Heartbreak and failure is your superpower

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“If you chase butterflies, they’ll go away. But if you spend your time making a beautiful garden, the butterflies will come to you. And even if they don’t, you’ll still have a beautiful garden.” My fav quote ever.


“god will put you right back together in front of the people that broke you” ❤


"God will put you right back together in front of the people that broke you" wow thats beautiful. God bless you liz!


"Disrespect is a response". Love that. Us women need to love ourselves more, when actions speak, we don t need to ask for explanations because nothing excuses disrespect. We just need to shut the door.


“was she really the right person or did you make her the right person?” wow


I was broken up with 1 day after Liz uploaded this video. It's been more than half a year now and just want to say that her video speaks the TRUTH. Cry, cry, cry, pick yourself up and move forward. I wasn't able to do it in 1 month but I did it. Life is amazing outside of that relationship, that heartbreak, those doubts. The love you poured into another person who didn't want it, pour into yourself because you are the most important! All the things Liz talked about it, it's not an overnight transformation but slowly you will get it as long as you choose to. Don't let one heartbreak destroy you, you are more than that

Edit: it’s been more than a year now, I’m living my best life and it was all thanks to truly love myself. Never look back, you got this kings and queens!


You're not "rude" you're not "arrogant", you're just straightforward and genuine. It's just that people becoming too sensitive. Thank you for the video you're literally becoming our therapist.
- Update: that doesn't mean I don't disagree with things she says.


for everybody here going through a breakup... every person that comes in your life serves you a purpose, and when they leave it means you must let them go, especially when they didn't fought hard enough for YOU. I always come to this video when I'm feeling nostalgic or like I've got to be forgiven or forgive people that did me dirty, never ever second guess the absence of somebody


omgggg crying my eyes out over the quote "god will put you back together again in front of the people that broke you."


I just had my breakup. I'm so broken right now... But i have faith in my god that he is with me each and every day in my upcoming journey of healing and growing... I'll come here when i completely heal my wounds. I love my self. I love my family. I'm here to experience good things too. I'll come back after healing. All the best to me


I don’t know if anyone has mentioned this to you. But the fact that you never have ad reads or sponsored posts while you teach us this is actually so authentic and refreshing…


not ironically after my last heartbreak i joined the gym, started to study harder and put more effort at college, started doing skincare and eating healthier food everyday... i was a mess for a whole week, but after that week of crying and self pitty, i just started living my best live, living everything i deserve, owning my own future again❤️


when Liz said “maximum a month” I definitely felt that lmaoo when I had my first heart break after a month I started thinking **okay that’s enough babe, let’s get going**💀😂


I’ve been listening to Liz lately

I’ve started doing skincare, drinking more water, doing healthy habits, being more feminine, looking at solutions for my problems, reading, being more confident in how I look while still making changes, thank you Liz ❤

Edit : I’ve been working out! Thank you Liz


Today marks exactly 1 month and 1 day since the break-up, and here's my update.

The beginning was tough, I felt lost and lonely. Since day one, I started journaling and kept believing that one day I'd feel better. I let my emotions flow freely, crying when needed and allowing myself to be angry. I also started meditating occasionally when I felt like my thoughts became too overwhelming. I made sure to go out of the house at least once every day because I know it's good for me personally, even if it was just for a walk or a trip to the supermarket. I met up with friends from time to time and visited family, even when I felt like complete shit while being with them. I preferred that to being home all the time.

Suddenly, after sleepless nights, there came the first small moment when I didn't think about it at all. That's when I realized things were getting better. And it has been improving since then.

Today, I can say that I'm doing well. I still feel a bit down in the mornings, but once I start my day and start doing my thing, that feeling fades away. I wouldn't say I'm completely over it, but it no longer dominates my daily spirit.

I've reflected on the situation and learned more about myself and how to approach certain things differently in the future. I've set new goals for myself and I'm actively exploring and discovering more about who I am. I look forward to a bright future, and I hope the same for all of you. Remember, everything will be alright, just don't give up :)


When she started saying "You are strong, you are strong", I almost started crying because it's not often you hear things like that. I love you always Liz


Remember that you don’t attract what you want, you attract who you are. So focus on love. Focus on happiness. Focus on feeling fulfilled and like you already have everything you’ve ever wanted. Focus on gratitude. You are a powerful source of energy. When you do this, you will get what you want because you are in alignment and focusing on all you have instead of a lack. Just know you have everything you have ever wanted. It’s already yours . Be joyful! Sending loving energy to you all. ❤️


9 days since our breakup. I can't wait to come back here in a year feeling healed & happy.


Four months ago I got broken up with and felt like shit. I remember thinking I thought I found "my person". But I was wrong and watching this video (back then) made me find comfort. Fast forward to today... I got a new job, healing, and been traveling. It's crazy how everything changes for the better <3


❤️ Timestamps
1:59 - Ask the person/yourself why this happened
4:14 - Realise the emotions you are feeling are normal and not bad and feel then deeply
6:57 - Write a letter to the person that hurt you or to yourself
7:37 - Practice shadow work
8:22 - Focus on what you can learn from the situation and how to move forward with it
9:58 - Remind yourself of what needs they failed to meet
10:43 - The best revenge is creating a better life for yourself
13:41 - Combat your limiting beliefs
15:41 - Trust in the higher plan for you
16:20 - Time will pass and this won't be as big as a deal anymore
17:32 - Don't make decisions in an emotional state
18:25 - Have trust in yourself and your abilities
19:35 - Talk to friends that won't judge you
20:52 - Try to make new supportive friends
21:25 - Focus on mentally evolving
22:00 - Watch videos on YouTube on healing heartbreak
23:20 - Ask others how they have dealt with heartbreak
23:48 - Spend more time doing things you love
24:57 - Take care of your physical appearance
25:47 - Listen to healing/self love meditation
26:09 - Repeat powerful affirmations to yourself in the mirror
26:41 - Keep practicing and don't quit
29:07 - You will be okay and wiser despite what happened
