Calvinism vs Arminianism

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reformed theology AKA Calvinism is a form of pagan catholicism. armenianism is a reformed version of reformed Catholicism aka the doctrines of Grace. Calvinism teaches a false gospel and they teach that God did not die for the sins of the whole world only the Calvinists. John Calvin was a murderer of those that taught faith alone without baptism or works.

look at this chart debunking Calvinism

watch this sermon debunking reform theology
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What if satan tricked me after born again experience, by means of pity, and my ignorance made I chose to withhold the 1 talent, and I backslid into darkness of soul with just glimpses of light left- is it loss of salvation? Thank you 🙏


I agree. It annoys me when Calvinists lump us in with Arminiasts smh.


Pastor, please admonish the brethren NOT to consider roman catholic saints as "church fathers" within the Christian Faith, although, some of these "fathers" are ancient (ex. augustine, athenesius), most, if not ALL, lived around the 4th. Century A.C., making them contemporary with the roman catholic church started in the same century, today, most if not ALL bible schools & seminary "christian" professors, quote these historical persons as "church fathers", vouching for the rcc being the "true origin of christianity" which IS a lie from the bottom of hell !!!!
The Bible itself, speaks against this wicked lie...

Colossians 2 : 8, 9, 10.
8 Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the TRADITION OF MEN, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.

9 For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily.

10 And ye are complete in him, which IS THE HEAD OF ALL PRINCIPALITY AND POWER:


Believing is not the same as accepting a gift.

You say "hey, I am going to give you a billion dollars in 50 years. All you have to do is believe me."

I say "ok, i believe you lol." Do i really believe you? Nope, I am just saying that to get the money.

People believe what they percieve to be true, not for the sake of a reward.


Let's not bring up. John, Calvin or armenianism let's bring up the fact that you're wrong about faith. The Bible said faith comes by hearing hearing the word of God. Then Jesus said this is the work of God that you believe in the one whom he sent. It's God that works in you to believe in the first place you just didn't believe from your natural state because you were born and seeing you a dead in your trespasses how can you respond to the salvation when you was totally depraved that mean we saved ourselves. It wasn't Christ that saved us God chose you before you chose him
