Basil J. Hiley noncommutative mind-matter radical primitivism: novel antigravity force in physics

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Prof. Basil J. Hiley: Non-commutative Geometry, the Bohm Interpretation and the
Mind-Matter Relationship*.
Stapp, Bohm and the Algebra of Process
Ideas and Perspectives
Open Access
Published: 17 April 2019
" My preference is for gravity to play such a role since it permeates everything but that is for the future. ...Thus, our ontology contains no explicit dependence on human observers....Remarkably, Clifford (1882) was working, in those pre-quantum days, entirely within classical physics, yet discovered an algebra that now plays a key role in quantum mechanics when spin and relativity are introduced. In light of this, we introduced the notion of the ‘algebra of process’. This provided a key link with Penrose’s twistors which were, of course, the semi-spinors of the conformal Clifford algebra (see Bohm and Hiley 1984)....a new form of kinetic energy, namely, KEO = (∇R)2/2mR2. This latter is clearly connected with the appearance of the quantum potential.
"However, Dirac argued that proceeding in this way the existence of a local momentum would violate the uncertainty principle. Bohm, in contrast, showed that this was not true. ... the Moyal approach (Moyal 1949), which is based on a different but isomorphic non-commutative algebra. If we evaluate this expression for the wave function written in polar form ψ(x) = R(x)exp[iS(x)], we find P¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯(X)=∇S(X) which is just the Bohm momentum.
It should by now be apparent that the Bohm approach has its origins in the non-commutative algebra pioneered by Born et al. (1926) and which I have called ‘the algebra of process’ (Hiley 1980). The key link appears in Dirac’s The Principles of Quantum Mechanics (Dirac 1947) . There a symbol, 〉, the ‘standard ket’ is introduced into the algebra. This enables the wave function ψ to be written as a wave operator, ψ(Q^,P^)⟩; technically, the new object turns the wave function into an element of a left ideal. To complete the algebra, a dual symbol, the standard bra is introduced. Thus, Dirac has replaced the usual Hilbert space by a non-commutative algebra formed by the symbols [Q^,P^,ϵ] where the 𝜖 =〉〈, an idempotent.Footnote 2 In this way, all the essential details of the quantum process are contained in the algebra... I wanted to clarify how Bohm’s 1952 paper (Bohm 1952) related to the Heisenberg non-commutative algebra. The Bohm approach emerges as a coarse-grained average, giving the appearance of a deterministic approach, but being, in fact, very different from classical determinism."
"...we present an approach for constructing the relativistic Bohmian-type velocity field of single particles. The advantage of our proposal is that it is operational in nature, grounded in weak measurements of the particle’s momentum and energy....We propose a modified Alcubierre metric which could give rise to these trajectories within the paradigm of general relativity....Flack and Hiley have raised concerns that a relativistic treatment of photon trajectories is likely unphysical due to the existence of reference frames in which the photon’s velocity is zero [33]. "
#nonduality #noncommutative
#biology #quantum #antigravity #alternative #music #globalwarming #yoga #qigong #radical #meditation #neigong
Рекомендации по теме

Our discussion shows that the Bohm model has a very different way of
arriving at the classical limit than the prevailing view based on decoherence.
In our view the main difficulty in using decoherence is that it merely destroys
the off-diagonal elements of the density matrix but it does not explain how
the classical equations of motion arise. It continues to describe classical
objects using wave functions, a criticism that has already been made by
Primas [39].
The mathematics we have used in this paper is a further example of
how the relation between the symplectic and metaplectic representations
discussed in our earlier paper [19] holds a further clue of the relationship
between the quantum and classical domains. It is when the global properties
of the covering (metaplectic) group become unimportant that the classical
world emerges. As has been pointed out by Hiley [26] [27], the Bohm ap-
proach has a close relationship to the Moyal approach. This supplements the
work of de Gosson [18] who shows exactly how the Wigner-Moyal transfor-
mation is related to the mathematical structure we are exploiting here. The
Moyal approach involves a deformed Poisson algebra from which the classi-
cal limit emerges in a very simple way, namely, in those situations where the
deformation parameter can be considered to be small which is essentially
similar to neglecting the quantum potential."


"Indeed, going further, the whole notion of active information suggests a rudimentary mind-like behaviour of matter, for an essential quality of mind is just the activity of form, rather than of substance. "


Thus rather than seeing the track as the continuous movement of a ma-
terial particle, it can be regarded as the continuity of a “quasi-local, semi-
stable autonomous form” evolving within this unfolding process [25]. This
is what we call the metatron.


"a rudimentary mind-like quality is present even at the level of particle physics, and that as we go to subtler levels, this mind-like quality becomes stronger and more developed. Each kind and level of mind may have a relative autonomy and stability. " David Bohm


The conservation of energy equation can also be interpreted as giving phase information
which leads to a very simple account of gauge effects. This approach also enables us to
see the Bohm interpretation in a new light. It shows that the non-commutative structure
enables us to construct "shadow phase spaces". The recent work of de Gosson (2001) has
shown how these ideas are related to the work on Lagrangian quantisation. This shows
the key role the metaplectic group is playing in quantum mechanics.
As a further example of the role of the metaplectic group, Fernandes and Hiley (2000)
have shown how the symplectic spinor, which is central to the symplectic Clifford
algebra can account for the Guoy phase in optics and the discontinuous change of phase


As recalled
by Hiley [37], it was only in the 1970s that two of Bohm’s students, Chris Dewdney and Chris
Philippidis, “rediscovered” the hidden variable papers [1, 2] and went to Hiley to ask why Bohm
and him were not discussing this important results. Hiley replied “because it is all wrong”,
but when further inquired, he realized that he did not actually know why, he only had picked
up what everybody was saying. And when he finally read thoroughly Bohm’s original papers,
he understood that nothing was wrong and motivated the students to use the computer to
calculate the trajectories of particles using Bohm’s model. This marks the revival of Bohm’s
hidden variables (see also [17] Ch. 6.1), a revival to whom Bohm, however, obviously did not
participate. Actually, when approached by Dewdney Philippidis, “Bohm himself [...] admitted
that he had made a tactical error in his original presentation of the theory. The term hidden
variables, he said, created the wrong impression, and the papers themselves were too rigid and
deterministic.” ([25], p. 266).


