GHOSTING: Why Men Disappear
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You meet a nice guy… You go on a few dates… Then one day, you text him...And there’s no response… What happened? I hate to be the bearer of bad news but you’ve just been ghosted.
Hi, I’m Amy North, Youtube’s favourite love and relationship coach. I created the Devotion System to help women find love. But what do you do when the man you’re interested suddenly disappears without a trace? Just what’s going through a guy’s head when he ghosts you and how can you stop it from happening? Let’s get into it.
First off, we need to define ghosting. Ghosting is when someone “ends a romantic relationship by suddenly and without explanation withdrawing from all communication.” With the rise of online dating and texting, ghosting has exploded in popularity. According to studies published in the Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, more than 25% of people have reported being ghosted. Spooky!
Most often ghosting comes in the form of not responding to messages but it can extend to blocking on social media, failing to follow up on plans or even disappearing without a trace.
However he does it, ghosting hurts… The worst part is that guys often ghost to avoid any kind of real confrontation. That way they get to pretend like nothing happened and you have no real choice but to move on without any closure.
Just remember that any guy who ghosts you was never worth your time in the first place. This is him showing his true colours. Men who ghost have a few things in common. They’re emotionally immature, they’re afraid of conflict and they don’t understand how to treat people. So you can rest assured that any man who ghosts you has done you a favor in the long run.
The rise of ghosting is largely due to changes in technology. Before the modern age of cell phones, there was no way to be in constant contact with the guy you were dating. In the past you’d call him a couple times and when you couldn’t get a hold of him, you’d simply chalk it up to bad timing and move on with your life. Nowadays you know he’s seen your messages and is choosing not to respond. So it’s simply a matter of etiquette not keeping pace with technology. You could say that people have always been ghosting each other, we’re only now able to identify it.
But why do men do it? Why not try to work things out or simply be up front that they’re not interested? Here are the top reasons why men ghost
One… No butterflies
Oftentimes he feels that the connection between you two is just not there. Perhaps there’s some incompatibility that he’s noticed that you haven’t. I find that some women (and men) get wrapped up in the idea of this exciting new person and that colours their perception of the relationship. If this happens to you and not him then he’s probably seeing red flags that you’re missing.
Two… He’s not sure
We all know that modern dating lacks the clearly established boundaries that courtship had in the past. That’s why some guys think that if they simply don’t break up with you, then they can pick up right where things left off.
And the scary thing is, they’re often right. Think about it. You go on three dates with someone, you sleep together once… He calls you and says “I don’t want to see you anymore. I don’t think we have enough in common.” You’re upset but you appreciate his honesty and this allows you to move on...
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