Calvinism Is BIBLICAL - The Question Arminians Can't Answer... John MacArthur, RC Sproul

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Why does Calvinism or better stated Actual Grace produce such rage in arminians and others caught up in works based religions? Is it Biblical? Is there a question that can once for all stump "Free Will" arminians... the answer may surprise you...

#johnmacarthur #rcsproul #stevelawson #costihinn
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After all these many years, I still tear up when I hear the Calvinist doctrines taught . I am chosen, christ died for me! For me ! I was totally dead in sin, and He suffered for me ! Through His power I will be kept in grace through faith, to be presented to the father in love. Thy kingdom come oh Lord !


Amen. It’s been 3 years now that the lord opened my eyes on these wonderful truths of the doctrines of grace!


Sure, you’re free to believe whatever you want, either right or wrong. Truth is completely unaffected by what you believe.


Jesus said that “no one can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws him, and I will raise him up at the last day.” (John 6:44) I as definitely drawn! All glory be to GOD!!!


He's saying it's truly the gift of God, which it is, it's Gods sovereign choice whom he accepts.


I haven't watched the whole video but I came to the conclusion a long time ago that the "elect" are really people who accept the true gospel that all the work for our salvation was done at the cross by Jesus himself. This doesn't mean we have a free pass to do whatever we want - its what we do after we slip up and sin (which we will) which demonstrates who the true christians are.


The problem Calvinists have is that the Bible overwhelmingly supports free will. I don’t really know about Arminianism but I do know that Calvinism contradicts pretty much every facet of the Bible.

Here are a few examples:

John 6:44 gets used a lot to claim that God only draws those He wants to save to Jesus. Unfortunately for this interpretation, Jesus clarifies later on that He draws all men to Him that He knows will choose to willingly believe.

John 6:64-65

64 But there are some of you who do not believe." For Jesus knew from the beginning who they were who did not believe, and who it was that would betray Him. 5 And He was saying,
"For this reason
I have said to you, that no one can come to Me unless it has been granted him from the Father."

We actually see this play out multiple times throughout the Bible. For instance, in Acts 8, the Holy Spirit guides Philip to the Ethiopian eunuch who was fully ready to believe God but knew nothing about Jesus. He also does something similar with Peter in Acts 10 when He sends him to Cornelius who is God-fearing but hasn’t heard about Jesus. Peter actually says something revealing.

Acts 10:34-35

34 Opening his mouth, Peter said:
"I most certainly understand now that
God is not one to show partiality, 35 but in every nation the man who fears Him and does what is right is welcome to Him.”

The problem with the Calvinistic interpretation is that it would mean that God actually does show partiality. It would mean that rather than everyone openly being able to accept His grace, He only wants to offer it to select people to the exclusion of all others. That would be partiality.

One quick final verse that presents a problem for Calvinism is 2 Peter 3:9

“The Lord is not slow about His promise, as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing for any to perish but for all to come to repentance.”

This verse makes total sense if God has made an offer of salvation to everyone and we all get to freely choose whether to accept it or not. However this verse contradicts the idea that God chose unconditionally who would be saved and who would perish. If He chose unconditionally and He wishes for all to come to repentance, then all would come to repentance. Instead, He leaves that up to us. Those who freely come to repentance after seeing their need for a Jesus are granted that repentance and this leads to a knowledge of the truth (2 Timothy 2:25-26)

God created us for love and His glory/worship. Neither of those things would be possible without free will. Love has to be freely reciprocated or it isn’t love. Think about your spouse. If you knew that they wanted nothing to do with you, and you had the power to give them a potion that would make them fall in love with you, would you do it? Of course not, that wouldn’t be true love.

Also, without free will, there is no real glory given. Imagine you were an amazing painter and you just painted a masterpiece and put it on display at an exhibit. Would you want people to freely come up and admire the painting or would you be okay with paying people to compliment it or building robots to repeat praise? Love and worship must be freely given or they are not true love/worship. God bless you all! 🎚️


If you can use your free will to choose salvation, then why would you need the Holy Spirit, just use your free will and don’t sin and choose the right way every time.


For me it's John 6:65 no man comes unto me unless given to him by the Father. Seems pretty clear. Thanks for the video, blessings to you 👍✝️


The Calvinist can only frame their argument on the paradigm that there are only two options. Within that dialectic, they argue against arminianism. They cannot and will not accept the fact the there is also a Biblical point of view that BEGINS with Scripture. It is not a system that is placed upon Scripture as the Calvinist system does. Calvinism and Arminianism are not Biblical. They are a reaction to one another. Each begins with a premise. Calvinism has a logical 5-points framework where all 5 are necessary for it to make a circle. Remove one of those 5 and the system does not connect. But Christ is not a Calvinist. Nor is the Bible a Calvinist book. When you do not have the premise of a system to begin with, but have only Scripture, you find quickly that Calvinism is heresy - and so is its dialectical option of Arminianism. It is all man made. When you look at it through the system, you must overlook those Scriptures that do not agree. This is the first clue you are not Biblical. Augustine is the author of this, not God. It is a form of logic to answer the problems encountered when you begin from an unbiblical premise.


