Noncommutative nonlocality is secret of CISS: Chiral Induced Spin Selectivity quantum biology

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So, for instance, some studies look into the extent to which quantum effects are behind the navigation of birds, turtles and insects using the Earth’s weak magnetic field. If so, insights about how those effects work could potentially be translated into electromagnetic sensors with unprecedented sensitivity and high resilience to noise — because nature-made sensors work well in various environments. The other thrust delves into whether the physiology of humans and other organisms can be influenced by manipulating quantum effects. An example comes from early evidence that certain elements of cellular metabolism are affected by electromagnetic waves in a way that is consistent with a quantum model. Revealing the underlying mechanisms may have implications for new ways of treating and diagnosing disease. “
The CISS chiral induced spin selectivity effect underpins the fact that charge transport through nanoscopic chiral structures favors a particular electronic spin orientation, resulting in 3 large room-temperature spin polarizations. Observations of the CISS effect suggest opportunities for spin control and for the design and fabrication of room-temperature quantum devices from the bottom up, with atomic-scale precision.
A Chirality-Based Quantum Leap
"This difference in commutation properties can be traced back to the Coulomb interaction, where the non-commutativity is a manifestation of the exchange inter action introduced by the local Coulomb repulsion. The con-sequences of this property is discussed in more detail below. "
thanks, drew hempel
"The key here is the non-commutativity of the SU(2) spin algebra, which breaks the time-reversal
symmetry, and leads, in the presence of electron coherence, to a permanent electron current."
Permanent current from non-commutative spin algebra
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very interesting information here my friend! well done


@CSDemystification wow! thanks for sharing so much also. yes the research in a lab to "prove" - as you have posted in this vid - this is fascinating for real and I'm very happy to hear of your healing story from the monk as well! Also your experiences. The deep relaxation for me - I have too much caffeine now - so I rarely get it. There is something called dopamine addiction for our civilization as a whole - Dr. Robert Lustig has a recent book on this. He realized how fructose corn syrup as synthetic sweetener was an epidemic. There was this great medical doctor talk on youtube called "Children of the Corn" - he even wore some kind of corn hat? hahah. Basically he proved that even babies get obese from corn syrup in the - not breast milk - infant formula. Yeah that talk disappeared. hahaha. The eyes rolling back - I don't think I can do that! hahahaha. I think concentration is a gateway to visualization. So yes seeing blue light and having precognitive visions - when I meditated more and had those experiences - and also connecting with and being healed by spiritual masters - well the thing about precognitive visions is they are MORE real and MORE vivid than being awake! hahaha. The other thing is that if its a dream - often for me I will not be able to explain the dream and I wake up wondering what that was about! I will share one dream.
By the way - sorry if you are typing with one finger? I assume you use a computer. I actually sit in full lotus so I can type more - but too much caffeine makes it difficult. I have to leave soon now. hahaha. Anyway - oh yeah I had this dream I was in my neighbor's house on a ladder helping put in a light bulb!! This was strange to me - since I'm basically a hermit. I woke up wondering about it. I forgot about the dream. I would say a year later or maybe two? I think one year later - my neighbor slipped on his driveway in the winter on the ice - and he had to get hip replacement surgery. Then later that year he asked me to come over - of course I had long forgotten my dream at this point. Even afterward - I remember having this strange uncanny sensation as I changed his light bulb with the ladder. He is a minister by the way - from an evangelical "jesus people" church - so he was a hippy 1960s jesus freak musician with his wife. I'm making fun here.
Anyway it wasn't until he said to me, "you did God's work today" and then I meditated on that feeling and suddenly I remembered the dream I had!! It was pretty funny when I remembered the dream because obviously no one would believe me that I had that vision! I never even told anyone except you right now. hahahahahaha. But it's based on the love heart energy that is also based on compassion from the lungs - so it's also based on courage. These kind of emotional events are imprints in the soul that are based on the future guiding the past! A great book on this is 'Transcendental dreaming" - she does a couple talks on youtube. The man does not understand her and he gets upset!! He's trying to impose his patriarchal agenda on her - the "Buddhist gas" interview with Christina Donnell. Her book "Transcendent dreaming" won an award. Or maybe it was a different man interviewing her who freaked out. Because she insisted even if she dreams something bad is going to happen she doesn't try to stop it! Why? Because we are all part of the nonlocal Emptiness - Ramana Maharshi was like this also. when people got healed - he said that was just their karma and not his energy. Anyway the qigong master Chunyi Lin once shared how an angel helped him stop some nuclear terra-ist (I changed the spelling in case youtube censors me). hahaha. So these spiritual masters are definitely affecting life on Earth in a deep way - but then again they also have huge spiritual egos and they insist they can't wear used clothes (since the energy of the former person is imprinted into the clothes). hahahaha.
thanks - yes I appreciate your interest in my sharing and vice versa. As a male and someone who did not have your experience - then I am stuck more in my energy. Qigong master Jim Nance says kidney fear is the main blockage.


