What If Clone Trooper Fives KILLED Palpatine

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During the Clone Wars, Arc Trooper Fives learned that the clone inhibitor chips had a secret plot. When he was brought to Coruscant to meet the Chancellor, what if he killed him? Would Fives be able to escape in time? What would the effects of Palpatine's death have on the greater galaxy?

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Ironic. Sidious could snap the necks of others with the Force, but couldn't prevent his own from enduring the same...


It’s nice to see Fives being regarded as a hero and not a traitor this time


I love the idea that Anakin was able to gaslight the ENTIRE Jedi council. That's actually hilarious!


If Fives killed Palpatine it would have been the perfect revenge


It took me awhile to consider Fives managing to kill Palps like that.

I just went with Palps was over confident he didnt even consider the clone killing him like that.


The good ending.

Honestly, this is probably the best scenario for the Galaxy as a whole. Fives lives, the corrupt Republic is dissolved and reformed, the hubris if the Jedi Council is realized and the Jedi take a more traditional role in the Galaxy, the Clone Wars end sooner, the Clones get to live the rest of their lives in freedom and with dignity (like they deserve), and the remnants of the CIS and the "Reformed Republic" might start working together for the good of the Galaxy.


What If the Jedi Council survived Order 66 (including Mace Windu, Kit Fisto, Saesee Tiin and Agen Kolar)


IMO, people would have figured out that Palpatine was a Sith when they found the red light sabres and Sith artifacts after his death.


What if Bail Organa hired Boba Fett to rescue Leia?


This really puts the who thing into perspective. Like… yeah, *what if* Fives killed Sidious?

He hadn’t gotten to commandeer the Kaminoans’ cloning tech yet because this was one of many stepping stones for the main enabler for Sidious’s numerous contingencies. The Outer Rim Sieges had barely begun and the CIS was struggling but still doing alright. Anakin wasn’t ready to turn. Dooku was still alive and relatively well, and Grievous was still kicking everybody’s skull in without a ton of effort. Shit, even Maul was still in play out there somewhere.

There were a million other ways he could have disposed of or obtained the inhibitor chips. Have their ship cross into battle lines and get blown up. Hire bounty hunters to snatch them en route or once they reached the Jedi Temple. Shit, just have anybody else interrogate Fives beforehand so Sidious could work his magic later.

It really speaks volumes about how well Sidious was doing that he figured he could take this risk to spoil the Revenge Of The Sith to one of the most elite soldiers there was within the most capable fighting force the galaxy had ever and maybe *will* ever see, getting right in his face with no restraints with his inhibitions lowered (or removed, ha ha).

Obviously he didn’t in the real continuity, but Sidious gambled everything so he could gloat for two minutes about how his pawns were just pawns and how they didn’t matter, and it’s honestly insane how even as powerful as he was, Sidious could have lost it all *right there.*



What if Padme adopted Boba Fett and Han Solo during the Clone Wars. They were both 10-13 at the end of the war I believe


"People shouldn't fear their governments, governments should fear their people." -V from V for Vendetta


Fives deserved to have a good ending like this, the people of the republic deserved a good ending like this, this honestly got pretty much everyone what they deserved be it heroism, a reforming quest, their love, death, it was a nice dish of karma wrapped in a pink bow.


I'd like to point out that due to Fives being a clone of Jango Fett, a Mandalorian Bounty Hunter and Warrior, as well as being an ARC Trooper, he easily has the physical strength to break a Sith Lords neck if given the chance, so I'd like to say I find this what if entirely believable.


Two things I love of this. Fives being a hero, and what Dooku wanted to do


What if Padme and Anakin secretly adopted Ahsoka after she left the order


What if Quigon killed Maul on Tatooine


But what if palpatine did his monologue only to realize that Fives had his coms on from before he got captured with no one bothering to check and or remove it?


Justice for Fives.

Seems fitting her kill Palpatine in this case.


This is an excellent story, Mr. Pente Patrol. It's nice to see Fives getting respect as a hero, not some wanted fugitive who knows Fives's action reformed the Galactic Republic into a better government to focus on the people, not just the core worlds for the elites and the wealthy for the ordinary people of the galaxy. What I like about this story is that Yoda acknowledges his mistakes and makes amends with Dooku, which is bittersweet and yet a nice change. All I can say is this is an incredible story of a video, my friend, no matter what people say. Just believe in yourself and never lose sight of who you are, and always stay positive and spread the love, my brother. May the force be with you!

Here are some exciting ideas for future Star Wars fanfiction stories: What if Dagan Gera was the main antagonist of the Prequel Trilogy and formed his own Dark Jedi Order?

What if the Sith piloted Mechs to destroy the Jedi and started a Mobile Mech War? How awesome to see the Jedi and the Sith fighting each other by piloting Mechs?

What if Anakin Skywalker had become King of Tatooine after being kicked out of the Jedi Order? What if Anakin had formed the Kingdom of the Mid-Rim? What would territories be like under Anakin as the King? What would Anakin's properties ad first act as King, of what shall he do in charge?

What if Thrawn had become the Supreme Leader of the First Order instead of Snoke? How well did the First and Final Order do well under Thrawn? Would Thrawn be aware that Palpatine is in Exgol, and would he eliminate him for he sees a threat to the galaxy?

What if Maul found Reva instead of the Grand Inquisitor? Would Reva be powerful under Maul's guidance, and can the two of them get rid of Vader and Sidious? Could Maul make himself the new Emperor of the Galactic Empire?

Which these ideas do you like best, Mr. Pente Patrol, and which of one them do you want, and which them you never heard of before?
