In and out of Calvinism Part 2 | Compatibalism & T: Total Depravity

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Videos to check out:

The channel “conversations with a calvinist” used to have an instructional video on how to witness if you are a Calvinist. the video included him saying to never tell people Jesus loves them or died for them specifically, but to vaguely share the gospel. It is off YouTube now. I guess all of my challenges in the comment section made him delete it? Or maybe I just can’t find it. If you find it please share the link.

Other testimonies out of Calvinism:

Scripture that I feel challenges the teaching of Total Depravity (man cannot respond positively to God) and Determinism:

Exd. 32:11-14
Jeremiah 26:3-13
Jeremiah 18
Jeremiah 42:10
Jonah 4:2
2 Samuel 24:16
Numbers 14:5-24
1 Samuel 23:7-14
2 chronicles 32:31
2 kings 20
Rev. 2:5
Exd. 33:12-23
Matt 23:37-39
Acts 7:51

Duet. 30:11-19
Matt. 23:37
John 5:40
John 12:48
John 20:30
2 cor. 5:19-20
Hebrews 3:6-11
Matt. 11:28
John 3:16-17
Rom. 10:21
Eph. 1:13
1 Tim. 2:4
2 Peter 3:9

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Calvinism wrecked my world, I am not the same person I was, I don't witness and have the love for the lost like I use to, I constantly agonize over if I am of the elect, I can't pray because I don't know if I am one God loves and I can't read the bible without anxiety, fear and condemnation. I am so glad I heard your testimony and your exhortation to get back to the word and let the Holy Spirit teach me.


I am so very thankful for you sharing your story with us. Long ago in my baby Christian life, I happened to come across a little book written by A W Tozer called, "The Knowledge of the Holy". With my Bible in hand as I read, I gleaned so much from this impactful book! All throughout the years, each time I came across it in my bookcase, I would take it out and read it again. The "knowledge" of this precious book actually kept me from slipping down the slope of Calvinism when the church I attended (and in which I was deeply involved in) started subtly going down the direction of Calvinism. Because of what I learned through Scripture with the help of this book, there was no way I could accept this teaching. Calvinism goes totally against God's character and attributes. I had many discussions with the Pastor of that church, and it came to the point that I had to leave. It was so painful to leave the people that I loved...but I had to. Shortly after I left, I came across Leighton Flowers (that was a Divine Appointment!) and he was exactly who I needed to hear at this point in my life to confirm that I had made the right decision (because I questioned myself if I truly "knew" the Gospel because Calvinist are so persuasive). Keep it up and can't wait to watch your other videos. Thanks again and God bless you and yours!


"Do you love your child more than God does?" That was a really good one. I'm going to use it in my conversations. Thank you!


Thanks so much for this teaching and you sharing your struggles with this subject. I’ve been a Calvinist for about 10 years. This one thing has brought torment to my mind, lack of assurance. And I hear so many ladies say when they pray for their kids, well maybe their not chosen. To me it brought grief that they think that of God. Thanks so much for giving us scripture to prove to ourselves what you’re say is the word of God


This was respectful but brutal. You absolutely exposed the absurdity of Calvinism, in this video.
You communicate in such a compelling manner.
Divine determinism makes everything pointless, as you mentioned.
When I think about how many of the most popular preachers today are Calvinist, it really puts into perspective how Jesus teaches us to receive truth like children. Learning and education does not equate to discernment. Quite often it simply leads to indoctrination.
This video was amazing. Could have listened for hours! Well done. Matt


You have no idea how much I needed to hear this and watched your first video on it which brought tears to my eyes. I would accept all these teachings from John MacArthur, John Piper Wretched Radio, RC Sproul, Douglas Wilson. Even trying to read Calvin, Augustine and Jonathan Edwards. But every couple of months saying more and more there has to be an objection to Calvinism. I have to say I love those teachers but I want to confess to the world that the Love of God is more than Calvinism can display. I appreciate what you are doing please keep these coming.


Alana, I am thanking God so much that He caused me to see this and the previous video. My story is extreme but really lays out the horrific consequences that can result when Calvinism is allowed to play itself out and it’s true fruit is shown. I ended up having to lose and leave all my friends and family for the sake of the gospel and have been asking God what He wants of me. I’ve felt like I don’t understand why He would reveal the truth to me when I don’t feel I have the gifts to communicate it to others and so often get discouraged when people only want to debate. My sister is a teacher but she uses her gifts to teach the bad news (Calvinism and distorted election) and we no longer have contact. I’m so encouraged to see a sister in Christ using her gifts to help people get back to the truth. The writings of George MacDonald are so helpful and are what helped me see I did not need to walk away from God - just Calvinism. If you ever decided to use your Patreon account to lead a ladies study and discussion and the membership was affordable I would so be in. I have not listened to both videos completely cause I really need to go slow and chew on it and ask questions but I will be sure to keep at it. God bless from Canada.


