Quantum collaborator David Bohm Roger Penrose Basil J. Hiley quantum potential noncommutative music

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Basil J. Hiley:
"this is going back to the aristotelian ideas of causality i think he had four causes didn't he the material caused the efficient cause the formative cause and and the material cause and physics has got rid of everything except the efficient course now what the quantum potential is doing seemingly we thought was to bring back the formative cause and then i said well if you if you're then talking about the uh but what is what goes into the form it's the information about the experimental conditions about the slip width about the how wide they are how fast separated there so you're feeding in information into this quantum potential....the information is being supplied by this quantum potential so this quantum potential is the way of handling the global features the collective features....what is the mechanical notions behind the quantum potential? there isn't one it's the type of force that actually creates vortices ... so it's actually flow is causing a force and this is very different from anything that we've got in in the mechanical world but it appears in Einstein's general theory of relativity ... energy is the thing that is non-local and we already know that in gravitational waves energy cannot be localized gravitational energy cannot be localized.... my implicate order is algebraic...they're called weak measurements and so what we are trying to do is use weak measurements ...in fact quantum processes are organic so already we're beginning to say that maybe this is where we can get into biology....quantum mechanics screams at us no and therefore we must change our view of reality and this is the important point about changing our view reality to get in to see how mind works... that process somehow gets in the way because not everything can be made explicit at the same time that's one of the big lessons you have learned from quantum mechanics which i haven't really touched upon so far and that's what's known as the uncertainty principle but it's not uncertainty in the sense of being ham-fisted and hitting it not being able to measure it properly it doesn't actually exist in that form ... he [Hermann Günther Grassmann] thought mathematics was about thought it was not about material process...and music and also in music you actually you anticipate you've got a the memory of the past anticipating the future and that is a bus inside you so you are actually experiencing the implicat order directly through music ....do you know how you introduced the word ferometry if you ask anybody in musicology department they will tell you what it means and what would they say well it's it's movements without everything anything being kicked in the backside why do you have movements in your in your symphonies because there's a different way of perceiving this idea ...but really it's the question of concepts can we create new concepts which is not necessarily about language, now concept creation...so where is the solidity it isn't there it's the illusion ...okay it's in the algebraic structure that it's a much clearer way of seeing what is going on then it ties directly with non-commutativity and therefore you're developing a non-commutative geometry ...please don't take newton's first law of motion as being essential for every process because when you get into quantum mechanics you've got to abandon that rule ...
which is how the process actually works. Why the hell should nature worry about what we know about it. It works without us probing it and prodding it.
The process is going on whether whether whether we're there or not it's got nothing to do with us...so is nothing going on between the two measurements? come on!
"that's where the quantum potential comes in because that organ that gives the behavior of the collective as i call it okay i think much better to think the wave is the collective but the question is how does the individual and the collective what is the relation between the individual and the collective i hope i don't sound like a marxist kind of thing but it's the ensemble average which is the envelope the envelope the the interference fringes but it's individuals how the hell do the individuals not go to that point on the screen when two slits are open right so there has to be some organization some global organization and the quantum potential is a way of talking about that global organization "
Рекомендации по теме

Quantum professor Basil J. Hiley, 2016: "Quantum Trajectories: Dirac, Moyal and Bohm"

"In many ways it seemed to be a new form of inner energy possessed by the particle, organising the flow lines in a novel way and suggesting a 'formative' cause rather than the traditional efficient cause.

....quantum phenomena emerged from a non-commutative phase space."

Bohm's Approach and Individuality, 2016, Oxford University Press: Basil J. Hiley:

"There we see that if one of the particles enters the field of a Stern-Gerlach magnet, it is then deflected either "up" or "down" depending on the positions of each particle at the time just before the particle enters the magnetic field. The particle in this field has its trajectory changed, while the other particle continues in a straight line. At the same time both spin components become well defined. This is a surprising result, but clearly shows that the individual parts cannot be thought of as isolated "little spinning spheres, " a point that was emphasized by Weyl (1931)."
