What If the Clones Rebelled Against the Republic and Jedi

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The Clone Army was one of the finest armies ever assembled in Star Wars. What If that army saw foul play in the republic and defected? What would cause the clones to defect from the Republic? Would there be a battle or a peaceful separation? What would happen to Palpatine's plans and the Jedi?

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"Committing genocide against the Kaminoans because it would be funny" is hands down the best one liner you've had. Amazing


What If Jedi Master Dooku didn't join the Sith and instead created his own Gray Jedi Order (which included himself, Sifo-Dyas, Qui-Gon Jinn, Obi-Wan, Anakin, Ahsoka, Barriss, Ventress, anyone else he felt would make a good member and etc)?


What if Dooku didn’t join sidious but still created the CIS to help the people, leading the the clone wars


This video could be best summed up as "maybe the real chosen one was the clones that we have made along the way" 10/10


What if Anakin cut down both Windu and Palpatine in the chancellors office then took control of the army and the senate to wage war against the crime syndicates and slavers across the galaxy.


What if Shaak Ti and the other Torgruta left with Ahsoka due to how poorly the council treated her.
(This would be a huge wrench in Palpatines plan as a large force of force users would be active and not seen as Jedi as they had left the order, the Torgruta made up a good percentage of the order)


Sidious: im going to make a sith army....
Sidious: ehhh.... 😅
Sidious: uhhh lets not do that...


What if Maul was found by the Jedi, became a knight, and was assigned as Anakin’s master?


What if no one in the senate believed palpatines lies and thought it was a ploy to gain more power and executed order 65


"This is outrageous! Its unfair! How can you be a living being and nkt act like a sentient!" - Anakin, probably


What is Padme got Anakin a therapist during the clone wars?


"Committing genocide against the Kaminoans because it would be funny" is hands down the best one-liner you've had. Amazing What If Jedi Master Dooku didn't join the Sith and instead created his own Gray Jedi Order (which included himself, Anakin Obi-Wan Qui-Gon Jinn Sifo-Dyas anyone else he felt would make a good member, etc)? This video could be best summed up as "maybe the real chosen one was the clones that we have made along the way" 10/10 Option 2, Chief / Cortana: The back half of the Forward unto Dawn carrying Chief / Cortana teleports into from their perspective a unknown region of space! Cortana, of course, will start running scans of the area and drop a beacon for potential rescue (for about 4 years, 7 months, 10 days she won't be suffering from rampancy yet) ... oh would you look at
2a) Stay in the ship until what should be " short negotiations " are over! ... outcome: ship gets blown up with MC/C just about escaping the blast or rises from the wreckage like a Demon to the bewilderment of the battle droids 2b) Join the JEDI in the meeting to introduce themselves to this new galaxy or pretend to be acting security! ... outcome: oh boy, if the CIS were spooked about JEDI showing up in the original story, what is going to think Chief is ... Mandalorian perhaps ( they won't know anything about Cortana yet ) When Lord Sidious gives the order " kill them immediately " so the CIS blows up the horse they rode in on and " try " to gas the JEDI / Chief ... pfft ha ha ha ha HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA cue the song ( Unyielding Soul ) | whichever scenario plays they link up and fight their way to the bridge (next question is can Cortana interface/hack the doors for the bridge e.g. is there a control panel they can hack? ... also don't forget the blast doors) still even after all that the droidika's with their shields may still be problematic leading to the group needing to sneak off the ship. Option 2 combined: When combining these perspectives most details stay the same, except Chief / Cortana telling the JEDI that Arbiter is about to crash-land on the planet of Naboo (or already has) they'll also be able to keep in contact with Arbiter via COM's until the CIS blocks communications What If the Droids Rebelled Against the Separatists? Fascinating video! Love alternate timeline stories and your channel has so many! I only discovered it yesterday and I’m excited to go through your backlog. How do you make so many in such a short span? It’s awe-inspiring! 1. What if Leia fell in love with Lando if Crosshair didn't kill Lieutenant Nolan I really enjoy your clone what if they have more creativity in their stories. Even though you don’t include many legends or other versions I’d like to know what you would do with a what if that included more powerful or dangerous beings like you do with Abeloth and the Vong but perhaps use the Star-weird or Terentateks Sidious: im going to make a sith army.... Bane: M/F RULE OF TWO!! Sidious: ehhh... 😅 Bane: NAHH IM RESURRECTING! Sidious: uh let us know not do that... I find it quite hilarious that Dooku was killed by grievous! Good story. An idea. What if 2003 and TCW Grievous both exist. What if some Jedi legend came back to life during the prequel era? (Revan, Meetra Surik, Bastila Shan, or someone else.)


1. What if Leia fell in love with Lando

2. What if the Zygerrian Queen was a Sith

3. What if Ahsoka and Barriss both got infected by Geonosian Parasites

4. What if Heavy failed to destroy the Rishi Station

5. What if the Malevolance was able to escape

6. What if Dooku became a memeber of the Council instead of Mace

7. What if Qui-Gon Jinn was a Sith

8. What if Commander Bly didn't execute order 66

9. What if Crosshair didn't kill Lieutenant Nolan

10. What if Anakin died on Maridun


What If the Droids Rebelled Against the Separatists?


