What If Commander Fox Didn't Kill Fives

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Today's' What If' we analyze what would've happened if Commander Fox didn't kill Arc Trooper Fives. What could've changed if CT-5555 wasn't discovered by Commander Fox on Coruscant?
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It's ironic how they all viewed Fives as crazy, paranoid and even delusional yet in the end he was actually right the whole time


Oh god the yoda impression is the funniest impression I've heard


What If Commander Fox didn’t kill Fives:
Everyone: we still hate you


After the death of Sidious, it is reasonable to assume that Palpatine's plans were uncovered. With new evidence, the new chancellor Bail Organa would have asked the confederacy for a ceasefire. If Palpatine's plans exposed Dooku and the other separatist leaders as orchestrators of the war, the separatist senate could have deposed them and begun talks with the republic. As seen in the clone wars separatists with republic sympathies existed something that makes this scenario plausible


I’ve really enjoyed this one. Thank You. This is really going to go down in history as one of the best What If’s ever. I love this What If.


A couple of thoughts.
I suspect the chancellor had spies in the Jedi temple. A long term mole for instance. Burning their hidden identity to inform the chancellor what the clone had said would be worth it.

At that point the chancellor could, execute order 66, and or find an excuse to leave the capital escaping the Jedi.

The reason I suspect a spy in the temple is some of the changes made to Jedi records, how fast the temple fell in the original timeline, that one of the leaders of the temple guard turned quickly and became the grand inquisitor.

There is to much there to not let me expect him to have at least some agents in there even if they were in deep cover.

The changes the chancellor leaving the capital with out being directly identified as a sith could bring. One he would be hunted by the Jedi. 2 the forces of the republic would be split until the chip situation could be resolved. Causing major battle feild losses and chaos.

If might occur that the seporatists with the chancellor leading them could take over the republic. Especially if the chancellor got off the capital and began convincing planets that the Jedi had gone rouge. The empire still might occur. How anikin would turn out is anyone's guess.


Knowing that the only reason there was no peace earlier in the Clone war was the fact that count Dooku and Palpatine had intervened in some way and basically disrupted peace talks dooku would probably go do fighting in similar scenario to how he died in the film then the republic and the CIS probably would’ve negotiated a equal piece for both sides between the CIS and the republic rather than continuing war


There's no way the Jedi could get the troopers' chips removed without Palpatine's knowledge, nor would he just attack Yoda and Anakin unprovoked in his office. Palpatine would approach the situation with _vastly_ more subtlety, finesse, and cunning than you give him credit for.

Also, an inoculation is an injected vaccine, not the removal of a growth.


This is accurate but I have some points to make:
1. Next to Anakin & Rex, he would also explain his story towards Shaak Ti who already ordered to bring Fives to the counsil.
2. Season 7 would be about getting all clones their chips removed while Dooku tries to lay low and sabotage on Kamino.
3. Order 66 isn't mentioned in this video but I think that Palpatine would've still made the order (with Jedi deaths in outer rim).
4. I don't think Ahsoka would've rejoined the Jedi. The bond between her & Anakin would've been like before tho.
5. Episode III would be about Dooku & the seperatists bombing Coruscant and trying to get control in the senate.
6. The story of Episode IX would be in Episode IV, with Palpatine's clones on the death star (which would been discovered).
7. Everything after the clone wars wouldn't been possible, only maybe with Kylo Ren's story as an exception.
8. The Rebel Alliance wouldn't exist, neither the destruction of a second death star, destroying Alderaan and so many more planets. Han & Leia would've had a peaceful life on Alderaan.


What if Dooku told Obi-Wan and Anakin that Palpatine was the Sith Lord while he was sitting in the chair handcuffed down? This might have happened as Dooku might have figured out that Sidious was the person who commanded Maul to kill Qui-Gon which was the reason for him turning to the darkside. He might have even reprogrammed the chips as you can see he is the person talking mainly to the Kaminoans.


If George Lucas And Dave Filoni could come together and make a Alternative ending to the clone wars Starting from Fives ARC where eventually the Jedi find out about Order 66 before it happens I’d pay money for that man


Most people take Fives side in this matter but they never think about the behind the scenes with Fox. There is no way in hell Fox actually wanted to kill Fives because he did order him to stand down at first so it wouldn't happen. Had Fives stayed alive, order 66 would have been revealed and Palpatine's plan to create an empire would have failed because the clones and Jedi would remove the chips and arrest the chancellor. To avoid this from happening Palpatine ordered Commander Fox to execute Fives so his plan would still be in play. I believe people overlook how important Commander Fox really was to the Star Wars timeline, because he could've disobeyed the chancellor and stopped order 66 and gotten him and a lot of his brothers killed. We also have to remember Fox didn't know about order 66, so this was not a selfish act, in his mind he was thinking, "one brother or 1 million?"


Love how nobody would probably hate him that much if he didn’t kill Fives. Only a little for trying to arrest Ahsoka


for an armor made to protect the trooper from blaster fire it sure didn’t do crap to protect fives


I love how Anakin sounds so mild mannered the entire time


I think that if Anakin and the Jedi were able to find out about Palpatine's plot from Fives, then, like you said, Maul would be captured. I think also that, like in Episode III, Dooku would be captured, but not kill him. Plus, since the Sith are all dead or captured, the Republic would come by a banner of truce and tell the CIS that the Surpreme Chanceller was Darth Sidious and vis-versa. Then the CIS and Republic can call it a truce until things are sorted out and for the moment the war was over.


Really enjoyed this videos and thought it accurate to what would happen. Loved the whole thing and the voices as well!


Well Dooku will also be captured like Maul. Because since Palpatine is dead in this story, he couldn't influence Skywalker anymore.


TLDR Palpatine would go "Well fu#k" and the original trilogy would just be Luke chilling.


I absolutely love your Yoda impression hahaha
