If They Ghosted You, Watch This | Mel Robbins

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Have you been ghosted? Then I want you to ask yourself this and answer honestly-- Did you see any 🚩red flags 🚩that you ignored before this person ghosted you?

I bet you can think of a few.

Did they ditch your plans together as soon as something better came up? Were they only interested when you ignored them? Were they disrespectful? Did they treat you poorly? These signs are red flags and prove the relationship was over before the ghosting even happened. Those red flags aren’t lying to you. The person who ghosted you is the one that was lying.

The reason ghosting hurts so much is because it’s rude. And here’s a tip to help you move on-- instead of ruminating over the fact that you deserved an explanation, keep reminding yourself that you deserve someone better.

Share with someone who needs to be reminded: No ghosts allowed👻

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Never take back a person who ghosted you to your life. They are back because nobody wanted them


It's the feeling of having been discarded, like garbage.


Our generation has grown way too comfortable with ghosting as a means to ending a connection. I've been ghosted by exes since 2009, before the term was even a thing, and it still hurts to my core every time it happens. Be an adult and communicate. Stop pushing away people that genuinely care about you...


People saying ‘Move on!’ Clearly have high self esteem and probably a partner. Look at it like this… if a A Hole friend (not a partner) ghosts you, that just makes you feel worse. You constantly search your mind for flaws in your own character and it’s even worse when you have no clue why they did it. Yes, we all know they’re not worth the tears, but you can’t just ‘move on’, it takes time.


Move on person who ghosts you is not worth it. It's a lack of character. It happened to me a few weeks ago ....I just moved on did me a favour


I feel the pain of that girl, because I was there a couple of years ago and the fact that they consider you don't even worth an explanation is what hurts the most.


I've come to realise that ghosting is the most cowardly and cruel way to end a relationship. It has the same impact of a sudden death of a partner, relative, friend etc. The grief of a sudden death is excruciatingly painful to deal with so when someone does that to you deliberately, just disappears from your life without a discussion or a goodbye, that's the most toxic thing a person can do. And coming back i to your life just as suddenly is even more toxic. There's always an agenda behind it. Experienced it twice with my oldest son. Never again. The relationship can stay ended.


He literally BEGGED me to be with him, now here i am feeling heartbroken and stupid. I was finally opening myself up to him, when he knew i had serious trust issues. 3months wasted. 😔


So called friends can do this too. Not just romantic relationships. Keep your eyes open. There are better friends out there!


This message is for both Men and Women! We all ignore all the red flags and then cry when it all goes wrong.


and people wonder why i would rather hang out at home with my cats 😂


Leave them dead… lack communication no emotions but they always come back … if he do it once he’ll do it again don’t go back


The lack of closure is what many of the people who ghost are looking for because they know we want an explanation and often keep the relationship on hold which allows them to try to find someone who meets their needs quicker (sex, money, a place to stay, etc.) while keeping you in their harem and not allowing you to move on quicker to find someone else. When they don't find someone or it doesn't work with another person, they often come back weeks or months later but they will often ghost you again if you let them back in your life.


I ghosted a ghoster! I’m confused why I did it, but I did


My ex ghosted me after I moved to a different country. For years I felt the pain of rejection. Blamed myself I was confused, lost and messed up. I idolized him I thought he was perfect and that I'd lost out on a real great guy. Then several years later he tries to come back into my life by sending me and my family messages to try get back in contact with me. He finally confessed to the reason he ghosted me apparently he wanted to get rid of me but he was sorry and wants me back. After that I saw him as weak, cowardly and selfish. This is not a man I want to breed with. So I blocked him and moved on with a real man.


Why the hell it is ALWAYS putting blame on women?? Warning signs? YOU ignored it? WTF??? He is the immature one and it doesn't matter what happened before.Absolutely not helpful


All this connectivity around has made people easily disposable because they know they can replace you with another one easily.


Thoughtful, compassionate, kind hearted, & mindful people are taken for granted all the time. They are discounted way too many times. People who are genuine need to stand their ground, be aloof when needed, look for and listen to those warning signs. Even 90 year olds can be petty, rude, hurtful and make for real bad company. Stay away from braggers and narcissists. These types usually will never change. Move on. It’s better to have no company than bad company.


There were definitely red flags that I ignored. The biggest takeaway that I’m taking from this experience, is it be more judgmental. If a woman is a single mom, ask why is she a single mom. If she doesn’t talk to her family, ask why she doesn’t talk to her family. I will be more judgmental about a woman’s past. She made me believe that the world was after her, but there’s a reason people that knew her, avoided her.


Recently divorced; my ex told me we can be friends and that he would return my personal items; including my family heirlooms. Now; he is not responding, returning calls or texts. It is utterly disgusting.
