Testimony: How Faith is Destroyed By Calvinism & Cessationism

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Cessationism is a man-made doctrine that originated from Calvinists. It is designed to shipwreck the faith of unsuspecting Christians and get them focused off the Bible and the work of the Holy Spirit through our lives as born again believers being the hands and feet of Jesus Christ in this dark world. This video testimonial from Dustin Cannon is important so others may heed the warning of what Calvinism and Cessationism can do to diminish your walk of faith.

This video testimonial was reposted on my channel with permission.

Dustin Cannon has a YouTube channel: @618society7

#JesusIsLord #Calvinism #Christianity
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Wow! Perfect timing for me as I walk away from calvinism/reformed theology which I was indoctrinated with without even realizing it. I am so grateful to the Holy Spirit guiding me.


Wow this hits hard. I got saved after reading the words of Jesus and never listened to any preachers until 4 months after. In those 4 months I had a very similar story to this guy. Then I started listening to false works salvation prophets on youtube and I was corrupted. We can never lose eternal life once we have it, but believing false teachers really destroys our walk with God


It is true that people come to the body of Christ called by Jesus Himself and then they meet pastors and religion and various teachings and burdens so that is miracle that many of them still is in the body of Christ and have not run away but overcome the insanity of human religion which is one of the weapons of the world,


Wao, what a beautiful testimony for God’s glory, I think that anyone that gets sucked into hardcore calvinism or just even smell the tulip, will eventually become stone cold, hard- heart and think highly of itself. God have mercy on them and the true believers who will, no doubt about it, encounter them as they seek to learn more or have some clarity about the Scripture. It so sad, having faith and following Jesus and wanting to do His will can be so challenging when we listen to other voices rather than the True Shepherd, so many sheep are lead away But He always comes for us❤That He promised, thank you Jesus, and bless this brother! Thank you for going after him🙏🏼We praise You! Amen


Now concerning food offered to idols: we know that "all of us possess knowledge." This "knowledge" puffs up, but love builds up. If anyone imagines that he knows something, he does not yet know as he ought to know. But if anyone loves God, he is known by God.
- I Corinthians 8:1

I’m a member of a church like this. My experience is similar. I just dish back the attitude. I always say, “Let’s go to lunch and show me this in scripture.” Haven’t had anyone take me up on the offer.

Men graduate from seminary and they know the Word of God but do they know the God of the Word?
- Leonard Ravenhill


Growing up around Pentecostal/Charasmatic types I have become so distrustful of experiences and emotions. I'm afraid of being mislead or mistaken. I'm afraid of mistaking my own thoughts and feelings for the Spirit. I'm even uncomfortable around displays of "gifts" because I don't know if I can discern real from fake. I know the Spirit speaks to me when I read and study the Word, and brings bible passages to my mind all the time to convict and lead me. I have grown so much over the last decade through study. My heart is to know God so I study to know him and his will better. I have experienced answers to prayer and even a few miraculous answers, inspite of my reluctance. I know that I need to be more open to the experiential side, but I just don't want to be deceived or deceive others.


Great testimony from Dustin and thank you for sharing. Lord, increase my faith!!


I've personally witnessed several miracles in my own life, apart from church settings, no preacher needed.

Those are *ones that stand out*, however, who really knows how many times God has intervened in your life.


