The 2:1 pull to push ratio is BS

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I think this comes from the fact many guys have a sedentary lifestyle which weakens back muscles and tightens chest muscles, and then go to the gym and only do bench press, further tightening the chest, and often neglect upper back muscles to balance it out. If you notice your shoulders rounding more forward then you can do some back exercises to straighten up your posture. But for most people, especially athletes you are more concerned about building a certain skill so it's natural some areas will be stronger than others.


There are also "athletes from all these disciplines" who have problems on their healthy shoulders. It's not by coincidence that shoulders are often injured. I myself still have issues when I do more push than pull. And they tend to go away when I balance it back. Everyone is different, but I still sometimes pay the price of focusing too much in pushing exercises, like I did during my early calisthenics journey.


Obviously nobodys saying you need a perfect balance obviously. Why am i getting baited by another scam?
