7 Signs Your Relationship With God Is Bad

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Don't ignore these 7 signs when you see your relationship with The Most High is falling apart!!!

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Proverbs 19:3 says, "When a man's folly brings his way to ruin, his heart rages against the Lord".


Lately I’ve cut off all my friends who I smoked with, who was cheating on their wives, in the streets, etc. I’ve stopped dealing with women who lust & only want sex, party all the time, etc. I’ve stopped smoking, I’m now celibate, I’ve been praying more, working on my mind & spirit, & I’ve been focusing on my relationship with God. Growing as a man, a real man, letting go, defeating my past, I’ve changed my behavior & more. I was ungodly myself & this transition has been challenging but I haven’t reverted to my old ways. No self pleasure, no sex until I’m married, no type of foul play whatsoever. Just a few months ago I was lost, confused, hurt, emotional, full of lust, & I continued to fall into temptation. Bad choice of women, my last relationship was full of sex, shacking up, etc. I’ve been feeling so much better & my body feels better. Listening to scriptures, praying more, finding peace, etc. I thank you for continuing to make these videos. I thank you for inspiring me Mark. All honesty. Blessings to you brother!


I’m still struggling with strongholds from my youth. Y’all please pray my strength in the Lord 🤲


I’ve been falling in sin especially after I began to smoke again even after God’s deliverance. I have lost almost everything. But I personally believe things are getting better ❤ and I will be strong before God once again. please pray for me


*Hallelujah The daily jesus devotional has been a huge part of my transformation, God is good 🙌🏻🙌🏻. I was owing a loan of $49, 000 to the bank for my son's brain surgery, Now I'm no longer in debt after I invested $11, 000 and got my payout of $290, 500 every month…God bless Mrs Christy Fiore ❤️*


“The foolishness of man perverteth his way: And his heart fretteth against the LORD.”
‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭19‬:‭3‬ ‭


I need to get back on the road to salvation again


I used to have ungodly friends whom were worldy
I used to use foul language all day everyday
I used to watch corn sometimes and look at nudes
I used to listen to worldy music
I used to get jealous/envy
Now that I've been in isolation and decided to repent and change my old habits and ways! I don't do any of that stuff anymore! All glory to Yah ❤️ and recently i just felt like i didn't want to sin anymore at all but i know that I'm not perfect and i will fall short! But my life is way better now than it was 2 years ago! 17 and going strong! 💪
This isolation season has been suffering for righteous sake but its helped me alot! Its been about an year now!


Heavenly Father. I come to you as humble as I know. Please protect me and my family from all workers of iniquity as I remain at your feet. Send down your angels of protection !! We need you now!! We are forever grateful to you the Alpha and the Omega...Amen


Proverbs 19:3

“The foolishness of man perverteth his way: And his heart fretteth against the LORD.”
‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭19‬:‭3‬ ‭KJV‬‬


“Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.”
‭‭2 Corinthians‬ ‭5‬:‭17‬
Forever grateful to be awakened by God 🙏🏻
Keep on planting the seeds Marc 💯


Great message Marc, people need to stop making themselves a God and deny themselves, pride is this generations worst problem


I'm guilty of this. I have fallen off with God lately, but, finding my way back to him.


Our relationship with God needs to be divine. Hallelujah. Amen.


This came at the perfect moment. Shows how much God cares about me and our relationship! ❤


Wow I’ve literally been there before. Not so long ago actually. Thank God I made it past that season and I have a better understanding as I continue my walk to Christ.


I dont like to face it, but i need to hear this. Not to see if im not that bad off, but to check what i should do to correct myself BEFORE I get even worse! I was heading in that directuon and feeling like i was slipping away from the Light of The Lord's blessings, mercy and grace. Jesus please help us draw closer to you, cut off the sinful habits, friends and places we love to do/be with/hang out at, in Jesus' Holy Name I pray this prayer for myself and those who are still LUSTING AFTER THE FLESH in every way imaginable, Amen 🙏 ❤️ 🙌 ♥️


I watch you from time to time : I have 4 Grown Children & a Grandma. . .you make me proud as a Mother to a Son ! ( I have 3 Daughters & 1 Son in the United States Navy. Raised all 4 in the Church ) Please, CONTINUE to study GOD'S Word & allow Him to use you. You are planting seeds & making a difference more than you know ! 🙏❤️


4:04– YES!!! I’ve been noticing this a lot around me lately! PRAISE YAH!! 🙌🏽


Relying on yourself or a pastor is definitely a big factor!
