how i'm dealing with heartbreak *breakups suck*

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It may seem like quarantine is a horrible time to go through heartbreak but I promise you it’s the best time. Being stuck at home forces you to feel your feelings and truly get over the heartbreak naturally. If you weren’t in quarantine then you’d be going out and distracting yourself and then coming home at the end of the day and feeling super upset.


literally just want to give you the biggest hug. losing someone who is so important to you is the hardest thing. remember your worth, remember that things WILL get better. only rainbows after rain. i love you.


I was with my BF for three years. And now I’m going through a very intense heartbreak. It’s so hurtful and like nothing I’ve ever felt before. And sitting in quarantine with just your thoughts is so hard. Try to keep yourself distracted. 🤍


when you were reading the letters my heart BROKE because i could feel your sadness


It took me literally 2 years to completely get over my ex and it affected me mentally and even physically. I lost a lot of weight and was in pain 24/7. You got this girl, it may take a lot of time but you will be alright in the end. Right now i'm with someone and he's made me so happy beyond words. Just take ur time. ☺


I know it's hard to imagine but there will come a day that you don't feel this constant pain. You aren't destined to feel this feeling forever. It will get better.


I remember sitting in my bedroom when i had my very first heartbreak, i felt like i would never feel better. i felt like a part of me was missing. and you think you'll never be okay. But i promise one day you will be okay. I promise. i am so sorry you have to do this in quarantine. Goodluck beautiful. xx-B


The fact that you made this video to show people that they aren’t alone, is really brave bc being vulnerable is scary and hard<3 you’re the strongest and sweetest soul💓 I can’t express how much you have been a positive influence in my life, from the bottom of my heart, thank you💛 You inspire me and make me happy🥺 Thank you for everything Kenzie I love you❤️❤️


Me and my boyfriend broke up alittle over a month ago, and it’s insane how I see so many YouTubers along with others I see in my day to day life breaking up lately. Just know that yes it’s hard but you are unbelievably strong and I’m sure you’re well aware of you not being alone. You and you’re following are a unit within itself and WE will get through this together💗💗


Seeing how anxious she was to post this makes me so sad. We love you Kenzie and appreciate your vulnerability 💛💛


I went through a breakup 6 months ago after I had been with that person for almost 3 years. When it happens, it feels like the end of the world and you feel like you might never feel fully happy again, but I can tell you this feeling goes away. Time will go by and you'll find new reasons to be happy, other things to focus on and you're going to understand that things happened for the better. One day you'll wake up and realize thinking about that person doesn't hurt anymore and the only things that stay are the good memories!


healing isn’t linear baby! from the looks of it, you’re doing amazing. this is the last thing i wanted to hear, but time is the best healer. TRULY. every day that you finish is a WIN. xoxo


Mckenzie, I want to tell you that it will get better. Slowly time will heal you, and you will be able to be comfortable letting go and moving on by yourself. I went through a breakup in a long term relationship last July, and it was rough; for the first two weeks, I didn't eat; mornings were the worst, and sometimes I would wake up feeling like I couldn't breathe. The first few months were a storm of emotions- most days, I felt paralyzed by heartbreak- I always held on to the hope that maybe he'll change his mind. THEN, things changed and time healed me. It took me 10 months to get where I am today, and while I miss him sometimes, I don't want to be with him anymore and I've accepted that we can no longer in each other's lives the way in which we were before. What helped me get through it was to 1. cut off contact from him to let yourself grieve on your own and 2. to surround yourself with friends/people who care about you and 3. to live and new experiences independently. You will get through the heartbreak. One day, you will wake up and the memories will not faze or break you but remind you of your growth and how far you've come.


I remember sleeping with my mom after my breakup :( you'll get through this


You're so strong, you will get through this. My boyfriend and I broke up for almost two months and it made us appreciate each other! We realized we are two separate people with two different lives but together as a couple. If your relationship wasn't toxic, I hope you guys find each other in the future 🥺


I recommend the movie How To Be Single. Its cheesy but so uplifting for anyone in general. Sending virtual hugs <3


I can’t thank you enough for this video. My boyfriend broke up with me last week (4 years) and it’s weirdly comforting to see someone is going through it as well. I can’t stop crying..everyone says give it time but I swear it feels harder every day.


I know that feeling, nothing breaks your heart more than losing the person you wanted to send your life with. 💔❤


I just broke up with my boyfriend a few days ago. I’ve never felt so much pain in my life before. It hurts so much, so I know what you’re going through. Break ups suck!!


I’m going through something very similar rn. We’ve been broken up for almost two months, but stopped talking and deleted stuff two weeks ago. My friends are so annoyed with me they stopped responding. I seriously don’t know how I’m going to survive this. He was my everything. He was literally part of my family.
