What if Rex and Ahsoka Convinced Jesse in The Clone Wars Finale?

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In today's what if/theory video let's explore the events to lead if Ahsoka and Rex were successful in convincing Jesse and the rest of the 501st to disobey their orders of Order 66. With reason and logic, I think Rex could have bought some time to get them all to the medical facility and take out their inhibitor chips. This would give Ahsoka a massive clone army all to herself, and begin the Clone uprising, changing the fate of The Mandalorian, events on Malachor with Vader vs Ahsoka and more.

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I swear those last 4 episodes of CW were more of a emotional rollercoaster than the sequal trilogy.


Palpatine: Execute Order 66.
Ashoka: Execute Order 65.
Palpatine: No, 66!
Asohka: Nope, 65.
Clone: *head explodes*


I used to believe that being a good soldier meant doing everything they told you. That’s how they engineered us. But we’re not droids, we’re not programmed. You have to learn to make your own decisions.


My headcanon is that much like Fives in his final moments, the real Jesse that was forced to watch the chip control him was screaming in terror and despair as he was about to shoot the two people he considered as close friends.

Remember according to Rex and Wrecker, they were seemingly conscious when the chip activates, just they cant do anything to stop what they were doing.


If only Rex and Ashoka knew about the Polynesian Spa. Jesse would've convinced in an instant but as we all know, the Polynesian Spa was Jango Fett's greatest secret. Only Boba knows where it is and he is not willing to share with the rest of the clones.


“What if Rex and Ashoka convinced Jesse in the finale?”

We’d get the feelings we wanted…
The drama we needed…


Jesse logic:
Demote rex before executing him
Makes sense...


I remember watching the season 7 trailer, the part where it shows Jesse being interrogated by Maul. After we saw that he survived I was so happy that my favorite clone didn't die. At the end of the finale when it panned to Jesse's helmet I cried for well over an hour thinking about how my childhood show ended with that moment. The republic symbol on his helmet symbolized the end of an era.


Jesse’s helmet on the stick with all the other helmets really hurt my heart
Especially for as big as a clone fan as me


I've noticed that when order 66 was issued, the clones don't immediately start shooting at the Jedi. They only fire when their commanders do it first. So maybe if they convinced Jesse, the other clones would have to obey and stop following order 66


Star Wars theory. You have saved my life multiple times. Star Wars in general has. You have proved that anyone can do anything. I felt alone, and so sad at one point, then I found your channel, and you introduced me to Star Wars and I finally felt like I belonged to something. Cant wait for Vader Episode 2


If he did, then he will show up in the rebels with wolffe, gregor and rex. Man, cody is the only one who’s missing.


My sheets wouldn't have been dirty from all the tears I shed. ;D


rex be like: yo dudes the rebels is pretty chill maybe ya’ll like to join or something.


I think Jesse kind of hesitated when Rex told him, but seeing Ahsoka made him realize he should follow his orders, maybe if there were no Jedi there Rex would be able to convince most of the Clone Troopers that it wasn’t right to betray their masters. Seeing Ahsoka there reminded Jesse what his orders were.


Rex: "Jesse, join us. We can help you."
Jesse: "Lol no."
*Rolls credits*


What a great concept, I wish this happened maybe if Rebels didn’t happen first and they decided to put Jesse in with Rexs gang.


Didn't Wrecker told Omega that he was aware what he was doing while under the influence of the chip but couldnt stop it? So he was basically a passenger in his own body when the chip activated.


We _NEED_ a what-if of “What if Echo had stayed with the 501st?”

Echo’s chip didn’t work, and he’d have probably found out about Fives and maybe even helped the others.


I think the outcome that we got was phenomenal, however, watching this video made me think about the whole possibility of Ahsoka's "Army" going up against the Empire, capturing more clones, removing their chips, and putting a quick end to Grandpa Palp's reign.
