Visual Group Theory, Lecture 6.3: Polynomials and irreducibility
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Visual Group Theory, Lecture 6.3: Polynomials and irreducibility
A complex number is algebraic over Q (the rationals) if it is the root of a polynomial with rational coefficients. It is clear that every number that can be written with arithmetic and radicals is rational. Galois' big achievement was proving that the converse fails. In fact, there are roots of degree-5 polynomials that cannot be expressed using radicals, which means that there cannot exist a formula for the quintic. Next, we turn to the question of when a polynomial is irreducible over Q, which means that it cannot be factored into a product of two lower-degree polynomials. Though there is no one sure-fire method to answer this, a technique called Eisenstein's criterion works for many polynomials. We conclude by looking at extensions of Q, and define the minimal polynomial of an algebraic number r to be the (unique) monic irreducible polynomial for which f(r)=0. It turns out that the degree of this "minimal polynomial" is equal to the dimension of the extension field Q(r) over Q.
A complex number is algebraic over Q (the rationals) if it is the root of a polynomial with rational coefficients. It is clear that every number that can be written with arithmetic and radicals is rational. Galois' big achievement was proving that the converse fails. In fact, there are roots of degree-5 polynomials that cannot be expressed using radicals, which means that there cannot exist a formula for the quintic. Next, we turn to the question of when a polynomial is irreducible over Q, which means that it cannot be factored into a product of two lower-degree polynomials. Though there is no one sure-fire method to answer this, a technique called Eisenstein's criterion works for many polynomials. We conclude by looking at extensions of Q, and define the minimal polynomial of an algebraic number r to be the (unique) monic irreducible polynomial for which f(r)=0. It turns out that the degree of this "minimal polynomial" is equal to the dimension of the extension field Q(r) over Q.