Thank you! ✨️ It is such a relief to know that people are free to believe in Christ or not (rather than some chosen to be saved and some not). Also so important to know that God wants all to be saved. He has been so patient with me. His deep love and patience in wanting all to be saved is amazing.


The Lord uses the weak things of the world to shame the wise. Not that you are weak, you are strong in Christ, but weak in terms of 'just a homeschool mom', 'not a seminary teacher'. But the Lord is using you powerfully Alana and I thank the Lord for your testimony and sharing how the Lord brought you out of this doctrine of devils. Bless you sister, this has blessed me. 🙂


❤ Thank Our Lord Jesus Christ for your sharing and edification. You've been really patient and thorough. I feel that I once again been washed a new in the Blood of Jesus Christ, and His word. Keep it up, we desire to hear more from God through you! Praise God!


Great videos Alana. I’ve never been a Calvinist praise God, I know a few of them, they never talk about it so I didn’t know much about their beliefs. About 6 months ago I started watching a few Apologia, Macarthur, and White videos, everything was great until I noticed something that wasn’t when I heard them speak of Total depravity and regeneration etc. After realizing they were Calvinists, I’ve been looking into the doctrine, and was shocked to find out what they teach. Ever since I’ve been on a mission to try and tell the truth of Gods Word to them. I was amazed how anyone could believe these teachings and interpret Gods Word that way, particularly when you look at the origins of the doctrine. It is truly a masterful deception by the enemy designed to limit Gods Sovereignty (despite what they think), limit Christs atonement and change the very nature of salvation, and Gods character. Keep up with what you’re doing, you are helping others to see clarity in the scriptures. Let’s pray that the Holy Spirit will remove the “calvanistic lenses” from any Calvinist that watches your videos.


about 33 minutes in, I actually encountered a Calvinist on Facebook that told me that "For God so loved the world" the Greek word for "world" is Kosmos" which means "elect"....he literally changed the definition of a word to suit the Calvinist narrative...that was so weird


This was absolutely brilliant and filled me with such joy and confidence in the Lord. It bought tears to my eyes to hear you say a parent would love thier child more than God if they weren't elect 😭 That breaks my heart to think of knowing my God loves me and my children more than I will ever know. God bless you and thank you so much


Alana, this is so powerful. It is touching places in my heart that I have been calling out to God about for so many years. Calvinism has skewed my view of God for so long and hearing you speak truth about his character is like a healing balm on my soul. I am starting to see that it really IS good news. Thank you so much for these videos and letting God use you.


I have watching you for a long time and I watched you for years despite you being a Calvinist or using Calvinist language. Your heart was always so genuine. It was hard for me at times because I had left a church that I was THRIVING in when I got married and I followed my husband to John Piper's church as my husband was in seminary there. Ever since I have had the hardest time reading the Bible, thriving in the Lord and having any fruit. I used to be an eager evangelist but their evangelism team was less than 5 people at Bethlehem even though it was a mega church. I tried following Calvinism to keep the peace in my marriage and to follow my husband well. I have slowly been coming back to my previous theology and freedom (Orthodoxy with some appreciation for Trinitarian theology). You and Leighton Flowers have been drastically accelerating my return to the fire of my youth and hunger for the Lord and his word. I have felt such comfort from you both that I haven't felt in almost a decade. I wish I could express what a priceless gift you've given me in bringing me back to the good news of Jesus Christ. Thank you Alana ✨💖✝🕊🥰


I love that I recently found your channel Alana.
You are sharing and articulating so well, what many of us have found to be true and have struggled with ourselves.
Talking with Calvinists can feel like you’re being constantly gaslit and one of us must be crazy!
What a blessing to know we’re not alone.
God bless you🙏


Many moons ago, early in my conversion, I felt “forced” to believe (although I was radically delivered from my sins!). One night I had a dream where these elders anointed my head and the oil went on my forehead and then INTO my brain. I woke up and I had this awareness that I could CHOOSE to follow Jesus or not. After feeling that freedom, I determined to continue following Jesus because He is the truth!


So good! These videos have been such a blessing to me! Also I just want to say, I used to be very quick to watch a sermon to see what the Bible meant, but thanks to your videos this year I have really stepped back from that. I turn to the Bible first and have loved it so thank you!


I have been so incredibly helped by this video as well as Part 1. This is so exciting to me. When you hear the truth, it just clicks. Thank you so much for what you are doing.


Watching you share brings me to tears. You are doing an incredible job of explaining things and I gained more understanding watching this video. The part about children of wrath is gold. I actually understand very clearly after you broke this down. I have been wrestling through the damages of Calvinism since 2013 because for me the destructiveness of this doctrine went so deep that it's not something that I have been able to undo quickly. I have to hear things over and over. All I heard was Calvinism for over 20 years. It's a tangled web. I will be emailing you soon.
