Calvinism Vs Arminianism - Which One Is Right?

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In This Episode [024] - Atonement - Calvinism Vs Arminianism - Are either of these positions totally correct?

Dr. Chip Bennett is continuing his teaching of the college-level Systematic Theology 1 Class about understanding God, Creation, and Salvation.

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Hey Chip! Great video brother. This is an issue I have been struggling to answer biblically because there is so much depth and biblical points for both sides. I appreciate the way you addressed it. I listened while working out, but I'm going to rewatch later so I can add a few discussion points to my notes on this topic.

Thanks for the video, Dr. Bennett


thank you for your videos, i don't comment but i regularly watch these.I don't necessarily agree with everything but it really helps me learn more
i hope the LORD uses this channel / ministry more :)


Thanks for your open discussion and explanation.


Awesome, thank you for your work and explanations. God bless you! 😇


Still not sure 🤔 about all of this. Can’t wait for the next one


To do the work of the Father is to believe on the Son, the work of the Son is to love one another as Her loved us, so the Father gives to the Son all those who believe on Him therefore the elect are those who believe on the Son and accept Him as their Lord and savior. All grace all free all done by the Father, Son and Holy Spirit all I do is receive it, I didn’t but it, wrap it or offer it I just said “thank you” (praise).


The key to "coming" is repentance. Those who repent and believe in Christ's finished work on the cross will be saved. Christ's atonement is sufficient for all but effectual for the elect. I think the sticking point becomes our ability to recognize our need of a savior. That is one of the roles of the Holy Spirit. {Convict, Convince, Draw) Our only part is to respond. Yes or No. The faith required to believe has to be given to us through the Holy Spirit. (The "scales" of our spiritual blindness have to be removed. Only God can accomplish this miracle.) God bless this discussion to bring unity not division in the body.


I’m always surprised by the teaching that John 17 supports Calvinism, where in verse 9 Jesus prays for those God have to him, but it’s almost often neglected that in verse 20, Jesus said he prayed not only for those people (that God gave him) but also all who believe their words. This second group of people are not given to Jesus. What even Chip fails to realize is that every time people are said to be given to Jesus from the father in John, it’s referring to true-believing Jews whose faith is being transferred from being on God the father to Jesus the son. All living, true believers of God prior to the new covenant needed to be changed over the one who made a new covenant. Until Jesus sent the church to the nations, his ministry was to collect true-followers of Yahweh who were given to him, and the church became open to everyone when he gave the church the authority to reach the nations (Great Commission). The great news is that the church, whom Jesus died for, is wide open for anyone who wants to join.


The biblical evidence is overwhelming for one particular side of this debate.


Still not clear how you present both sides...very cautious not to offend either side


Calvinism is God responsible for the unsaved, but Alluminism God is not responsible for the unsaved.


Calvinism: God sends people to hell
Bible: people send themselves to hell


Neither isn't biblical. Determinism isn't biblical.


I know Dr Chip Bennett said a disclaimer in the beginning that he's going to try to be in the middle, but his tone and line of thoughts seems to me that he subscribes to Calvinism.


It would be more helpful and accurate if this was titled 'Calvinism vs Everything else'.


The use of John 17 to support limited atonement is really problematic.

If I'm praying and I say "god bless my brother bob... not my brother Robert whose occasional nickname is Bob, but the one whose birth name is bob... he's the one who has cancer, please be with him." Do I therfore mean that Robert is someone I never pray for, and don't want him to be saved, loved, healed or favored?
No, that's a logical fallacy.

Just keep reading the chapter.
Jesus prays for: those you gave me (not the world).
THEN Jesus prays for "those who believe on their testimony" (meaning not the first group, but those who are given to Jesus then speak of Jesus and they come to faith in Jesus by second hand testimony)
that's us! We're not the just group but the second.
THEN Jesus prays that the second group be ONE, "so that the world will know that you sent me".
Wait u thought he didn't prat for the world, but here he specifically prays that the world should know he was sent by the father... that he's the messiah... that's what faith in Jesus IS.
He literally prays for every single category of human on earth in that prayer.
His disciples (Those the Father gave him), those who believe their testimony (us)... and the world. The wicked evil world.


Here is absolute BIBLICAL proof that God does NOT cause or determine everything; In Jeremiah 19:5 God says, “They have built the high places of Baal to burn their children in the fire as offerings to Baal—something I did NOT COMMAND or mention, nor did it enter my mind.” 2nd Peter 3:9 says, “The Lord is…not willing that ANY should perish but that ALL should come to repentance.” and yet, it also has Jesus saying, "Broad is the road that leads to destruction (hell) and many are on it, but straight and narrow is the road that leads to life (Heaven) and few ever find it."


Jesus took all sin on Himself on the cross, so that whoever would reach out and accept Him as Lord and Savior would ge a child of God. To those who receive Jesus, they receive the righteousness of Jesus. You keep going back to "if Jesus died for ALL then why do people still live in sin?" I would ask you, before the Lamb of God offered Himself up for us on the cross, the priests offered up sacrifices for the people. If the people went their way and sinned was that sacrifice of any value to them? The point is, that just because Jesus, not only died for all, but took on Him the sins of all, it is of no benefit to those who want to live their lives their own way, instead of excepting this gift of mercy from God.


Wow, the theological hoops Calvinists jump through...

Yeah, you spend some time in John 17 and it explain who 'they' are, "I came from you, and they have believed that you sent me. I am praying for them." Who is he praying for? Those that have believed that God sent Jesus. And it then says "but also for those who will believe in me through their word. This is hardly a chapter that supports Calvinism.
