Does the omega-6 to omega-3 ratio matter? | Dr. Bill Harris

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Omega-6 fatty acids are found in vegetable oils and nuts, whereas omega-3 fatty acids are primarily found in fatty fish. Although older studies showed that the ratio of omega-6s to omega-3s in blood were cause for concern, Dr. Harris explains that those concerns are likely unfounded. He notes that rather than focusing on decreasing omega-6 intake to improve the ratio, most people would probably benefit from increasing omega-3 intake instead to improve overall blood concentrations. In this clip, Dr. Bill Harris and Dr. Rhonda Patrick discuss how concerns over the omega-6/omega-3 ratio may be overblown.

Watch the full interview here:

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Problem is most foods are high in omega 6.


not sure if Dr. Bill Harris has heard of 4-Hydroxy-Nonenal or reactive aldehydes or cell membrane fluidity or how the cardiolipin work inside of our mitochondria or how Delta6-desaturase works.. looking forward to an update on this conversation...


Does this factor that the American diet has an average of 1:27 omega 3s to omega 6s? Or linoleic acid has been tied to Alzheimer’s?


I'm not sure we should believe these claims since the amount of Desaturase in one's body is NOT unlimited..
So, if the Desaturase bonds mostly with the Omega-6 because your total is extremely high, then it has very little chance to bond with the Omega-3...

This sounds like a weird argument to make and could easily be shown to be absurd when show with another pair of molecules in the body.
For example, you wouldn't say to a male "It doesn't matter how much Total Testosterone or Estrogen you have as long as the ratio is the same!"..
That's absolutely inane and nobody within their right mind would agree with that.
Too much of both is unhealth, just like too much of one or the other is unhealthy as well.
While hormones and specific Omegas are different, the principal is the same.

I hope this is just an oversight and not maliciously produced information...


Took a dry blood spot test and shows all kinds of numbers to find out exactly what you have.


If the tank is already full, you cannot change the ratio of the contents by adding more, you have to lower the one you are getting to much of.


William Lands. Covered all of this in detail. I've not seen anything yet that contradicts his work. If I'm wrong, I'd appreciate someone to show me how his work was debunked by more recent studies. Are there any groups of people left anywhere that get around 2 percent or less of their calories from omega 6? If so, are they really having heart health problems?


What about taking Omega-6 supplements such as Borage Oil and Evening Primrose Oil?


you need omega 3 and 6. The ratio balance is important. ALSO, make sure your omega 6s are not high. You can have high omega 3 but not 6


If they are oxidised both are best avoided.


Does this mean that we should have spoon of of fish oil when we eat grain fed animals (Poultry), grains, nuts, seeds and legumes on the days we don't we are not eating Wild Salmon/Sardines? I consume plenty of olive oil, ghee and macadamia so I'm assuming omega 7 & 9 are not an issue.


2:14 of course you can also fix a bad omega6/omega3 _ratio_ by lowering omega6!? it's basic math


All the oils that are GMO avoid them...