It remains to be regretted that de Broglie did not know about Madelung’s article "Quantumtheorie
in hydrodynamische form" published in German in the journal Zts. f. Phys., 1926 [21] immediately
after Schrödinger’s landmark article [22]. Unfortunately, we must admit that Madelung’s article went
unnoticed by many physicists of that time. Now interest in the Madelung equations has increased due
to the fact that the flow of an ideal fluid gives a fine explanation of complex-valued solutions of the
Schrödinger equation - wave mechanics corresponds to the Eulerian picture [23–26].
Only after the appearance of the works of David Bohm (1917-1992) in 1952 [27, 28] de Broglie again
rekindled his early ideas about the pilot wave accompanying a particle along an optimal trajectory.
Bohm essentially repeated Madelung’s results, but went much further by considering the motion of
not only one particle, but also their ensemble. Bohm managed also to go much further than de Broglie
in substantiating his views, in particular, to build a theory of measurements. The pilot wave theory,
which has since been often called the de Broglie–Bohm theory, provides a consistent description of
the optimal trajectories along which the singularity (imitating the particle) moves."


Freeman Dyson, the eminent particle physicist, wrote: “I think that consciousness is not just a passive epiphenomenon carried along by the chemical events on our brains, but is an active agent forcing the molecular complexes to make choices between one quantum state and another. In other words, mind is already inherent in every electron, and the process of human consciousness differ only in degree but not in kind from the process of choice between quantum states which we call ‘chance’ when they are made by an electron.”

David Bohm developed a quantum theory3 in which mind and matter are brought together. He writes: “A similar mind-like quality of matter reveals itself strongly at the quantum level, in the sense that the form of the wave function manifests itself in the movements of the particles.”
Bohm D. A new theory of the relationship of mind and matter. In: Philosophical Psychology Vol 3, No 2., 1990.


The corresponding spin group generated by bilinear combinations of the symplectic Clifford algebra is known as the metaplectic group which double covers the symplectic group. We expect this metaplectic group to


One important issue here is
that the quantum potential can be large even when the amplitude of the quantum field
is weak. This makes possible a kind of non-locality in the sense that distant features
of the environment (e.g. the presence of slits) can have a profound effect upon the
behavior of the particle. Thus because of the influence of the quantum potential, the
behavior of the particle is strongly dependent upon its surrounding context,
emphasizing wholeness and relationality. But are we still allowed to assume that the
electron is a particle with intrinsic properties? Experimental evidence (e.g. neutron
interferometry and the Aharonov-Bohm effect) implies that it does not seem to be
possible to attribute properties such as mass and charge entirely to the particle aspect
of the electron; the wave function also seems to play a role here (for discussion, see
Pylkkänen, Hiley and Pättiniemi 2016 and the references therein). Thus, while it
seems at first sight that the Bohm theory restores the possibility of taking individual
particles as fundamental at the quantum level, a more careful examination reveals that
Bohmian particles are context-dependent in a highly non-classical way. So, rather
than being a return to classical physics, one could argue that the Bohm theory actually
brings out the non-mechanical features of the quantum world in a particularly explicit
and clear way. Pylkkänen, P. (2017). The role of Eastern approaches in David Bohm’s scientific-philosophical odysseia. Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology, 131, 171–178.


“Why on earth are they calling it
Bohmian mechanics? Haven’t they read a
word I have written?!”


Also i wonder if you have followed Tom Campbell's upcoming experiments that are in some way updated forms of the double slit? Should be very interesting to see the results.


It must be admitted, however, that this quantum potential seems rather artificial in form [...]
that it implies instantaneous interactions between distant particles, so that it is not consistent
with the theory of relativity.” [43]. Bohm thus kept proposing his dialectical views of different
levels, similar to the paper with Vigier [5], looking for a a “deeper subquantum-mechanical level”
It is interesting to notice, that still at this stage, Bohm’s views were completely misunder-
stood. Luis de Broglie, who wrote the forward of his Causality and Chance, for instance, keeps
attributing to Bohm the great merit of giving hope to those who look for a deterministic hidden
variable explanation of quantum theory: “It is possible that looking into the future to a deeper
level of physical reality we will be able to interpret the laws of probability and quantum physics
as being the statistical results of the development of completely determined values of variables
which are at present hidden from us. It may be that the powerful means we are beginning
to use to break up the structure of the nucleus and to make new particles appear will give us
one day a direct knowledge which we do not now have of this deeper level.” ([3], p. x). This
goes completely against what Bohm conveys in his book, making wander whether people like de
Broglie were actually reading Bohm’s works or they just imposed on him what they wished to


Can Quantum Mechanics Solve the Hard Problem of Consciousness?
Full-text available
Jul 2022
B. J. Hiley Paavo Pylkkanen


Any thoughts on Itzhak Bentov ? If you have made a video forgive me. I am not a math or physics guy so its hard for me to keep up with you but i still watch and try to learn.


One more question, when does choice first arrive in this physical reality?
