How John MacArthur Became A Calvinist @Soteriology101 @desiringGod

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John MacArthur explains why he became a Calvinist.

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Clip taken from: A Conversation with John Piper & John MacArthur: 2022

Clip taken from: @Soteriology101
RC Sproul's Unwilling Conversion To Calvinism | Dr. Leighton Flowers | Soteriology 101

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I once prayed that God would show me the truth about election from Scripture, and shortly after that, I was reading John chapter 6, and verse 44 stood out to me. The passage from v37-44 is clear: "Everything that the Father gives Me will come to Me, and the one who comes to Me I certainly will not cast out...And this is the will of Him who sent Me, that of everything that He has given Me I will lose nothing, but will raise it up on the last day...No one can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws him; and I will raise him up on the last day."
John 6:64-65 further teach election: " But there are some of you who do not believe.” For Jesus knew from the beginning who they were who did not believe, and who it was who would betray Him. And He was saying, “For this reason I have told you that no one can come to Me unless it has been granted him from the Father."


MacArthur has helped me love Christ more. I listen to him daily and Iam bearing more fruits in my salvation.


Thank u john for all u do for the kingdom of God. Jesus for sure gave us the gift of teaching. God bless


Calvanistic interpretation:
'All' means Chosen ones
'Everyone' means: selected one.
I thank God we have God the Holy Spirit to guide us. Pharisees had the same problem.


Totally agree with Dr Piper's comment: "That's very wise."


That was excellent. And the short story of R.C. Sproul described him exactly as I picture him.


Even historic Arminians want nothing to do with with this semi-Pelagian/Pelagian Provisionism.


I don’t see the issue, I used to be loose with my understanding of scripture until I was introduced to exegesis and reading the scriptures in context… okay so Calvinists are influenced by another man’s knowledge and understanding of what he read in the scriptures… I don’t see anything wrong with that because that’s ALL OF US on a Sunday-to-Sunday basis at our local church with our Local Pastors. If our local pastor is good with handling the word of God we will learn something new that we might not have understood before or we might even learn something new about something that we thought we understood before. What’s critical is testing what our Pastor or any Teacher is saying to what the scriptures say.. everything Calvin tends to talk about is in scripture and Calvinists seem to always defend their stance Biblically.


I thought we followed Christ, not John Calvin?


Jesus Christ is the only One, who is foreordained before the foundation of the world (1 Peter 1:20), but we are elect only if we are in Him and live accordingly.


When john macarthur denounces the pre trib rapture that he teaches then I will say Amen!!!


I always thought calvinism was a slur, and in some ways it is used as one but when I actually found out what it was I found out that I indeed was a calvinist and it came soley from just reading my bible on my own


How do you come to Calvinism? Some one preached Jesus gave the gospel message, I accepted knew I was saved at that moment, knew nothing about all the things believers squabble over nowadays. Simplicity, trust it takes man to mess it up like always


The thing is, nobody ever becomes a Calvinist purely by reading the Bible alone and believing it. They don’t become a Calvinist when they first believe the Gospel, either.

Calvinism always comes as an unnecessary extra-insert.


I have truly enjoyed these videos! But the guy at the beginning and end is lost because I see the 5 points in so much of scripture and scripture itself convinced me of my Calvinistic beliefs!!!
I will also add I so miss the Call comaraudery between RC and JMac!!


Actually, it was because of my willingness to study the Scriptures, with no predisposition as to what they said, that I came to understand the biblical doctrines of the Sovereignty of God and Election. I do not embrace the label of "Calvinist, " because I am still a Pre-Millennial, Pre-Trib-Rapture, non-covenant guy. I do not believe the church replaced Israel. That viewpoint requires too much allegorizing for me. I embrace a historical-grammatical hermeneutic.


I also was against the teachings of Calvinism, but the more I read the Bible I had to concede, election and predestination is biblical.


That flowers dude is such a snake. 😔 great video btw!


When I read the Bible I came to all the same conclusions that calvinists came to before I Ever knew what a Calvinist was.


I am currently preaching through Matthew and like him I grew up in Dispensational culture and went to a Dispensational seminary, but one can reject the dispensational teaching on the Sermon on the Mount and not become a Calvinist. That was just a weird thing for John to say. One simply wouldn't become a Calvinist in any way by reading or studying Matthew. You could become a Calvinist by reading ancient Manichean or Gnostic commentaries on Scripture, which is where Augustine got it from.
