to death the other day on her route by a pack of dogs.


everyone thinks their dog is a big baby and no harm to anyone.


People have some idealistic ideas of what these dogs are capable of. The owner wouldn't have heard a low growl from the dog if he were inside as he claimed. Not only that, but my fucking beagle, which is half the size of that dog, could have jumped that lame excuse for a barrier and bit the mailman from there. Without having seen the situation, it's hard for anyone to say if the dog or mailman started the confrontation.


Dog owners almost always say their dog would never bite anyone - including the 2 owners whose dogs bit me for no apparent reason. Here's a tip for this clueless dog owner - don't leave your dog unattended on the front porch and keep your pest on a leash. I would have sprayed a barking dog too rather than wait and see if it will bite me.

Sorry, but people's rights DO supersede animal rights.


The mail man has the right to defend himself
