5 Reasons to Deny Catholic Communion in 5 mins | Transubstantiation | Faith Ministries | Chris Jack

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*cue triggered Catholics in the comments... hatred abounds but viable rebuttals are scarce.

Transubstantiation / "Real Presence" is the belief that the bread and wine of communion supernaturally and physically turn into the body and blood of Jesus Christ when they are blessed / taken. Many Christians have been duped by this age-old doctrine which was originally designed to re-allocate the authority of the of distribution of salvation away from Christ and to the Catholic Church. Don't buy it. We can disprove this false teaching in less than 5 minutes. Watch this Faith Ministries presentation by Chris Jack!

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As a former Baptist I challenge you to read the early church fathers. Read what they say about the holy eucharist. They didn’t believe it was a symbol. Everyone including Luther believed it was the body, blood, soul, and divinity of our Lord. This is a NEW idea. Not one that was made up by the Church. All you have to do is read it’s not hidden.


John’s great statement on the Eucharist is in chapter 6 of his gospel. I recommend that you explore the early church fathers, especially Justin Martyr’s Statements on the Eucharist.


I’ll go with all the ancient apostolic churches (Catholic, Orthodox, Coptic, Assyrian) and even Martin Luther, who still believed in the real presence. Denying the real presence is a modern invention.

The Bible didn’t even exist as a canon until the 4th century...hundreds of years of Christians celebrating a liturgy without a book, only teachings passed down from the apostles. What Bible interpretations were the early Christians relying upon?

Now, which one of the thousands of non-denominational and Protestant churches has the correct interpretation of the Bible? I’m sure one of them has finally figured it all out....or do I just interpret it on my own and create yet another theology?

We are put in our way to the Bible as abstract art: it is what you read into it.


The true presence of Jesus in the Eucharist is not only biblical but historical. In the Bread of Life discourse (John 6) the Jews would have never stopped following Jesus if He was simply speaking metaphorically and Jesus never clarified that He was only speaking symbolically as 5000 followers were about to leave and never follow Him again. The fact is that the Apostle John taught the Eucharistic doctrine to his own disciples as seen in the writings of the apostolic fathers:

“Take note of those who hold heterodox opinions on the grace of Jesus Christ which has come to us, and see how contrary their opinions are to the mind of God. . . . They abstain from the Eucharist and from prayer because they do not confess that the Eucharist is the flesh of our Savior Jesus Christ, flesh which suffered for our sins and which that Father, in his goodness, raised up again. They who deny the gift of God are perishing in their disputes”
- Ignatius of Antioch, (a disciple of the Apostle John) Letter to the Smyrnaeans 6:2–7:1 [A.D. 107]).

In fact, this doctrine wasn't even questioned until the reformers came along. Since Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow, this doctrine remains true, no matter how much you try to disprove it. It's interesting how you didn't mention this teaching as presented throughout history has been taught.

So brother, the only way for your exegesis of this teaching is correct is that everyone else has been wrong since the apostolic times. This would include the greatest thinkers and theologians of all times.

So, in five minutes, you presented your views on the Eucharistic doctrine but you have missed the mark of successfully disproving the Eucharistic doctrine.

God bless


John 6:55. Read it. Followers left him because he said his flesh is true blood. Are you one of those who abandon him?


Roman Catholic practicing here, I just wanna say if anyone here wants to know more about eucharist and why we believe Jesus truly becomes the bread I recommend reading this book: Jesus and the Jewish Roots of the Eucharist: Unlocking the Secrets of the Last Supper by Brant Pitre, Foreword by Scott Hahn


Those people from John ch. 6 who walked away from Jesus today are called Protestents.


John 6:66
“From that time many of his disciples went back, and walked no more with him.” I guess they took Jesus too literally, too.

John 6:67 "Then said Jesus unto the twelve, Will ye also go away?" I guess he expected them to take him literally, too. Curious.


You are absolutely wrong. When you look at all the I am statements except for John 6.. He explains what he means And calls him back to do it.. When you look at what he does not John 6.. Hey does not try to explain himself away When they start murmuring And they say a how can a man here this? They took him literally. Only Peter appears To stick around and he says you have the words of eternal life..
So a symbolic reading cannot be taken.

In 1st Corinthians 11 Paul Paul recounts the words of institution But then he goes on the say indicate that those who take the body and blood of the Lord Unworthily are guilty of the body and blood of the Lord that is why many of you are sick and dying. This statement cannot be true unless it's the body and blood of the Lord.

