The BEST 10 Min Full Body Resistance Band Workout PERIOD
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Instagram: @AchvPeak
Ultra Effective 10 Minute Resistance Band Full Body Workout:
1. 12 Exercises in Total - 10 in an AB format / 2 ending exercises
2. First 10: 45 Sec on // 5 Sec off // 20 Sec on // 10 Sec off
3. Lat 2: 30 Sec on // 10 sec off
4. Duration: 10:00
Ultra Effective 10 Minute Resistance Band Full Body Workout Warm-Up:
1. Squat to Reach
2. Chest Openers
3. Toe Touch kicks
4. Lateral Lunges
5. Arm Swings
6. RDL's
Ultra Effective 10 Minute Resistance Band Full Body Workout Exercises:
1a. Sumo Squat To Shrugs (45sec)
1b. Front Squats (20sec)
2a. Bent Over Rows (45sec)
2b. Bicep Curls (20sec)
3a. Push-Ups (45sec)
3b. Overhead Tricep Ext
4a. Clean Pulls (45sec)
4b. DB Swing (20sec)
5a. RDL's (45sec)
5b. Alt Reverse Grip Rows (20sec)
6 . Squat To Shoulder Press - L (40sec)
7 . Squat To Shoulder Press - R (40sec)
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