You're Not Lazy: How to Live a Chaotically Organised Life

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Having quit things I thought I wanted to do, hated myself because I can't stick to schedules I create, thought I'm incapable of achieving much due to my chaotic and indecisive mind: here is how I now thrive (a bit more) in chaos and lack of organisation, most importantly: without habits.

To make your life easier:
0:00 Intro
1:09 Bloody Typical: The Fall Behind, Catch Up, Go Ahead Schedule
4:27 The Seven Year Itch: Screw 1% Improvements
8:32 Can't Help Falling in Love: Optimising for Passion, not Consistency
11:04 Now You're Talking: The Adult Brat

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And I'm trying to get my thoughts in writing in some guide and template of sorts on the topic of chaotic organisation, hopefully that'll be out soon, before I start university again! Lots and lots of love, Lizzie xxx


Also ap retty good depression tip: "If it's something that is worth doing it's worth doing badly. 10 seconds brushing teeth is better than not brushing at all."


This is the most "tell me you have ADHD without telling me you have ADHD" self-help video I've ever seen. 😁 And as someone with ADHD, I love how you've found ways to work with it. 👍


Girl, please tag this for ADHD or ADHD hacks. You are really good at putting words to what we all struggle with and then putting solutions to it


- be okay with starting, stopping for a long time, and starting again
- be okay with doing stuff just when you feel like it
- dont make fake deadlines. Stuff without concrete deadlines are suggestions to do when you feel like it
- not 1% improvement daily, because that requires consistency. Build up motivation before starting and then improve 5000% all in one sitting. Go ahead and master something in one sitting.
- optimize for passion, not consistency
- talk to yourself not to label or insult yourself but to find the internal need to fix (note from me: this is also best for parenting! Read Disicpline Without Distress by Judy Arnall, a mom of 5 with a bachelor's degree in this stuff! It's my favorite and introduced me to gentle parenting.)


this spoke to me more deeply than any productivity video ive seen on youtube. i’m trying to readopt the intuitive methods that i developed as a kid - trying to do “the adult thing” and follow routines, schedules, etc has just resulted in a cycle of guilt and shame and nothing getting done.


"Consistency isn't for everyone, and just because we can't be consistent that doesn't mean we cannot do it..." That hit home for me. I love that this is the first video recommended to me from your channel. It's reassuring me that this topic is being explored more. Glad I'm not alone...


“Priming the passion” is such a transformative reframe for what I have been calling procrastination. It is exactly what I do, I realize… like a slow crescendo of interest until I’m suddenly all in for hours for days on end. It’s so transformative because this - and your whole video actually - is about giving ourselves permission to be who we are, and to trust ourselves.


I’ve never resonated with a video more. You put exactly into words how I am with work and projects and LIFE in general. Thank you. 🎉 -Lily


This is actually good advice and confirms the essence of Taoism. The more we feel like we have to try, the more we will fail. The number one killer of creativity is structure. The strict calendar/to-do schedule thing is also a no for me because missing a single day will absolutely destroy my confidence causing me to stop completely. Perfectionism is a bitch.


I don’t know how you do it but you some how make the most creative, relatable videos. I’ve tried to make clear systems and be more consistent but my brain naturally ebs and flows and with this video now I don’t feel so bad 💛


You said it: the fastest way to get me to hate something is to make it compulsory through habit.

I resonate with your approach. Hearing from you makes me feel like I'm not the only one. I've often felt like I am irresponsible and can't survive because I don't have the consistency needed.


I wasn't diagnosed with ADHD like many people in the comments have been, but I was diagnosed with Social Anxiety Disorder and Depression. This also makes me procrastinate and take on too many projects at the same time. When these things were untreated, I would go through periods of getting As & Bs then failing the next semester so badly I would be on Academic Suspension. It’s hard to turn in assignments with a strict deadline. 😢


This is very relatable! I was ready to give up on a lot of things. But watching this video, now I'm willing to try to get passionate about them without forcing myself to do them. Because I know if I'm passionate about something I'LL DO IT 1000%!


You just explained my irrational anger when I hear the words consistent, schedule, routine, and progress. This is how my brain works too. It’s either 5% or 1000% and now I know I am not alone and this way is ok. Thank you.


Thank you for this. It saved me. I discovered I have ADHD and autism 3months ago and I'm 53. I was an avid fan of James Clear until I had to admit it was hurting my day instead, it was a tough realisation. Thank you ❤


Thank you for this video. "The fastest way to make me hate something is to make me do it consistently" really hit a spot and made me cry. I struggle so hard at work, even in a creative, meaningful job with a great team. I used to function perfectly in school and university because there was a rising curve from lazy semester start up to finals where I could work through the nights, score excellent results and then have weeks and weeks of holidays to fill really relax and fill up my cup.
Now with work, there is no curve and I have to show up every week and be predictable. One or two weeks of holidays every couple of months isn't enough to fill up my cup and deep dive into a new field of interest. It is always cut short. I am taking steps to adjust my job a bit more to my "curve", but sometimes I feel like an alien, masquerading as a functioning human adult.😅🙈


This is sooo relatable as a person with ADHD, you literally described my entire life. I always felt so bad that I "quit" things. Just recently I thought to myself, "Why do I always think that I quit them? Why can't I just take a long pause?". We're so used to the idea of "not consistent = will suck and quit", I hear it everywhere and this is so not true.
Anyway, thank you!


"Describe ADHD without saying ADHD". This is such a useful way to reframe thinking about productivity and habits.


Im fascinated to listen to someone basically describe how my brain works. The main difference is, I've never wanted to be different or thought there is anything wrong with me. Ive thought of myself basically lazy but motivated by pressure, and very good at working under pressure. And since nothing bad has happened as a result i don't worry about it. My passions come and go in cycles and i mostly just go with it.

I also like to deeply focus on one thing at a time and I'm hugely productive when this happens.

My main problem is that real life doesn't often let you focus: there are other people and meetings and kids who need to be fed.