I have never been in a Calvinist church, but I have spent my life as part of fairly conservative evangelical churches where most people don’t believe that most spiritual gifts are for today. They do believe in the power of prayer & that prayer is always answered, but sometimes the answer isn’t what you expect. My mother took us to church when we were children. I did not have a spectacular born again experience; instead I just believed what I had been taught & read about Jesus being my Lord & Savior and was baptized at the age of 12. My husband was raised in a very legalistic church that taught if you weren’t baptized in that specific denomination, you were not saved - not a Calvinist church, but very strict. He gave up on church altogether in his teen years. When we married in our 30’s, he was pretty much an agnostic. I prayed for him, and I attended and was active in a local church for years. I never tried to force it on him, but answered any questions he asked. I remember him saying more than once, “if God exists, why doesn’t he just come down here & tell me?” I had never been one to believe in “visions.” One night after several years of marriage, my husband woke up telling me that he had just had the most vivid dream or vision. (He never remembers his dreams.). Then he told me that that Jesus had come to him, spoke his name & said, “You must be baptized.” No advanced theological discussion, no explanation of the plan of salvation, just that brief statement. From that day, my husband was & is a believer. He started going to church, talked with the pastor, confessed in church his belief in Jesus & was baptized. I asked my husband what Jesus looked like; he could only say that Jesus was in bright light & was beautiful. I don’t believe that everyone who claims to be a prophet, has visions, or claims to heal, etc. is truly what they claim, because there are those who falsely claim these gifts. However, I cannot doubt that spiritual gifts are still being given. My husband’s vision was real because it changed him. I believe that the Holy Spirit is powerful, whether it speaks to you as a still small voice in your thoughts or whether you receive more dramatic spiritual gifts.


Thank you so much for sharing this testimony. It really hit home for me. I so believe in the power of prayer and healing. I would share my faith with my sister and pray for her when she was going through some health issues. She finally got convicted and said she had a experience where she was so overcome she knew it was the Holy Spirit. She started listening to John McAuthur and now is so indoctrinated by the reformed movement she makes me feel like I am not pleasing God by believing in miracles and other strict things she believes. I had a miracle. I had a torn rotator cuff with a torn bicep, I went in for surgery and the doctor spent 2 hours trying to repair it, and even consulted with another doctor but it was no use, it was beyond repair. The next thing to do was shoulder replacement, but I had to wait for this to heal. I was watching the 700 club and Gordon prayed for ME. I claimed it and my shoulder did not hurt! It was healed. I waited for a week before I even told my husband. I was so thankful! I gave God the glory, but when I told my sister, she looked at me like I had preformed a satanic act or something. No comment from her. When I try to discuss beliefs with her she angrily says "I am not going to discuss apologetics with you! The thing is we were raised as Jehovah's Wittnesses and it took so long to get the cult beliefs out of our heads. She was the one to open my eyes about the religion, so its so puzzling as to why she would let her mind be controlled like that. But I surely thank you!


When sin ( false teaching) comes in like a flood, The Lord WILL raise up a standard against it!! You, Brian, are a part of God’s “standard “! Keep up the OBEDIENCE!! God WILL EQUIP YOU!


Thanks for telling the rest of the healing story! 🎊❤ I was going to look this guy up and ask him 🧐. Great 15 min video, brother.


Thank you for sharing. Looking forward to your next video!


Thank you this brings tears to my eyes. Thank you. My faith is and was strong and on fire yet the more I learned from others in church and the more I seemed to doubt clouded my faith and I found the less joy and excitement I had about my once newfound faith. Yet, I will continue this journey and never give up.


Great video! Also 1 Timothy 4:10 10 For therefore we both labour and suffer reproach, because we trust in the living God, who is the Saviour of all men, specially of those that believe

Knocks out limited atonement


Thanks Brian for reposting this video. I started following that channel after watching that video.

Looking forward to healing testimonies in the comments section. Will share a few of mine


Thank you for sharing this, Brian. What a beautiful, real, heart-felt, encouraging, and faith strengthening testimony this is, from this brother. Wow, I loved it so much. It is so timely too, thank you for posting it for us. God bless you!!


Inspiring message. For the past few weeks, I have actually been thinking that Christians should carry the banner of Christians rather than the banner of their particular doctrines. I feel that this man's message also declares that beautifully.


Absolutely loved this brother and am so much looking forward to the next video.. Thank you for sharing this, God bless you🙏🌹🙏😊


i just came out of a mens Bible study very first thing we are ask and go over are healing request its so frustrating the list gets bigger and bigger yet no body seams to get healed i realize i need to have more of a child like faith and watch Jesus work