In one other thing you left Out Of statement the bread and the wine retain their taste and appearance While The substance having been changed Having been changed into the whole Christ body blood soul and divinity


I am a Roman Catholic and accept our belief in Transubstantiation. You are correct - Non Catholic Christians can choose between the Luther or Calvin or Zwingli understanding of the presence or non-presence of Jesus at communion. We all agree the bible writers were inspired by God the Holy Spirit. And - we all need the help of the Holy Spirit to truly understand scripture. Luther Calvin and Zwingli all said Catholics are wrong but they all had a different idea of what is correct. If you accept the idea that Catholic Transubstantiation is wrong you must answer these questions. Why did the Holy Spirit give Luther, Calvin, Zwingli each a different understanding of communion ? Why did the Holy Spirit allow all Christians to be deceived about communion for 1500 + years ? There is one thing we should all agree on - our only hope for Heaven is the Blood of Jesus. I love those Protestant songs "Washed in the Blood" "Down at the Cross" and others. They can give people faith in the blood. The purpose of Catholic Communion is also to give faith in the blood. The Blood of Jesus is our only hope for Heaven.


I used to think like this but I read 1 Corinthians 11 and that more or less changed my mind


Christ said to EAT HIS FLESH and DRINK HIS BLOOD to be SAVED in JOHN 6, not the false faith alone, once saved always saved, eternal security sola scriptura prosperity gospel doctrine.


Every poor catholic becomes Protestant and every good Protestant becomes Catholic.


You are confusing more people, brother and leading them to deep hunger in their soul . I hope you'll find the time to search about the Miracles of The Eucharist which proves further that The Eucharist is the BODY and BLOOD of Jesus Christ. I hope someday you'll have the eyes to see and ears to hear.

Praying for you. May the Holy Spirit guide you to the FULLNESS OF TRUTH


Very well done video. It has resurrected the Pharisees who love their tradition, lineage, and sole authority to interpret scripture!

To my RCC friends, please know you CAN have real hope and security in your salvation. Take comfort in the words of Jesus in John 5:24 “Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life. He does not come into judgment, but has passed from death to life.” You can be saved RIGHT NOW, and you will not come into judgment. Please pray to God the way Jesus taught us to!


4:44 Dr John Bergsma has a video where he talked about it. Btw I don't know if this is a good example but if I drink a cup of milk, does that mean that I litteraly drink the cup and not the milk ?


And this is why you will find Christ present in any Catholic or Orthodox church.


Thank you for posting this video. My Roman Catholic mother-in-law tries to convince me that I cannot truly be "one with the Lord" unless I believe in Transubstantiation. This will help me give biblical evidence as to why it is not true. I went to catechism shortly after my husband and I got married. I "failed" miserably for two reasons 1) Communion 2) Confession to a priest. I believe that the Lord was using figurative speech during the Last Supper and that we are to confess our sins to the Lord in order to receive forgiveness. I think the New Covenant made it easier for all people to be saved. Jesus did not invent all these church rules. In fact, Hebrews specifically discusses the dangers of returning to rules such as the Sadducees and Pharisees.



John 6:66

From this time many of his disciples turned back and no longer followed him.


As Catholics we hear that, at Mass, bread and wine are changed into the body and blood of Jesus. Yet what we see, feel, smell, and taste are bread and wine. Should we believe what we hear, or what our natural senses are telling us to be true ?? … Our Catholic Church is simply asking us, and telling us, to see what God the Father is seeing at communion. God does not see bread and wine. God is seeing what happened about 2000 years ago when Jesus said “yes” to the cross and gave His Body and Blood so that our sins could be forgiven. … At communion (the Eucharist) God sees you, me, everyone else as imperfect sinners who do not deserve Heaven or His help. Yet He also sees Jesus as a sacrifice for our sins so that we can be forgiven. God does NOT see bread and wine. God sees Body and Blood. … At communion do you see what God sees? Do you see yourself as totally unworthy of Heaven? Or do you say “God knows I am not perfect, but, yet not bad enough for Hell?” IF you, or me, or St. Peter, or the Pope could possibly be “good enough” for Heaven there would have been no need for Jesus to die on the cross. … At communion we are being given the Body and Blood of Jesus. The same Body and Blood that became a sacrifice 2000 years ago. Do you believe that your only hope for Heaven is THE Body and Blood? Or do you assume you will be found “good enough” for Heaven? Stop thinking the good things you have done will get you to Heaven and start believing in the Body and Blood sacrificed at Calvary. … So are the Protestants correct to say we are “Saved by Faith Alone and NOT Good Works ?? ” No, God wants you to do good works. Yes! Jesus died so we could be forgiven ! AND Jesus died so we can have the help of God the Holy Spirit ! Once you see Jesus as your only hope for Heaven, Jesus will send the Holy Spirit to help you become more and more like the person God wants you to be. … You will not need a miracle or scientific proof to believe that bread and wine become Body and Blood. You will have the help of God the Holy Spirit to know it is true !!