Very good video, Brother. Amen & Amen


You can create a system out of scriptures.
But that doesn't necessarily mean it is what the scriptural gospel is saying.
And it doesn't help when the adherents to a system misrepresent the critique that comes from non-adherents to a system.
In the end, it's not about Calvin or Arminius. It's about Jesus. Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.


Calvinism and the Bible are polar opposites, doctrinally.

Item #1: John Calvin concluded that the salvation of man is purely a divine choice, and that man’s free will has no part in the matter. Calvin said that men and women are incapable, because of their sinful natures, to choose to do right. They are inclined from birth to do evil. Calvin called this doctrine, “Total Hereditary Depravity.” He claimed that the “sinful nature” of man came at birth from Adam.

The Bible teaches no such thing! The scriptures teach us to repent (Luke 13:3, 5; Acts 17:30-31; Acts 2:38). Further, the Bible teaches us to choose to believe in God (John 8:24). Then, the Bible tells us that men and women can, and do, make value choices about what is right and wrong. Some enter the narrow gate leading to life, but others choose the wide gate leading to condemnation (Matthew 7:13-14).
Jesus himself said (Matt 11:28-30) " Come unto me all who are heavy laden, learn from me etc. Why say this if they can't...or unless Jesus enables ?
Also Matt 23:27 "Jerusalem, Jerusalem, bow long I have wished to gather like a hen....I sent prophets....and I came to you. So what about irresistible grace???
Item #2: The Bible never affirms that Adam’s guilt and nature was transferred to mankind at birth. This is a Calvinistic fantasy. Paul, in the Roman letter made it very clear that although sin and death entered the world through Adam, it spread to all men for one and only one reason: all men sinned (Romans 5:12). Death reigned from Adam to Moses over those who had not sinned after the likeness of the transgression of Adam, but clearly those condemned as sinners committed sin by violating some law of God (Romans 5:14). There is no imputation of sin when there is no law (vs. 13; Romansp 4:15).

Folks, the Bible’s position is that “all have sinned” and fall short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23). Not one single text either states or implies that Adam’s sin and guilt is inherited by people at birth. Babies are born innocent, but in time, temptation enters every life, and people reject it or embrace it. Those who embrace it are sinners (James 1:13-15). This is precisely what happened to Adam!

Item #3: John Calvin also taught that God’s salvation is without condition. Calvinists brand this doctrine, “Unconditional Election.” In order to be consistent, Calvin would have to have invented this peculiar doctrine. If man truly is born depraved and unable because of his nature to choose right, then God would be wrong to place conditions on man in order to be saved. This would surely be unjust - to require of man something he is constitutionally unable to do.

When you read the Bible, you will find no reference to “Unconditional Election.” Quite the opposite is true - you will discover that God always placed conditions on people who wished to be blessed by God. For example, consider those in the Old Testament who were bitten by fiery serpents (Numbers 21:1ff). God saved those who sought Him, but He required the victims to do something to be saved. Moses was instructed to build a bronze serpent and put it on a pole in the middle of the camp. Those who came to it and looked at it would be saved (vs. JJ 9). What about those who scoffed and refused? Surely, common sense would dictate that they died of their snake bites.

Folks, when people quote John 3:16 with such passion, they ought to at least be aware that the context refers back to Numbers 21! Consider the words of the Lord: “And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of Man be lifted up, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:14-15). You see, faith is a thing one chooses to do in the same way that the snake-bit Jews chose to believe God’s remedy and follow it.

Item #4: Calvin’s next doctrine is called “Limited Atonement.” This doctrine naturally follows, assuming Calvin was correct in his believe in Total Depravity. The number of elect would necessarily be limited to only those people whom God chose to save without condition. All others would necessarily be lost eternally because God did not choose them.

The Bible could not be more opposite of Calvin on this point. The scriptures teach us that God wants every man to “be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth” (1 Timothy 2:4). God’s grace has brought salvation to “all men” not just to a chosen few (Titus 2:11). Then there is this from the inspired pen of Peter: “The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance” (2 Peter 3:9). It was Peter, in the household of Cornelius, who witnessed the grace of God, as the gospel convicted and converted that Gentile, and then said: “In truth, I perceive that God shows no partiality. But in every nation whoever fears Him and works righteousness is accepted by Him” (Acts 10:34-35).

