EASY Caramel Recipe

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Ditch store-bought caramel and make Homemade Caramel Sauce! It’s smooth, rich, sweet, and drizzles like a dream. Best of all, this sauce is made in less than 10 minutes with just 4 simple ingredients! Take desserts to new levels with homemade caramel sauce! It is rich, caramelized, buttery, and sweet, making it a favorite anywhere it is served. Spoon it over ice cream, layer it on cakes, drizzle it on brownies or popcorn, and more.

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just made this today and it turned out perfect. i made the mistake of waiting a bit after adding the butter because my cream was a little cold and i had to warm it up in the microwave. this caused my caramel to clump up and become very hard but i persevered, had faith and kept stirring on low-medium heat until it melted down again. added the cream after and it was like nothing wrong happened.

thank you for the recipe!


1.5 cups sugar
3 tablespoons butter
1 cup heavy cream (room temp)
Pinch of salt


"Have faith and keep stirring" will be my new personal motto


I made it! It is absolutely delicious. There is nothing like homemade, buttery caramel sauce. So, I burned the first batch. Although I thought I was using medium-high heat, the sugar changed color too quickly. I could smell that it was burnt, plus it was darker then I felt comfortable with. I threw it out. For my second batch, I used a much lower heat. It seemed to take forever to get the sugar to melt, but I'm glad I did it that way because, now, I know (roughly) where to set my heat (well, okay, I'm not sure I really do, but it's safer to start low). At the end, I added some vanilla bean paste along with the salt. Oh my sweet, sweet goodness, is it good.


300g sugar
Medium high stiry for 3-5 minutes until boiled

Boil for one minute workout mixing

Take off heart and add 5 tbsp room temp butter

Add 1 cup room temperature heavy cream

Continue to boil for one minute (220 F)

Add 1/2 tsp salt


1 1/2 cups of sugar
1 cup of heavy cream (warmed up)
5 tbsp unsalted butter
1/2 tsp salt


This is the first caramel I’ve ever made that was this easy. No crustallization, lovely texture. Thank you for such a clear and simple process video! I also love that there is no water involved, or corn syrup and all that other mess. Just a few simple ingredients.


A couple tips to add. First, use a light-colored pot, like stainless steel, because you MUST be able to see the caramel's color. Second, I used a silicone spatula instead of a wooden spoon. It was more difficult at first, as the sugar is not forgiving at first, but later, stirring was easy and I did not have any crystals on the spatula. I had one "lump" of sugar that never properly dissolved, but I simply used a sieve. Maybe next time, I'll use a whisk, but the end result was still excellent.


Impulsively tried this last night at 10pm. Worked quite well!


John -- THANK YOU SO MUCH for the tip about non-stick pans! That solved a long-time riddle for me!


The best tip about it is the pan, is all about the pan. If you're afrid of pouring heavy cream onto caramel with high temperature, let it cool down a lilbit, mix it and turn fire on and begin to stir the pan at medium temperature.


Me: I should probably start eating better and working out more
Also me: *drooling over videos on how to make sweets*


I tried making (and failing) caramel three times in a row using other posts recipes with the wet method. Idk why I didn’t try looking for a Preppy Kitchen recipe first because they never fail me. Eternally grateful for this amazing caramel sauce ❤


You rock, this is EXACTLY what I was looking for - Thick and sticky. I love how you referenced other tutorials which tell us to use water and don't stir to differentiate between that and what you are doing because I did use the water method and of course did not get the desired results, it was fine if that is what people want, but did not produce the thick sticky desired results. This is gold. Thanks so much!


I'm 13 years old. I saw your video when I searched "How to make caramel" and I started to make caramel by your instructions (with my grandmother's help so I could not burn anything) and I made a caramel milk. The only thing I didn't do is that I poured milk except of heavy cream, but I still warmed it. So thank you!


I made John's chocolate cake and frosting with my nephew for his 11th birthday. We made caramel, then whipped it for the filling of the chocolate cake. Yummm!!🥮🥮🍰🥮🍰🥮🥮


for those who for some reason or another can't get the caramel to not caramelize, you can add a little bit of honey, which is an invert sugar, to prevent the crystalization of the caramel. it won't change the taste, and it won't crystallize.


I am so glad I found this recipe. I have been craving caramel iced coffee for a while now, but I just could NOT get my caramel to stop crystallizing and / or burning before I could even melt the sugar completely . All good now, though. It turned out perfect!


Caramel has always been my nemesis! But when I watched your video, I decided it to give it one more try so I followed your recipe step by step.
It all seemed to be going accordingly but then, I had a panicky moment when, after adding the room temp. heavy cream, the sauce suddenly turned very liquidy... and it would not seem to thicken. I kept alternating between on and off the stove, and even though it had already reached the dark color I wanted, it was still liquidy. I tested with dipping the spoon in the sauce then dunking it in a water cup, but it would just dissolve..
Then my husband, who was on the phone providing moral support, said "take if off the stove and allow it to cool a bit. It will thicken!" Sure enough, within minutes the sauce had the consitancy of the one you showed in the video. And it tasted wonderful! I absolutely LOVE your recipes! Thank you!!


He is always reading my mind. Almost. I was just looking at your channel yesterday to see if you made your own butterscotch.
