This Happens To Your Body When You Start Drinking More Water Every Day

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Staying hydrated is the first rule of health and nutrition.

Even without food, the body can last for weeks.

But did you know that we can’t last a few days without water?

This isn’t actually a surprise if you know that human bodies are made up of about 60% water.

Thus, when it gets dehydrated, both the body’s physical and mental state gets affected.

Generally, healthy people should drink 4-6 cups of water.

Suffice it to say, water is a must for our cells and organs to function properly.

If you don’t have certain conditions like thyroid disease, liver, kidney, or heart problems, then drinking more water won’t be a problem.

We often hear about how it’s important to drink water.

But for what reasons, really?

Today, we will answer that question for you.

Want to know an interesting benefit of drinking more water?

It energizes your muscles.

Curious now? Keep watching then!

1. Promotes a healthy skin
In its normal state, your skin contains plenty of water.

Dehydration makes your skin more vulnerable to premature wrinkling, which can be improved by drinking more water.

2. Lubricates the joints
Cartilage, which is located in joints and the disks of the spine, holds about 80% of water.

By keeping yourself hydrated, you can improve your joints’ shock-absorbing ability.

3. Helps manage calories
For many years, drinking water has been used as a weight-loss technique.

While it’s far from being a magical trick, drinking water instead of high-calorie beverages can certainly make a huge difference.

4. Keeps your kidneys healthy
One of the kidneys’ functions is to control water balance and blood pressure, as well as expel waste from the body.

By drinking tons of water, you’re promoting normal kidney function, which also helps in flushing toxins from your body.

Moreover, this helps prevent mineral buildup that can lead to kidney stones.

5. Energizes muscles
Have your muscles been feeling weaker lately?

Muscle cells that don’t have enough fluids tend to perform poorly.

When exercising, it’s crucial to drink enough fluids.

Two hours before exercising, drink about 17 ounces of fluid.

6. Regulates bowel function
Drinking more water keeps things flowing along your gastrointestinal tract and prevents constipation.

With adequate fluid, plus fiber, it’ll keep your bowel functioning perfectly.

7. Good for your mind
Water can affect the brain.

When you’re dehydrated (even if it’s just moderate) can already interfere with your functioning and mood.

This is especially the case for young children and older people.

Dehydration can also adversely affect your concentration, alertness, and short-term memory.

8. Reduce sugar cravings and aid in weight maintenance
Interestingly, the brain can’t tell the exact difference between thirst and hunger.

As such, we often mistake thirst as ‘sugar craving.’

Hence, if you crave something sweet, consider drinking a glass of water first.

Furthermore, the more water you drink, the lesser food you’ll consume.

In the end, it’ll help you lose weight.

Now, are you on board with the whole water therapy?

It won’t cost you anything, that’s for sure.

Tell us your thoughts about this below. -

Рекомендации по теме

I quit smoking in 1996 and the best advice that was given to me was to drink lots of water. They told me that it would help flush out toxins from my body and reduce cravings. It worked-grateful to say that I'm still nicotine free today...


The benefits of drinking water.

-Promotes a healthy skin
- Lubricates the joints
- Helps manage calories
- Keeps your kidney healthy
- Energizes muscles
- Regulates bowel function
- Good for the mind
- Reduce sugar cravings and aid in weight maintenance(helps you lose weight)


This was the first habit I incorporate to my weight loss process and it makes ALL the difference if you are lost and don't know where to start. Its just the most simple and effective thing you can do to begin with.


Water is a gift from God. I drink 4.5 liters of water a day.


I've been drinking 2-5 litres of water a day for years. Definetly been a great lifestyle change. When I first gave up pop and started drinking water, it have me gas for 6+ months and I thought, this can't be good that my body is not used to water but now it's been 5-7 years now and I love it. No alcohol people will never give that up.


Aye I drink a lot of water and working out since I was in 8th grade and I’m telling you guys, drink your water cuz that’s healthy and water helps you get swole because your muscles need water to grow


Great reminder. Whenever I'm fasting, I rely on water to stop the sugar cravings.Water keeps me sane! All thanks to the amazing benefits of water. 😆


Every fluid equates to water. Every body has a different need. Eat when you’re hungry and drink when you’re thirsty. That all folks!


I’ve just started drinking 2 litres of water per day with a lot of gerbil food, brown rice, chicken & intermittent fasting & have lost some weight. I also battle Cystic Fibrosis & deal with chest tightness & lot of phlegm. I find that drinking water loosens my airways & reduces & thins the phlegm. Works for me. 🇨🇦


I used to be so hungry a short while after I ate anything. When I started drinking water before every meal, I noticed I would stay satiated for a long time before having to eat again. Water itself will not directly lead to weight loss, but it can help tremendously in ways like I mentioned.


As is stated in the video, drinking water can cause slight, temporary increases in metabolism, and drinking it about a half-hour before each meal can help you eat fewer calories. 👌👌


Yeah! Water is so important for us. I drink 3 liter a day


I was gifted a Yeti Tumbler a couple weeks ago & I've started drinking more water with it. I've already noticed a difference in my overall health.


I started drinking more water since I started to get kidney stones, and after watching this video I have learned more benefits of drinking water!


I about 2 weeks back quit soda and switched to water. The first week and a half were miserable. I was always thirsty no matter how much I drank. I had to use the bathroom every 2 hours. I woke up feeling like I never had water before. And my head was pounding from the lack of sugar. But once I got past the withdraws I felt so much better than I had in years. No heart burn. Weight loss. More energy


the negative: you need to pee constantly


If ur pee isn't clear, ur clearly not drinking enough water.


Thanks for uploading this. I never heard of drinking water if you're craving something sweet. I'll give that a try.


Body hub videos stay the most helpful videos ever, thank you 👌


How much water we should drink every day?
& for who does physical activities like Exercise and long walk(10000 steps).
