The Truth About the Catholic Church (they deny)

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This video delves into the #Catholic #church and its leader the #Pope. This #religion does not follow the #bible. This church has been at the center of controversy for centuries. The #Vatican #Archives contain many hidden things such as #Jewish treasure, books taken out of the bible and many more #religious artifacts. We talk about the #worship of #idols the #rituals, and many other #blasphemous things taking place in the church. #God has given us warnings about #false #teachings and that #Jesus is the only way to #salvation. This video is not intended to insult anyones relationship with the #lord, to the contrary, we are trying to help you. Spreading the word of god, as a #Christian is our goal and to help you see the #biblical view of #christianity. Thanks for joining us, and god loves you.
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I was a devout catholic for decades, was seeking deliverance from diabolic attacks on me, it's a v long story of pain n suffering, to cut a long story short, when I connected with a spirit filled church, I renounced the catholic church n in a few days hundreds upon hundreds of demons began exiting me for days, 6-7 demons everyday on an average, I'm still going through it, no doubt about it that I was connected to a false church, the catholic church, I'm free from tradition, form & dogma


As I look at the picture of the present Pope, I do not see Jesus!
I see monarchy! I do not see Jesus!
How could people of the Catholic Church think that they are following Jesus in following the Catholic Church!
Jesus was not about ceremony! He was about people!
Catholics are followers, not thinkers!


Who ever do bad to me i reward with kindness. I have only be hurted by others. And i always forgive who ever hurt me.


When I heard the pope say "a relationship with Jesus is dangerous" I left the church Immediately.


When I saw the sculpture in Vatican Hall for the first time I thought that is some freaky vision of hell. How anyone can think that this hideous figure presents Jesus Christ. It is abomination.


Father is God, not some men in robes or whatever they are wearing. (THE SCRIPTURES ARE THERE, DONT LET THEM TEACH YOU). AND CONTROL YOU.


Now people watching this can see why England had the Reformation


I used to be catholic many years ago. I thought after confession if I'd die I wpuld go to heaven. One day after confession I felt something in my soul was wrong I had no peace. It was the mercy of the Lord that He brought me to the truth. Little by little Jesus Christ opened my eyes to the truth and I departed this diabolic teachings. They don't teach the truth. I give thanks to God Almighty that He opened my eyes through reading and hearing the Bible. Jesus is Lord. The catholic church rules along with the elite. They don't help just blind people and abuse God resources for themselves. God help us. We know they will seek to get rid of Christians. May Jesus give us peace when that time comes and make He wake us stand for the truth.


If the pope was God on Earth, I wonder why he would need a bulletproof buggy to roll about in...


The best thing that ever happened to me was when I got saved.
I was bound to go to hell because of my sins, but because of the conviction of the Holy Spirit I realized that the only way I’m going to heaven is through Jesus Christ. He died for me, He was buried, and resurrected.
One of these days I will be with Him in glory.


The RCC is rituals and traditions and very little Bible


I worship God in Spirit & truth in my heart & in my home, we are the remant that belong to God. The Catholic church has become infiltrated by the devil as is all churches on earth today. Satan's goal is to destroy God's church on earth & to destroy God's children & steal their soul so they cannot enter heaven where the true God can be worshipped & be in his kingdom forever! Through "Man" Satan is trampling God's Church, but "Remember God said "Our Body is the temple, this is where the Father, Son & Holy Spirt which is "One" communicates with his people. God knows the heart, every thought, every word that comes out of our mouth. God with us & in us, Satan & his demons can not snatch us from our Heavenly Father! Be strong now hold fast the Gift the Lord God has given us! "Come Heavenly Father we await thy return!" Amen!😇🙄


Some people can’t handle the truth. it’s hard to take the truth when you been believing a lie your whole life .


Pray in secret. Do not be like the hypocrites who love everybody to know that they are praying and have no interest in obeying Christ.


I will say only this: nurture your love for God and your faith in him…no matter which church you attend or what is going on around you, allow him to be the vortex of your family life. May you be blessed with common sense and compassion for all.


One either follows what is in the Bible or does not.
If it's not followed as it is written, than simple put, it's not Christianity.
But now, it's much worse than that. No longer is it false doctrine.
People are receiving false teaching that will lead to a shorter life expectancy.


After 8 years of elementary education in the Catholic Church, the Church convinced me that the Catholic Church was a joke. I resigned from the club at the age of 14 and never looked back...That was 60 years ago.


​ @joedorazio8697 *That begs the question. Hebrew OT did not contain Apo 7 books. So why would a Greek translation of Hebrew OT called LXX contain Apo 7 books? Why?*

you siad
You need to do some research in Judaism. There are far more Books than what is considered as scripture in Judaism. Of those 7 books you are referring to, 2 relate to the Maccabees (1 & 2). They are not in the Jewish Bible, and yet, Jews celebrate Hanukkah which is derived from those books. I leave it to Jewish scholars to explain why.
BTW. This is an extract from Wikipedia: "The first two books are considered canonical by the Catholic Church and the first three books are considered canonical by the Eastern Orthodox Church. The Georgian Orthodox Church is the only church which also considers 4 Maccabees canonical. All of the other books are considered biblical apocrypha. The Orthodox Tewahedo biblical canon includes none of the books which are listed above, instead, it includes three books of Ethiopic Maccabees (1 Meqabyan, 2 Meqabyan, and 3 Meqabyan), books which are distinct from those books which are listed above. There is also a non-canonical Jewish work which is titled the Megillat Antiochus ("The Scroll of Antiochus"). This book is read in some synagogues during the Jewish holiday of Hanukkah. The book is unrelated to the "Books of Maccabees" except for the fact that it cites some quotations which are contained in 1 and 2 Maccabees, and it also describes the same events which are described in 1 and 2 Maccabees"


There are much older religions. The "word of god" says he walked on earth before Jesus' birth.


The books were removed because the books condemn what they were doing so they couldn’t let that out. That’s why the books were removed.