Item #5: “Irresistible Grace” is the Calvinistic error which asserts that those who are God’s elect cannot reject the salvation that God foists upon them. If you choose to believe Calvin, you must believe that God causes faith in the hearts of the elect only, through the direct operation of the Holy Spirit. The elect and only the elect can receive the faith that God gives them. Moreover, they cannot reject such faith.

The Bible pleads the exact opposite case, from “cover to cover.” The Jews of Stephens time rejected the Holy Spirit as their “fathers did” (Acts 7:51). After his people chose a golden calf over God, Moses said, “I have seen this people, and indeed it is a stiff-necked people!” (Exodus 32:9). In the New Testament age, many people refused to believe the gospel. This is proven by the Lord’s command that we must believe (John 8:24). Then there are the actual examples of people who refused to believe in Him. In Athens, some scoffed, while others said “we will hear you again on this matter” (Acts 17:32). Agrippa knew the truth, but he chose not to become a Christian (Acts 26:28).

Item #6: Finally, we come to the most popular of Calvin’s errors - “Once Saved Always Saved” or “Perseverance Of The Saints.” Calvin surmised, based on his string of errors (not on the Bible and its doctrines) that those whom God saved by His sovereign choice, without any conditions, could not possibly ever fall from grace.

The Bible, however, openly teaches that one can fall from grace when he attempts to be justified by the Law of Moses (Galatians 5:4). How could the Bible be any clearer on the matter? Paul knew he could be lost, so he buffeted his body daily lest he should be a castaway (1 Corinthians 9:27). And, we must not forget the people who once believed and obeyed the gospel, but who later decided to abandon Christ in unbelief. Peter said that these who were once enlightened and had tasted the heavenly gift only to turn back from faith are worse off than they were at the beginning (2 Peter 2:21-22).

You see the point, don’t you? After examining these few items, you cannot fail to see that the Bible disagrees with Calvinism from start to finish. There is very little that Calvin believed or taught that you can actually defend from the scriptures. The overwhelming whole of his doctrinal system is simply condemned openly by the Bible.

May Bible believers speak up and point Calvinists to the truth. Let us challenge them: “Who are you going to believe? God or Calvin?


When we ARE SAVED we ARE perfect because we ARE in Christ


To say the anti Calvinist crowd hate Calvinism is an understatement. There are endless videos of "debunking Calvinism" and more popping up everyday. Their mission is quite simple really, find a verse here or there that seems to teach what they want it to teach, spin a narrative around it, and then pump it full of emotion to be delivered to the masses. After many very long(and unfruitful) posts in the comments sections I have reached the conclusion that they will not see because they can not see.


So do we just sit around and wait for God to activate our hearts or can we just gather human knowledge and believe man made doctrines to assume that God chose you. One mistake that calvanists have is that they dont know which side God chose them for . Wrath? Or Service ? The only ones who will be saved are the ones who have put their Faith and Trust in God's Grace toward them


Why do so many Christians, such as myself, reject accepting Calvinism? In reality there are only two possible answers:

1) If Calvinism is an error, the reason so many Christians resist it is because they have good discernment.

2) If Calvinism is true, the ultimate reason so many Christians resist it is because God sovereignly and unchangeably decreed their resistance for His own glory.

So, if Calvinism is true, then God has predestined most of His own children to resist His truth as to glorify Himself. The very idea that God unchangeably predestines His own children to reject His own truth for His own glory is just downright absurd and ridiculous.


Romans 5:8 But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.
Romans 3:23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God
Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Dean men can't choose!


1 Timothy 2
3 For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour; 4 Who will have ALL men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.
5 For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus; 6 Who gave himself a ransom for ALL, to be testified in due time.



Bible verse I love on God being sovereign:
~ in Genesis 24, God couldn’t answer the prayer of Abraham’s servant unless he was sovereign over…
> what the servant prayed
> who the servant ran up to (Rebekah)
> what she said and did
> how her family responded
> and made Rebekah willing to go with the servant
… God was sovereign over all of it.

Besides that, in Nehemiah chapter 1, he prays for God to move the king’s heart, and in chapter two the king’s heart has been moved, just like Proverbs 21:1 says…

And most of us are less than kings in an earthly sense. So God is directing our hearts to bring about His perfect will for his glory in the abundance of his mercy to the elect and the severity of his wrath on the damned. Vessels prepared for destruction ~> Romans 9
I forget precisely but also in Thessalonians is says God had the people be deceived so they wouldn’t be saved and then it talks about the Thessalonians being quite certainly saved!
