7 Signs Someone In Your Life Is A Demon

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Be weary of the new people who are coming into your life. not everyone has good intention on why they are wanting to be your friend/get in a relationship with you. here are the 7 signs you are dealing with a demon (evil person) in your life.

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#marcthemessenger #demon

signs of an evil person signs of evil signs you’re dealing with an evil person warning signs christian motivation grace for purpose Signs Someone In Your Life Is Sent By The Devil | Avoid These People! Don't IGNORE These DEMONIC Signs That Someone In Your Life Is Sent By The Devil Be Careful When It Comes To The People In Your Life | Signs The Devil Has Planted Dangerous People
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At the end of the video my voice is sped up to make it under 14 mins, done on purpose. Thanks for watching


I don’t argue with anyone. People wants to drain you of your energy. Narcissists are good for provoking rage.


If you ever feel nervous or uneasy around a person, those are not butterflies.


When the devil reminds you of your past, remind him of his future😊


The worldly term for demons is narcissist. So, if you're dealing with a narcissist, that is a demon!


Once when I was being raged at by my husband who is a narcissist, I could see cold black eyes in place of his hazel eyes. They looked dead like a shark's eyes. He had an evil look on his face as he was screaming his guts out at me. I screamed at the top of my lungs, " GET BEHIND ME SATAN", He literally stopped yelling, turned and walked away. No other response. I have left since then. I could no longer endure his abuse. Praise God for your messages, thank you brother Marc.


Ephesians 4:26-27 "Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath: Neither give place to the devil." 🙏🕊


I'm a preschool teacher and I noticed my students pick up negative people and keep their distance. Our heavenly Father gave them that ability. Praise God Praise Jesus


I’m 46 years old and I never believed in any of this stuff. All of this stuff is 100% true. I stumbled upon this by learning what a monitoring spirit was. These demons can literally be anyone including family. What I learned is to keep your mouth shut and share nothing or very little. Pray for the gift of discernment. It’s absolutely real. God Bless


Never approach a Bull from the front, a horse from the back or a fool from any direction!!!


Please pray for me. My husband has demons and he's always trying to tempt me into arguing. I am learning to be still and let the LORD fight for me ❤


This is a perfect description of what narcissistic abusers do to their significant others. I just escaped today.


Demons hate when you ignore them



God warned me and I finally heard him. I realized some of my friends had demonic ways. God moved me away from so many negative people. I feel so free. Thank you God🙏


Yes Demons provoke you and get you to get out of character. Don’t argue with them walk away. 🙏🏾🙏🙌🏾🌹😇💚💚🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️


Wow my Husband does everything he just said. I started getting closer to God and my Husband started drifting away from me. Im going to continue to trust in God and pray 🙏 please keep me and my children in your prayers ❤


The ultimate demon is a covert narcissist! Pure evil and deception and fits everything you said here.


This speaks exactly about a Narcissist and their tactics.. Run and save yourself.


No one can destroy what God has in plan for us. Demons can attack us but they will fail because we have the blood of Christ. I had people who destroyed my career, and I lost everything just so God could replace every single thing that was taken from me. We have the Spirit of God in us and that can’t be taken away. It can only be given if a righteous person chooses to give it away. Keep everyone in prayer! 🙏🏾 And always give thanks no matter the situation.


Thank you Brother, Marc.

I faced demonic attack this last January while on a work assignment in Albuquerque. As a nurse I have faced demons many many times but this time was different. I had a patient who was admitted that had been binge drinking for several weeks and was facing possible death related to a GI bleed. When I first entered his room I could see blackness in his eyes. I asked him why he thought he had a GI bleed and he said he had been drinking to numb the pain of the loss of his oldest and youngest sisters dying together in a car accident several years before. As I listened I immediately knew this man had demons that were trying to kill him. During our conversation, he began to speak about wanting to buy a cowboy hat, which I thought was odd being in the state he was in. He asked me if I owned a cowboy hat and I told him that I did and that it was a Stetson. From then on he was only focused on wanting a hat. He wanted to leave right then. I told him that he certainly should not leave as he could die from his GI bleed. He hesitated but agreed to stay in the hospital for treatment. But as I left his room I began to feel sharp chest pain. At first I shrugged it off but as the shift went on it begain to get worse until finally it started to feel like someone had stabbed me in the heart. I sat down, being a healthy and logical person, and checked my vital signs an empty patient bay. My blood pressure and heart rate were severely elevated, 167/100, 120 heart rate...I thought I was having a heart attack. So I went downstairs to the emergency department to investigate. I was there for only two hours, had tests run, everything. The doctors confirmed that I had NOT had a heart attack and that they couldnt find a single thing wrong with me. My blood pressure went immediately back to normal range as well as my heart rate. I couldnt believe it. My chest pain gone also. I was discharged from the hospital that morning around 5 am (night shift) and I was relieved but also worried what had caused that. As I drove home, the weather turned foul and I found myself driving in a snow storm. As I was going up the hill, a force of wind caused me to lose control of my truck. Before I knew what had happened I lost complete control and crashed into a mountain side head on. I had totaled my truck and was barely hanging on to the side of the mountain. My airbag had slammed directly into my chest. But by the grace of God I was alive and very shaken up.

And right then as I thought back to my patient, I realized what had happened. I had been attacked by my patients demons for trying to heal him. The same demons that were trying to kill my patient had been angered by my attempts. I was stunned and semi catatonic for a couple days. Reluctantly, I went back to work after taking a couple days off to recover from the traumatic events that had happened. I was hesitant to go back but I knew I had to face the demons. When I arrived that night, I was assigned the same room he had been in, but he had already been discharged. I entered the room to greet the new patient and to my shock and horror, I noticed the patients eyes were glued to the tv. The program they were watching was about demonic attacks.

I can 100% say to anyone that is not a believer that we are in a life and death battle between the Light and the Dark. But God will protect you if you hold your faith and stand firm in your faith. Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only Light can do that.

God Bless you Marc
