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What minimalist habits have helped you the most?


Years ago when I got married I was frustrated with clutter until one day I decided I would be responsible for my own clutter, and I stopped nagging my spouse about his clutter. The moment I adjusted my attitude and became a good example, my spouse started tidying his clutter. Magic.


I'm here to talk trash! 😊
If you line the trash can with 3-4 bags, when you remove a full bag of trash you don't have to replace it each time. It's also handy if the full bag tears, leaks or breaks.


Probably a weird comment but I'm a weird person.. so oh well..
I'm a professional cleaner, it is quicker and more effective to wipe mirrors and surfaces down starting at the top and moving down side to side instead of in circles. It ensures you get every inch of the surface and prevents putting dirt back on the clean areas. It's also quicker. Just a tip!
Love your videos, keep it up.


My mother has done this sort of thing for most of her almost 92 years of life -- she is still very organized, does her bookkeeping, contracts the services that are repairing our house, this unbelievable woman, who reminds me of the Queen of England in appearance and mannerisms.


I clean and declutter one room from Monday to Friday, I take weekends off from cleaning. Works for me. Thanks for tips.😁


Loving the pacing of your videos. Going directly to the point, no bullshit, no clickbait. Thanks for understanding your audience instead of chasing cheap views 😉


Three things that have helped me get better about keeping the home clean and tidy:

1. How to break procrastination: Time yourself doing various tasks you tend to avoid. Most tasks take a lot less time than you think they do, especially if you're doing them regularly. I stopped dragging my feet on my weekly bathroom clean when I realized it took only 30 to 40 minutes, a small price to pay for a bathroom that never gets too grimy.

2. How to handle decluttering "maybe" items: When you get hung up on something, not sure if you should get rid of it, relocate it so it's in your way and/or in your face for a set period of time (like a week or month). You'll quickly decide if that kitchen gadget (for example) is worth keeping around if you have to pick it up and move it every time you reach for a coffee cup for 30 straight days.

3. How to keep up with the million small tasks that constantly crop up in the kitchen: A working kitchen is never perfectly clean. The floor nearly always needs to be swept again. Countertops, canisters, cabinet doors, small appliances, etc. could always stand a quick cleaning. At least one shelf of the fridge probably needs more attention. Or maybe you just need to put away clean dishes.

Do you know what else constantly happens in the kitchen? Tiny bits of idle time. Waiting on the microwave or coffeemaker to do their thing? Waiting on water to boil? Got less than five minutes left on the oven timer? Stay in the room, and spend those little 2 to 5 minute gaps of time knocking out some of the small kitchen tasks that tend to be done less often than they should be. Those little moments add up, and once it becomes a habit, your kitchen will be consistently cleaner than it is now, and feel less like a giant To Do List in room form whenever you walk in there... without you having to do more dedicated cleaning sessions.


I really like the idea of grabbing something from the kitchen table and putting it away every time you pass by!


I have been a housewife for many years. Our children are grown and gone. My husband and I are both retired and we spend most of our time together. We really love being with one another. When we married I was the neater of the two of us and still am. We're a bit messy, but not dirty. I like your tips about keeping clutter free. Some days though, it just doesn't matter! Order take away, watch a movie, lay around, read, laugh and go back to bed early!!


Find a decluttering buddy! I have a friend who loves to organize like I do, so we set organizing dates and talk on the phone while we're doing dishes, cooking meals, sorting papers, or whatever. It makes the time go by much faster and we always thank each other for helping each of us get stuff done! Has helped me tremendously. (A similar idea is to listen to music you love or a podcast you never have time to listen to otherwise.) If I can combine something I hate (cleaning, dishes) with something I love, I find it's much more pleasant and I avoid doing it less!


No hamper. Walk it to washing machine. When full start the load. Mostly wash with cold.
From mailbox walk to garbage, throw away junk, bring bills in house.
Great video.


I got into the habit of tossing the junk mail right away, I have been doing this since last year, no more mail clutter, it really works. Being minimalist is really just having habits, after awhile you just do it without thinking about it. I like the one in, one out rule, it helps a lot too.


Thanks for some easy to start habits. A phrase I repeat to myself is "don't put it down, put it away" . I have both depression and anxiety and clutter really drags me down. If I can prevent clutter building up in the first place my mental health goes so much better. I look forward to incorporating some of your tips in to my existing routines


My mom calls the accumulation of stuff on flat surfaces "flat surface disease". It's my favorite way to describe it.


I clean my fridge out every week. It also helps to have an assigned spot for everything. Leftovers, fruits, veggies, meat, dairy. Easy to group no matter what it is.


I have an "over the door" hanger for casual clothes I wear for several days, like my old clothes for the dog park which I only wear for a short time. It saves putting them on top of dressers or the floor.


timestamps 🕰️ please like this comment if these timestamps are helpful for you!

0:00 intro
0:16 1. store tupperwear with lids on
0:31 2. make your bed
0:49 3. deal with the dishes right away
1:16 4. organise & deal with the mail right away
1:44 5. clean your kitchen table every time you walk by it
2:12 6. use the 2 minute rule
2:25 7. the flat surface rule
2:57 8. have a laundry basket in your bathroom & bedroom
3:37 9. put a box by your front door
3:48 10. take a daily reset
4:07 11. the bathroom sink
4:37 12. have a landing strip
5:03 13. put the controllers away
5:17 14. just pull the trash & recycle
5:48 15. clean your fridge
6:18 16. get everyone else on board
6:43 17. do the micro clean
7:10 18. uninstall amazon
7:41 19. find your pain points
8:05 20. 1 in & 1 out rule
8:28 outro


You need to air your bed to let sweat evaporate and to deal with dust mites you can still be neat straighten sheets plump pillows and fold down the quilt to let the bed air for couple of hours. Then you can either straighten it out or leave neatly folded back on itself. Love your easy tips


I wash my dishes while I’m cooking. This way you don’t have a pile of dishes to do after you eat which makes eating the meal more enjoyable. I don’t have a dish washer so this is doubly important to me. Also regarding the micro cleaning, I break it down even more than just doing one room. I do one piece of furniture per day. I used to knock myself out trying to get it all done in one day. All that did was make me not want to clean at all. When I first started the one piece of furniture ‘rule’, it was difficult for me not to continue with another piece because usually when I start something, I like to finish it. But that can be very daunting and exhausting, so I really tried to just keep to the one piece a day. It works really well for me now. My house gets clean a little at a time, but I don’t exhaust myself and I don’t dread the thought of cleaning.