I'm reading "The Escape Artist" - the man who broke out of Auschwitz - Jonathan Freedland's book, "The Escape Artist, " presents the story of Walter Rosenberg (who later changed his name to Rudolf Vrba), a teenaged Slovakian Jewish ...
We think of the millions facing starvation and slave labor today - right now!! Karma seems pretty severe. 8 billion people on Earth and we are facing extreme ecological crisis since our modern technology is based on destroying land fertility and life.
Wow Slovakia was the first to send the Jews off to Auschwitz - bragged about how all the Jews were hunted down. Crazy creepy stuff - they had to PAY the Nazis to take the Jews but since they got to keep all the Jews possessions - then it was a good "investment." Wow. This book is a fascinating read - he's in Auschwitz now. Everyone is getting killed off right and left - beaten and starved and Typhoid, etc.
He got lucky - the job of sorting through the stolen goods - so they can sneak food and shoes, etc.


symmetry, and leads, in the presence of electron coherence, to a permanent electron current."


Tatara, G., & Mizukami, S. (2017). Consistent microscopic analysis of spin pumping effects.
The key here is the non-commutativity of the SU(2) spin algebra, which breaks the time-reversal symmetry, and leads, in the presence of electron coherence, to a permanent electron current.
" Due to the non-commutativity of σi, the amplitude depends on the order of the scattering
event; A(n1)A(n2) 6 = A(n2)A(n1) in general. Various features in spin transport, which is
under intensive pursuit recently [9, 10], arise from this non-commutativity. It, however, does
not affect the charge transport, since the charge is given as a sum of the two spin components (denoted by tr), and tr[A(n1)A(n2)] − tr[A(n2)A(n1)] = 0. Anomaly in the charge transport arises at the third order. "

"the symmetry under time-reversal (more appropriately, reversal of motion) is generally broken in the charge transport.
In fact, relation (2) indicates that the contribution from one path, x→X1→X2→X3→x
(Fig.1a), and its (time-) reversed one, x→X3→X2→X1→x (Fig.1b), are not equal, and this
difference results in a spontaneous electron motion in a direction specified by the sign of
C123, namely, a permanent current. What is essential here is the non-commutativity of the
SU(2) algebra"

Tatara, G., & Mizukami, S. (2017). Consistent microscopic analysis of spin pumping effects. Physical Review B, 96(6).

"The spin pumping effect, spin Berry’s phase, and the spin motive force have the
same physical root, namely, the noncommutative spin algebra."

"The essence of the spin pumping effect is therefore the
noncommutativity of spin operators. The above picture in the
perturbative regime naturally leads to the effective gauge field
picture in the strong-coupling limit [6].
The same scenario applies for cases of spatial variation of
spin, and an equilibrium spin current proportional to n × ∇i n
emerges, where i denotes the direction of spatial variation [7].
The spin pumping effect is therefore the time analog of the
equilibrium spin current induced by vector spin chirality.
Moreover, a charge current emerges from the third-order
process from the identity [6]"
