Why Do Dentists ONLY Push Fluoride Treatments On Kids?

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Fluoride treatments at the dentist! Is it only for kids? Can adults benefit from it too? Or is it something of the past? YAY or NAY for fluoride!? Let's talk!





🦷 NOTE: This video does not provide medical advice and is intended for informational purposes only. Always seek the advice of your dentist or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical or dental condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have heard or seen on social media.
#fluoride #dentalcare
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My parents never took me to the dentist as a kid and I had heard so many horror stories about dentists so I scared myself out of going until I was 31 years old. I had a lot of work that needed to be done. I had 12 cavities and I needed my wisdom teeth removed. I did it all in the course of a few months. Ever since I've been going for checkups and cleanings twice a year and I always get the fluoride treatment (my insurance is the rare one that covers it for adults too). It's been 3 years since I started on my dental care journey and I've had NO MORE cavities. My cleanings are so easy and painless. Now the worst part of going to the dentist is driving there lol.

I owe a lot of thanks to you Whitney! I started watching your videos so I could learn more about what to expect at the dentist and your videos helped ease my fears. I still get a little anxious before appointments but it's nothing like it was before.


I have never been offered this by the dentist as an adult and I have sensitive teeth & enamel erosion. Sometimes I really wonder why things aren’t offered as an option to care.


I get fluoride treatments and I didn't know it could help with the sensitivity!


At my office, we offer fluoride to all patients. Like you said, it can only help!


My dental hygienist offers it with every cleaning and even though my insurance doesn’t cover it, I still get it.


I get cavities so much and my dentist never offered me this 😭


I can't find the fluoride varnish application in the Netherlands and they don't add fluoride to our water. Since I left Brazil I am having too many issues while I had perfect teeth before. Is there something I can do from home? Toothpaste and mouth washes twice a day aren't working. Even dental mousse. Should I take fluoride pills I imported from Germany or is there any strong and safe product I can buy online? I am really scared because I can't find better help here, so I need to do it myself if I don't want to go on a diet or get dentures in the future like many Dutch people seem to do. I'm even considering returning to Brazil because of health issues like this and my inability to find good care. Thanks if you have any DIY advice.


I never got any fluoride treatments growing up because my parents didn't take me to the dentist every 6 months because of my severe fear and anxiety and believe me my parents only made my anxiety worse
What are the effects of kids who didn't get these treatments growing up?


I go for cleanings at least every 3 months, and generally my dentists numb me up and clean my teeth because of how much pain I am in (I have an awful dental situation and have been in constant pain for 6 years straight from oral surgery/chronic osteomyelitis of my jaw) so cleanings and everything is super painful. When I last went, my dentist asked me if I usually get fluoride since he personally had never cleaned my teeth before and I told him that I would like to and he agreed it would be good for me. I was really glad he offered it to me even though I am a young adult. A lot don't offer it, and I am really prone to cavities between my really dry mouth/foamy saliva, meds, etc. I hope I get it every time. They also just started having me use a prescription strength fluoride toothpaste that I can only get through a dentist. This one says he uses it for his oral cancer patients and he is really concerned about my cavity risk given how bad my saliva is and how easily it can break down my enamel. So if you are one of these people, ask about fluoride treatments and prescription toothpaste! I will take any help I can get in addition to my frequent cleanings and check-ups!


Hi! What about "tooth mousse"? Is it useful for adults? I've read mixed reviews about it 🤔


My children have never been offered fluoride treatment. We are in the uk with a private dentist my husband has duraphat toothpaste prescribed as it has more flouride in it. Do you think it’s because uk has different policies re fluoride treatments and children?


As a 34 year old, I still ask my dentist for the foam trays (only adult that does this in the office haha) but the varnish takes away the dental squeaky clean I love so much! It feels so icky so I'm foam trays for life lol! Plus, its strawberry flavoured 🤗🍓


Are flouride treatments such as varnish (biflouride) or banana fluoride treatment effective for receded gums that have caused sensitivity in the teeth?


I ate them both. Labello Strawberry and my kids strawberry flavoured toothpaste. And I loved it🥹😅😂😂


My fillings made my back teeth on one side very sensitive. I even ended up with a root canal in one due to daily pain that didn’t go away. Now I deal with the sensitivity. Using pronamel, getting fluoride during my cleanings, and using remineralizing gel at home has made the cold sensitivity bearable. Still hoping it keeps getting better over time. 😁


I remember the dentist sent me and my sister to the dental hygienist for this fluoride treatment when we were about age 7 or 8 (this was 30 years ago) I get the special toothpaste as I got a overcrowding problem


Reason why flouride treatment is not in wide use is dentists gluttony for money; with good teeth how they will peel your money !


🍿Patiently waiting for the fluoride conspiracy theorists to enter the chat....


I am an adult, and I get fluoride varnish during each of my four cleanings a year.


There's a question i wanna ask i had a two molars filled but i still feel pain that goes to my ear and head ( the cavity didn't reach the nerve) but i had a lot of pain especially when i move my mouth, is that normal?