What if Kister (Anakin’s childhood friend) was also force sensitive and went to train with anakin when qui gon found him


What if Darth Zannah faked her death, froze her self in carbonate and returned during the clone wars, pretending to be a Jedi (she had the ability to full cloak her dark side power to seem like a Jedi), and Trained Anakin


What if Anakin was General Grievous? He has a split personality and they are unaware of each other.


What If on Halo 3's final mission the portal on the Ark sends the Forward unto Dawn (intact or split) carrying Master Chief, Cortana and Arbiter (all together, two or one depending if the ship splits or not) A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away . . . . Star wars (or to be more specific at the start or little before the Phantom Menace or New Hope) let the debate begin !?!

Warning this is a work in progress! but feel free to take, edit and use in your final draft if you wish, just a small mention/credit of what I may have contributed will be fine with me :)

Option 1, Arbiter solo: The front half of the Forward unto Dawn carrying Arbiter teleports into the Star Wars galaxy at speed, passes the CIS blockade, who are left wondering WTF was that, but of course turn their attention to another approaching ship ( Qui Gon Jinn / Obi Wan kenobi journey stays the same for now ... ) Arbiter crashes into the ocean or large lake on the planet of Naboo, after salvaging what he can and escaping the sinking wreck Arbiter sets off in search of civilization ... only at first to find Jar Jar Binks !?! ... After setting up camp for the night and having something to eat ( either human ration packs salvaged from the F.U.D | or some form of creature that Arbiter would be able to cook/eat ) lured by the smell of food Jar Jar " Attempts " to sneak up! ... Only to get caught (detected via Arbiters hunter/warrior senses ... that or his motion tracker) after a lot of begging/bargaining Arbiter takes pity on him and offers Jar Jar a deal, guide him to the " Human " capital of Naboo in exchange for food/protection (Jar Jar of course would accept this offer, what with being banished from going home for being clumsy) along the way perhaps they'll find a crashed but still operational warthog (which is worse, trusting Jar Jar to drive or shoot !) after some driving they come under attack from scouts of the droid invasion followed by the JEDI who come to their aid and ... could also appreciate a ride ... ( JJ will likely call Arbiter " Arby " for short throughout the story )

Option 2, Chief / Cortana: The back half of the Forward unto Dawn carrying Chief / Cortana teleports into from their perspective a unknown region of space! Cortana of course will start running scans of the area and drop a beacon for potential rescue (for about 4 years, 7 months, 10 days she won't be suffering from rampancy yet) ... oh would you look at that its the ship that Qui Gon Jinn/ Obi Wan kenobi are traveling on, after some basic introductions / explanations the JEDI will ask if MC/C would like to accompany them to the planet of Naboo or wait for another ship to give them a tow
1a) if they stay some time later the JEDI will send a message saying the CIS have just attempted to kill them, rather than being sitting ducks, Cortana uses what control they have over the F.U.D to steer it to Naboo for a controlled crash landing then using a escape pod.
1b) if they leave with the JEDI, the F.U.D will be left behind for now, will it stay adrift in space, get caught in Naboo's gravitational pull and crash there!) When arriving at the CIS blockade MC/C will have another two choices
2a) Stay in ship until what should be " short negotiations " are over! ... outcome: ship gets blown up with MC/C just about escaping the blast or rises from the wreckage like a Demon to the bewilderment of the battle droids
2b) Join the JEDI in the meeting to introduce themselves to this new galaxy or pretend to be acting security! ... outcome: oh boy, if the CIS were spooked about JEDI showing up in the original story, what are going to think Chief is ... Mandalorian perhaps ( they won't know anything about Cortana yet ) When Lord Sidious gives the order " kill them immediately " so the CIS blows up the horse they rode in on and " try " to gas the JEDI / Chief ... pfffft ha ha ha ha HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA cue the song ( Unyielding Soul ) | whichever scenario plays they link up and fight their way to the bridge (next question is can Cortana interface/hack the doors for the bridge e.g. is there a control panel they can hack? ... also don't forget the blast doors) still even after all that the droidika's with their shields may still be problematic leading to the group needing to sneakoff the ship.

Option's 1/2 combined: When combining these perspectives most details stay the same, with the exception of Chief / Cortana telling the JEDI that Arbiter is about to crash-land on the planet of Naboo (or already has) they'll also be able to keep in contact with Arbiter via COM's until the CIS blocks communications


What if Anakin told Shaak Ti instead of Mace Windu that palpatine was the Sith Lord (Since he didn’t really like Windu)


What if the Republic got their hands on the Death Star plans, but rather than use it as an orbital superweapon, it was used as an aid station or spaceship carrier that would show up on battlefronts at a moment's and save lives. And thus, the Death Star was renamed to "The Morningstar"
