8 Terrible Signs of a Toxic Mother in Law

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What is your favorite mother-in-law joke? Most of us have at least one up our sleeve. Mine is: ‘My mother-in-law and I was happy for 20 years. Then we met.’ Joking apart, mothers-in-law do have a bad reputation, but is it justified?

Why are they the butt of so many jokes? Is their caring nature misinterpreted for interfering? Do they come across as controlling when, in fact, they are simply trying to help? How can you tell if you have a genuinely caring or toxic mother-in-law?

Here are 8 signs your mother-in-law might be toxic:

#interestingpsychology #motherinlaw


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My mother-in-law stressed me out so much, I had to go to the doctors. My family and friends thought I was going insane. I was depressed, stressed, had suicidal thoughts, and I was nonverbal to everyone in my life. What really got me is when she punished my son without my permission. She always has to be center of attention. And she cries wolf all the time. She acts like 5 year old kid.


My in-laws are so god damn toxic, after 17 years I’ve stuck myself in therapy. I think my psychologist needs therapy after hearing the things I endure on a daily basis


My mother in law has broken my family. She won... now my daughters wonder where daddy is 😢


Thank god my mother in law has moved over four hours away from us. Best thing that happened in 20 years ….


1: she lived with us for two years . We’ve been together for 3.
2: Constantly.
3: Constantly.
5: She would always insert herself into our activities.
6: Absolutely no boundaries. Trying to run my house in the way she wanted.
7: N/A no kids.
8: Literally every second. She would never leave us alone, constantly expected us to entertain her. Omfg she checks off every single oneeee


My sister in law takes after her mother's "role" in the family and continue their toxic family tradition.


I will get divorced because of my MIL. My husband just doesn’t understand she is the root of our problems.


Never move in with inlaws live in cardboard box 😂😂😂😂😂❤❤❤❤


My mother in law wore a wedding dress to my wedding.

That says it all!!! 😅


My mother in law is divorced and wants all attention of his sons, always tries to control what we eat, how we eat. When to come home, what to buy and so on…


All 8 points describe my mother toward my wife. What do I do?? I am dying inside


My MIL is a crazy b*** 😂😂😂 Thank god my husband knows that and distance himself from his toxic mom ❤


My daughter is getting married in September & mother in law is trashing her to her son. Mother in law has stolen photos from my daughter's cupboards & a blanket. She has a terrible drinking problem & gambling problem. And begs her son for money to pay her debts.
So sad. I feel for my daughter


One time my bf pulled me into his lap on a chair in the living room. She came out of her room shortly after (and there’s no way she saw unless there’s a hidden camera- or maybe she heard it..) she proceeds to sit in his lap and lean back into him “jokingly” before popping back up. HE even said it was weird later on.


My MIL is passive-aggressive narcissist. Triangulated my wife and I and are now facing divorce. Things were not perfect after baby arrived, I think the MIL amplified the negatives and exploited the problems to divide my wife and I


Lol my mother in law tried to get my wife to leave me on my birthday cause she didn’t like me


The ones my MIL doesn't have, my FIL does. MIL is a helicopter parent to her kids and now my kids. Always doing more work than me or my SIL would do for our families, so we look lazy if we don't join her. She says she wants to give us our space, but cries when we don't come visit. My husband is extremely torn between taking care of her, and supporting me in setting boundaries. Every Christmas, he promises we will have a quiet Christmas at home with our kids, and then a week before Christmas, he caves and I find myself dragged a state away to baby two adults who get offended by everything.
They disapprove of lots of ways we are raising our kids, so we have to tell them, "don't talk to grandmommy about such and such". I have to be careful what I post on Facebook, because if they see something they don't like, they will call and tell us how dangerous it is for some reason. (Think Pokémon, dragons, Santa, public school, non-christian friends, etc.)
My FIL is a straight up verbally/emotionally abusive misogynistic narcissist. He has irritated me from day one.
Every time we leave their house to go home, MIL is sobbing and crying, and my husband feels like a bad son.
This past Christmas, (which AGAIN was spent at their house, despite my husband's promises), they asked twice if they could MOVE IN with us. no way on earth is that happening. I will leave if that happens. But they are saying they want to be involved in the raising of our kids, and they feel responsible for the continuation of their name. (Like my kids are pedigree show dogs or something.)
If they move here, they will absolutely be upset by the way we're raising our kids. And they won't like it when I tell them to mind their own business. I want my kids to live a normal life, with normal friends, normal memories and milestones. I didn't have that, hubby didn't have that.
We were both raised extremely conservative Christian, and I'm sorry, but we don't believe that way, and we are raising our kids how WE see fit. I am NOT going to spend my kids whole childhood, doing whatever his parents want. This is a disaster waiting to happen.


I married a narcissist who has a mother with no boundaries. She pretends to be scare of him, just so she can gain control and try to manipulate my son against me. I'm done with all of them


My mother in law let me move into an unused bedroom in her house (my husband-bf at time- moved in this room with me) and charged us 1000 a month. (11 yrs ago) my nasty sister in law would play loud music while my new born was sleeping, she would come home late and when I confronted her it turned into a fight. I called my mom and went to her house. When I was packing my kitchen food (I was not allowed to touch snacks so had to buy my own) my mother in law told me said SIL was moving back in rent free (she rented a basement but I swear it was just for her to hook up with her mans)....tip of the iceberg story


She tried to kill me kicked us out while I was in cancer treatment with fake illnesses when she was healthier than me when we had a room in her house, she refused to clean out the closet in that room and was so mad when the door knob came off because she like coming in whenever she wanted to. She said it was her house. So she had three closets and that wasn’t enough I can go on and on
