20 Lazy Habits For A Clutter Free Home

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Keep your home clutter free with minimal effort!

As a lazy person im always looking for the simplest way to keep my minimalist home clean and clutter free. these are some small tips that have helped me do that.

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Loved the line “you can have freedom or you can have options” I hadn’t thought of things like that.


One thing I have been doing with hangers is I use them to limit myself to a specific amount of clothing. When there are no free hangers in my closet, something has got to go!😀


1. Realize that you can't have it all. (00:28)
2. Switch up your hangers. (00:53)
3. Sweep your house. (1:18)
4. Use the 5 second rule. (2:16)
5. Use a robot vacuum. (3:20)
6. If you don't have room for it, build it. (3:35)
7. Cooking 2x/week. (4:02)
8. Learn from other people's mistakes. (4:40)
9. When in doubt, basket out. (6:04)
10. Put dividers in your drawers. (6:34)
11. Clean up while you're cooking. (6:37)
12. OHIO: Only Handle It Once. (6:58)
13. Use the reverse 1 in, 1 out rule. (7:30)
14. Do 1 minute tasks that will save you hours. (8:12)
Cancel credit card if it will stop you from impulse shopping.
Chrome extension that makes you wait 30 seconds before buying anything.
Delete social media.
15. Avoid having too many flat surfaces. (8:56)
16. Watch an episode of hoarders. (9:10)
17. Nothing should be on the counter or any surfaces. If I don't have storage for it, it means either I don't need it or I have too much stuff. (9:14)
18. If you can borrow it, don't buy it. (9:23)
19. Keep a donation box within reach. (9:26)
20. Subscribe so Gabe can get a Tesla. (9:42) (wat)


I like the "full hands rule" I saw somewhere. Every time you leave a room look around and take two handfuls of things that belong in another room. Dirty dishes, books, blankets, etc. It's helped me so much!!


OMG, I watched an episode of "Hoarders" and like 5 minutes into the first episode I had decluttered my huge collection of recipes. If I keep watching, my house will be minimal within no time. *lol* Love all of these tips!


I never realized how much growing up in the 50's & 60's was such an advantage. The lifestyle we live back then was exactly what you're talking about now. Everyone seemed to be on board about keeping themselves, their things & their homes clean, tidy & presentable. I'm not sure when this all went south but it truly did. Then the pace of life picked up till no one seemed to have time to get anything done. Fortunately, about 10 or 15 years ago, people started noticing this & began to get their lives back on a normal pace. Oddly enough, Covid also really put the brakes-on for just about everyone's lifestyle. It's so good to see everyone slowing down enough to smell the daisies once again. Your tips are "Tried & True" and a great reminder for all of us ! 😀 Love that your channel is helping so many folks, young & older to get their lives back to being peaceful & under control. Kudos 👏 to your my Dear . I have subscribed. Oh, and it's so good to get a young male's perspective & role modeling for a change. 💪 Blessings to you & your family. 🏖 Kj in Tampa Bay 🤩


I like your 5-second rule. Marilu Henner wrote a book a long time ago and one of her tips to being clean was to never leave a room empty handed. If you're going to the kitchen grab something needing to go to the kitchen and take it with you. It's become a regular habit and saves me a lot of clutter build-up.


I've been doing the backwards hanger thing for years. It also works for shoes. You can employ it for other random things too, like if you have too many coffee mugs start with all the handles turned one way.


I recently played a fun game/did a fun experiment with a friend to help us both figure out if we needed to do more decluttering. The idea is to go into each other’s house, find a random drawer, box, or bin—and point to it. The owner then has to name everything inside! Do this about 5 or 6 times. If the owner can’t successfully report what’s inside of said box, drawer or bin-you lose, and it needs to be decluttered. Oh, and no fair picking the clear bins. Ha.


Awesome! Hoarders has definitely helped me. A box of stuff gets removed after every episode!👍👍


I add things I’m thinking of purchasing to my Amazon wish list. More often than not, it’ll sit there for weeks or months. I go through it once in awhile, and if I haven’t thought of the item since I put it there or if my (perceived at the time) needs have changed, I delete it. That has saved me from making a LOT of impulse purchases.


I'm all for the donating, borrowing, and trading scenarios! I also "add to cart" and then contemplate it for a day or so. More than half the time, I don't buy it. I also don't upgrade electronics just cuz the new one is out. That's nuts! It contributes to too much stuff in landfills and I try to recycle or post for sale as much as I can. I love when you cried about your jeans LOL


I really appreciate the balance in this video. It's funny, practical, and not overdone. Very nice job! And thank you for these tips! I need 'em.


YES. The idea of cooking a few times a week is great, and especially with the idea/plan that you will be freezing them for a future meal. If you do this long enough (like for a few weeks), you will wind up with enough selection that you won't ever be eating left overs. Every meal will be different. And inexpensive too since you won't be tempted to buy a quick lunch or dinner since there is already one waiting for you in the fridge/freezer.


When my daughter was growing up and I was working full time and going to school full time and raising her as single parent on Sundays I would cook 3 to 4 or more one dish dinners and make enough for 3 to 4 meals for us both. Then put them in individual containers. I did this with cheap ingredient meals like spaghetti sauce with meat, pasta salads, potato salads, casseroles, soups or stews, Taco meat mix, chilli or a meat loaf stuff that required little to no sides. This made things super easy during the week. 1 I had more time to spend with my daughter. Come home put dinner in the microwave. We could sit down eat dinner. If we had company we had extras. I could serve the meatloaf be after heating add a vegetable side from a can or fresh quick veggies and a cold pasta or potato salad for a side. Spaghetti sauce I just had to boil noodles and I would boil extra to take with me and have that to heat with sauce for lunches. I would also keep 1 to 2 dozen boiled eggs on hand for salads or for quick deviled eggs, my kids favorite, or for quick protein with cereal at breakfast, or snack. I also made sure we had veggie snacks or fruit snacks. Doing the main cooking on Sunday or a day off really helped me stay on task. I could prep and have everything ready for the week. Fridays and Saturdays were my days to cook a regular meal and do my treat baking like a cake or cookies or banana bread or sour dough. I also made few days pancakes or waffles for quick breakfast during the week. Doing this saved me a lot of time and money. I preplanned the meals sometimes they would be enough to last 2 weeks or more if I over cooked. I stayed in my food budget. This lowered my electric bill. Microwaves are energy efficient. After meals rinse containers and dishes of food we ate with put them in dishwasher and only had to run dishwasher 2 times a week. Sunday to clean all the pots and pans in after cooking and Saturdays for dishes we used during the week and my 2 days regular cooking. By Sunday was good to go for next week or so. This provided evening meals as well as lunches besides just sandwiches. I could package them into individual servings too. Yes we ate one of the meals I was making for the week for Sunday dinner. As my daughter got older I had her helping me cook on Sundays. Our best conversations and a great friendship arose too from that. She is 32 now. She tells everyone I am her Mom first and her BFF second. She is my baby and BFF too.


Instead of the 5-second rule, my husband taught me the full hands out rule: don't leave a room without your hands full. Really helps you ensure you clear out anything that doesn't belong and put it back.

I also found that having a "upstairs and downstairs basket" are useful. So when you're on a particular floor and find things you need to bring upstairs, but aren't going that way yet, drop it into the basket and take it up when you do. Then apply the Ohio method to put everything away right away, and bring the basket back down again next time you go downstairs.


I really like the hacks!

It’s so true about the little things that take only five seconds and we keep putting them off until our home is a mess.😅

I ask my brain “what is the big deal to take the cup to the kitchen?”☕️
And it’s like “ No time to explain, will do it later”

Thanks for a great video 🔥


Having a donate box always handy has been a game changer! We also got rid of lots of flat surfaces. (bookcase, hutch, end table, dresser, and desk) Flat surfaces really do collect clutter. Great video!


A few habits I have that have improved my minimalism. I keep a smaller pop up hamper in my closet to hold donations (give the things with holes to GoodWill, too, as these items are sold for rag to make our paper money!) I also keep a box in my garage for donations of things like appliances, kitchenware, etc. I keep 2 identical trash cans under my desk, 1 for paper recycling & 1 for trash. My neighbor keeps her recycling can outside near her mailbox so she doesn’t even bring her mail inside before it’s sorted! (She uses my 2 trash cans under the desk idea!) I have a “landing strip” furniture piece right next to my front door. I made special containers for everything, a bowl for keys, a container for sunglasses, a hook for purse handles, an area for hand sanitizer & sunscreen. I also mat both the inside & outside of entry/exit doors & this completely keeps the vacuuming & mopping to a minimum!


Usefulness aside, this video made me laugh so hard. That antic with the broom made my day a million times better. So thanks, Gabe!
